Wednesday is Denim Day

The month of April has been designated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the United States. In honor of the victims and survivors of sexual assault, The Colorado River Regional Crisis Shelter is proud to present the Annual Denim Day USA 2011, a campaign to raise awareness and educate the public about rape and sexual assault.
In 1998, an Italian Supreme Court decision overturned a rape conviction because the victim wore jeans, reasoning she must have helped her attacker remove them. People all over the world were outraged. Wearing jeans became an international symbol of protest against erroneous and destructive attitudes about sexual assault.
This day we unite against the sexual assault of girls, women, boys and men. We stand in support of survivors. We break the silence to end sexual violence.
On Denim Day, wear your jeans as a visible sign of protest against the myths that still surround sexual assault!

“We are asking employers to allow their staff to break the dress code and the silence by wearing jeans on Denim Day, Wednesday April 27th.”

For further information contact: The Colorado River Regional Crisis Shelter DVAT Team at (928) 669-8527.


  1. Kin of an odd p[hoto for sexual assault awareness from a domestic violence shelter. Just saying…

  2. Observer- If that’s all you got from the post, then it doesn’t matter anyway!

  3. can we 180degree the photo for a better angle of the ‘artists’ in the pic

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