Parker Livecast #3: “My neighborhood was flooded”


On this week’s episode of the Parker Livecast, John Wright, Josh Savino, Jimmy Beaver and Melissa Wright engage in a wide-ranging discussion, starting with the extend of flooding in Arizona and taking a detour around Josh’s plan to camp out overnight outside a Parker donut shop.

0:12 – “It’s been a wild week”
0:50 – “My neighborhood was flooded”
3:50 – Which new Apple product do you want?
7:10 – Protecting an electrical box with sand and cinder blocks
9:51 – An email from a County Supervisor
12:24 – An email from John’s thermostat
14:56 – Last week’s poll results
16:45 – A conversation about music
18:06 – The Donut Doze-Off rap
26:35 – Regular Weather


This week’s poll:

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Thank you for listening.



  1. Steve Barbara. Is this your car? Lol

  2. mine was worse. i coulda dug that car out. what a p***y lol

  3. I suspect it would’ve been harder when it was surrounded by rushing flood rapids.

  4. How did Josh lose the wait?

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