McCain v Hayworth: to be decided today

Eyes all over the country will be watching on race in particular in today’s Primary Election; the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Arizona. It’s Senator John McCain, once considered one of the Senate’s most vulnerable incumbents, versus conservative challenger J.D. Hayworth.

There is widely regarded to be a significant anti-incumbent backlash in the country this year, and most observers expect a lower turnout to favor Hayworth, whose voters are viewed as mobilized and activist.

People eligible to vote in today’s primary can do so until polls close at 7 p.m. Voters must bring one piece of photo identification, or two pieces of non-photo ID.

Results can be viewed HERE from 8 p.m.


  1. As a former resident of Phoenix and Tucson, and unable to get passed the Kennedy-McCain Amnesty bill of 2006; I gave $ to Hayworth and hoped that Arizonans will give Mr. McCain a permanent rest from (R) progressive wars; I voted for Palin-McCain and cannot support McCain anymore.

  2. Unfortunately, most people are still asleep. Will we ever learn?

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