The Hemet Productions short film at the centerpiece of the CRIT-funded “Live: Campaign” premiered to an enthusiastic local audience at BlueWater Cinemas in Parker Thursday night.
Two theaters were needed to hold the crowd that wanted to see the 15-minute portrait of Parker area young people, intended to celebrate the achievements and positive lifestyles of the film’s subjects. Included in the film are Parker Broncs football players, cheerleaders, wakeboarders, musicians, dancers and young people who are good role models for others.
Hannah Harper was the film’s Executive Producer, with producers Pete Sabori and Melissa Wright joining Hemet Productions’ Josh Savino, Joaquin Vences and John Wright to make the film, out of which has also come billboards (which can be seen around Parker this week), radio and TV ads.
Watch the film below. (Can’t see it, or want it larger? Go HERE.)