Spanky’s RV & Marine to move… to the Alewine property


A Parker business with a longstanding reputation for serving the needs of boat and RV owners will be moving to a new location on Riverside Drive known as the Alewine Property.

According to the La Paz Economic Development Corporation and Don and Donna Rountree, owners of River Fever Investments (which runs the Spanky’s store on Joshua Avenue in Parker), Spanky’s has entered into an agreement to purchase 3 parcels of property at the vacant property on Riverside Drive.

The property has a storied history, having been razed to the ground and bought by the Town of Parker in recent years, with a false start to place a Hampton Inn on the property in 2014.

The La Paz EDC’s Skip Becker says the project is exactly what the Town had in mind when it purchased the property for redevelopment purposes. “This project will increase sales tax revenue, it will increase foot traffic to surrounding businesses. Spanky’s will be a beautiful addition to the Riverside Drive area.”

The Rountrees have been growing the Spanky’s business for many years, providing recreation supplies that fit the Parker area’s passions: tubes and towables for river fun, custom ski ropes, boat supplies of all sorts and many supplies for RVs and motorhomes. In expanding the store and moving to Riverside Drive, they’ll be well-positioned to take advantage of the higher traffic volume on the main drag in Parker.

“We are happy that the Town of Parker has gone to great lengths to assure the Alewine Property will be used in a fashion that would be beneficial to the community and its visitors,” Don and Donna said in a statement. “With this opportunity, Spanky’s RV & Marine will be part of what is sure to be a positive growth period for the Town of Parker, La Paz County and surrounding area.”


  1. Lorri Franklin

    You can move – just don’t close! A trip to the river ISN’T a trip to the river without a few trips to Spanky’s!!!!

  2. Lorri Franklin

    You can move – just don’t close! A trip to the river ISN’T a trip to the river without a few trips to Spanky’s!!!!

  3. Tina Rose

    So happy for Spanky’s

  4. Jimmy Hall Sr.

    Man that will sure change the face of parker

  5. Don Rountree

    This will be the vacation store of all vacation stores!

  6. Congratulations, Don and Donna and the whole Spanky’s Gang! A great location for a business that is open 7 days a week and caters to the family experience in our tourist-driven community.

  7. Jon T Schuler

    Good for you guys. When’s ground breaking

  8. Don Rountree

    Not sure Jon, plan on it being open May 2016?

  9. Laurie Wise

    Well, it will probably get more weekender business with more exposure there.

  10. Kelly Goldsmith Mogg

    Super excited for Don and Donna!! It will be amazing!!!

  11. Gary & Sherry Wilcox

    We’re thrilled for our favorite RV Supply store & for our friends Don & Donna!!!

  12. Robert Shank

    Hope it’s not on the rez

  13. Danny Crayton

    I hope prices don’t go up.

  14. Congratulations! Great people produce great things!

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