“Why Parker?”
Welcome to the first episode of the Parker Livecast, a weekly podcast right here on Parker Live, celebrating river culture!
In this episode, John Wright, Josh Savino, Jimmy Beaver and Melissa Wright introduce themselves, chat about Josh’s hair, the summer monsoon and vehicle fires. The first guest is Mary Hamilton, Director of the Parker Area Chamber of Commerce, chatting about Labor Day weekend on the river. We hear a prank call on former Chamber Director Randy Hartless, and finish up with Naked Weather.
Our poll this week asks whether this summer has been unusually cool.
Listen using the player above! Leave feedback in the comments section below. Coming soon: find the podcast on iTunes and your favorite podcast apps. Please share with your friends who know Parker, AZ.
Thank you for listening!
My goodness that’s a close race for Judge Are those the final…final results?
Not final, Pam. But I’m not sure how much it will change now (course, it doesn’t take much to change the outcome when it’s this close)
Heyyyy Guys and Gall !!!!!!! It was sooo fun! I love Susie at the very first comment. Love to here you great people and talking about our cool home! I want to be on the show soon!
Hi listen~ hehe!
Thanks Brandy!
Trust me, there are people out here. I lived in parker for 33 years and moved to alamogordo nm. 3years ago and still follow parker live daily.it makes me feel like I’m still there in a way. I may come back if I can. I love and miss parker.
Thanks Chris. We’re seeing some great numbers from this first podcast. Thank you for listening and for your message!
and that should have said I listened! Not Hi Listen! 🙂