The Hoover Dam bypass, which includes the Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, is on schedule to be fully complete and open to traffic in November. The steel box girders, concrete deck, pedestrian sidewalk and roadway barriers are completed, and the pedestrian railing, roadway work and tie-ins are in the process of being completed now. Forecasts indicate that the project will be completed on time and within the original budget.
The bridge will be open on Saturday, October 16th, 2010 to walk on, during which time it will be closed to traffic. Visitors will be able to take photographs and experience the engineering marvel in person. Visit for more details.
Wow, that bridge is awesome. Living in Northern California for a number of years I am not a fan of bridges, & really hated getting stuck on one or under one in traffic, but this one is very cool! Looks like some of the cool stuff they do in China. Is American Innovation making a comeback? I certainly hope so!
I can’t wait to see this in person at some point!
thanks for putting this up. it will be worth going to las vegas on 93 instead of 95
Has anyone read “Wet Desert” by Gary Hansen? It’s a novel about eco-terrorism involving the Colorado River.
Just looking at this bridge gives me the oooh-scary-quivers. I think I’ll find another way around.