Town of Parker to perform road maintenance

UPDATE: Work pushed back to begin on May 20th.


The Town of Parker Public Works Department plans to perform road maintenance on various streets, beginning later this month. The work to apply a scrub seal treatment to some Parker roads is planned to begin May 17th May 20th, 2015.

“The work will cause a disruption to motoring around certain parts of our community,” said Tim Edwards, the Town’s Director of Public Works.

Businesses and residents adjacent to the targeted streets will be affected. Work on the entire project is anticipated to be completed at the end of business May 20th, 2015. “We wanted to let everyone know so they might make adjustments that include the hassles that come with road work,” Edwards added.

The scrub seal is a process by which an anionic charged polymer modified asphalt agent is applied to an asphalt pavement surface. This asphalt agent rejuvenates the old asphalt surface and is scrubbed into the cracks and voids with a broom before a layer of small aggregate is applied over the asphalt. The aggregate and asphalt is again broomed forcing the mix into the cracks and voids to form a seal. The seal is then rolled with a pneumatic tire roller. Scrub seal is meant to be used as pavement preventive maintenance. Its primary purpose is to fill cracks and seal the asphalt pavement.

Anyone wanting more information about the road project can contact the Public Works Department at (928) 669-9265. Flagmen may be present along with traffic control signs.


  1. This is good news and the hassles will be worth it! Some of the “roads” in this town are falling apart.

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