On March 16, 2012, Arizona Governor Janet Brewer appointed La Paz County Sheriff’s Deputy Anthony Nelson to the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board.
The Board was created to address the need for minimum peace officer and correction officer selection, recruitment, retention and training standards, and to provide curriculum and standards for all certified law enforcement training facilities.
The Board is also vested with the responsibility of administering the Peace Officer Training Fund and provides services to approximately 170 law enforcement agencies encompassing over 15,000 sworn peace officers, 9,000 correctional service officers, and 16 academies.
The mission of the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board is to foster public trust and confidence by establishing and maintaining standards of integrity, competence, and professionalism for Arizona peace officers and correctional officers.
The Board is comprised of 13 members, appointed by the Governor. The Board includes one sheriff from a county with a population exceeding 200,000 and one sheriff from a county with a population less than 200,000, one police chief from a city with a population exceeding 60,000 and one from a city with a population less than 60,000, a college faculty member in public administration or a related field, the state attorney general, the director of the Department of Public Safety, and two public members.
Also serving is the director of the Arizona Department of Corrections, an administrator of a county or municipal correctional facility, a city police officer and a deputy sheriff, each holding the rank of patrolman or sergeant.
Deputy Nelson is a 1999 graduate of Parker High School and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Arizona. He began his career with La Paz County Sheriff’s Office in 2003 and worked for the Marana Police Department from 2006 to 2009 before returning to La Paz County and his present position as Patrol Deputy for the District 3 area of the County and advisor for the Sheriff’s youth Explorer Post. He will serve a minimum of a 3 year term on the Board, along with a distinguished group of law enforcement professionals and citizens from around the state.