Knee questions? Seminar Thursday evening

A seminar will be held Thursday discussing the latest techniques in treatment for arthritis of the knee, arthroscopic knee surgery, total knee replacement surgery, sports injuries and more.

The seminar, by Dr. Dan Heiner, will begin at 5:30pm on Thursday, October 13th at Lakeside Orthopedic Institute and Physical Therapy office, at 1016 Joshua Avenue in Parker.

For more information or to RSVP, call Erin at (928) 669-6555.


  1. I don’t mean to sound insensitive to the seminar sponsors but who can actually afford health care in the US today, much less the premiums for insurance, which shouldn’t justify the outrageous costs for service, treatments and drugs? Half of all advertising on TV today, it seems, is by health-care folks looking to cash in on Medicare or Medicaid, a.k.a. taxpayers, none of whom providers harbor any shame for their high costs. URL Pharma, comes to mind, which pharmaceutical has increased the price of Colchicine 50 fold since gaining a monopoly on its drug. Naturally, no one can afford Colchicine, except Medicare, which by law pays for this drug. Now that Medicare enrollment season is upon us, even the insurers, themselves, are trying to cash in on the subsidy, airing adverts non-stop until every last dollar that can be attained, is attained (or “until every last dollar that can be fleeced, is fleeced”). Naturally, we never hear “boo” from otherwise ruminating journalists whose media outlets cash in, too, on the life cycle of taxpayer dollars, fearing alienation of those writing the advert checks. Personally, I think the Wall Street protesters are misguided. They should be going after the health-care behemoths responsible for gobbling up a lion’s share of the GDP — soon to eclipse a full 25 percent of the US economy. And, unlike Apple Computer, not a single widget is ever returned to the economy. If anything is returned to the economy, it’s only the gated houses health care providers have moved into, none of which houses are in foreclosure, at least not until taxpayers finally wise up and end the subsidy spigots that have been used to lavish personal advantage to bankrupt our nation and people, too many of whom are now homeless. Either I’m the only one left who sees reality or everyone else is blind for continually attacking truth as libel and slander. Finally, if I was a Medicare patient in need of joint-replacement procedure, I’d go to a hospital in SE Asia, just so that I could save my fellow taxpayers a lot of money. This reality is the only strategy that will save Medicare from the voracious appetite of parasites who’ve destroyed health care, at least since I have first known it.

  2. Get government out of healthcare and quality will shoot up, and costs will plummet!

    The insurance companies wrote the Romneycare/Obummer mandatory healthcare bill. More proof we live in a fascist country!

  3. So, there are at least two of us left.

  4. Here’s some discussion that backs up your thoughts about internationalizing your healthcare needs, jackal

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