Fire destroys house at BlueWater Lagoon

A house at BlueWater Lagoon on the river in Parker, AZ went up in flames just before noon Tuesday. Agencies responded quickly but the flames took hold just as fast, and at this time of writing the extent of the damage to the house and surrounding property is not yet known.



Additional photos via Drew C:




  1. Anybody know what street

  2. orlando short sr

    i hope no one got hurt?

  3. Parker Live Updates

    No word on that either way.

  4. Orlando Short Sr

    thanks Parker Live Updates

  5. Jennifer Chrismer Johnson

    Sad. Lucky just one house. They are so close together it could have been more.

  6. Lisa Marie Starr

    It’s not your house Josh Starr. Nor the familys’

  7. Paradise Street. Mr. Iker’s property.

  8. Taylor Gillaspy

    Is that on moonlight Drew D Cochran

  9. Beverly L Bonney

    Michael Stovall Denise Stovall Beth Sawyer Barich Randy Sossaman, just FYI. (I don’t know if you guys see Parker Live page?)

  10. That’s my dad’s house. If anyone sees him please have him get a hold of me. I’ve been trying to get a hold of him….

  11. Amber Bazilius

    425 paradise ln. 3 house down from my old house :/

  12. Randy Sossaman

    Yes Bev but we are on riverfront dr

  13. So sad i was there right after it stated. Help someone across the street. Thoughts and prayers go out to them .

  14. Chris Rowland

    Kimberly Johnson Rowland

  15. Jimmy Roberson

    Chris Hasvold and Lisa Piacentini Hasvold did you see this

  16. Kimberly Loya

    Hope everyone is ok.. We lost our house to fire at Riverland in 2012. It sucks and it takes a really long time, when dealing with the insurance company . don’t give up replace your home.

  17. Tragic loss for the homeowner. Hope everyone was ok! I miss my old home in BWL… hopefully the people who have it know how many memories were made there!

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