The dates are set for the first La Paz County adult flu clinics and the La Paz County Health Department has plenty of vaccine. The influenza vaccine will be provided at:
- Parker High School on September 26st from 4-6pm;
- Ehrenburg Fire Department October 3th from 9:30-11:30am;
- Bouse Booster Club on October 4th from 10:00-11:00am;
- McMullen Fire Department in Salome on October 4rd from 1:00-2:00pm.
Clinics for Quartzsite will be scheduled at a later date. Children’s flu clinics will be conducted in conjunction with the area schools.
A ten dollar donation for the influenza vaccine is appreciated for the adult vaccine. There is very little wait time with the Health Department influenza vaccine clinics. The Health Department does not bill Medicare for the vaccine so the lines move quickly.
Each flu season is unique, but Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, on average, approximately 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu. Even though influenza is a common illness, it can have serious complications. Some of the complications caused by flu include bacterial pneumonia, dehydration, and worsening of chronic medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes. Children may get sinus problems and ear infections as complications from the flu. Those aged 65 years and older and persons of any age with chronic medical conditions are at highest risk for serious complications of flu. More than 200,000 persons are hospitalized for flu-related complications each year. About 36,000 Americans die on average per year from the complications of flu.
If you think you have influenza (abrupt onset of fever, muscle aches and pains, cough and/or sore throat), please contact your health care provider for information on how to treat symptoms.