Traffic slowed to an unbearable 15 mph as I listened to Hall & Oates sing “I Can’t Go For That” on my playlist. I typically enjoy driving by my alma mater (Class of ’96!), but this morning I found myself growing impatient as the car in front of me came to a complete stop to allow a group of backpacked, smiley faced students all wearing the same t-shirt cross the street towards the next nine months of their lives. School has officially begun and my morning drive must be rerouted because when it comes school zones much like Daryl & John I too, “No Can Do”!

I suppose I should be thankful for the ability to recall experiences from that period of life since the day quickly approaches when all the high fructose corn syrup and nitrates I’ve ingested over the past 30 plus years will undoubtedly give me memory cancer, aka Alzheimer’s.
High school. It was a great experience despite the awkwardness and lack of girlfriends. This school year marks my 20th anniversary of being a senior at Parker High School. Senior year, it’s the final of four that run you through a gauntlet of growth and development and set you down the path towards the rest of your life. Despite turning out “okay” there are times while reflecting when I realized I could’ve tried a little harder when it comes to some things. A perfect example is my attempt at earning language credits by taking Spanish 101 & 102.

During my sophomore and junior year I like many before me had Mr. Castillo as the instructor in my lack luster attempt to become bilingual. The classes were informative, entertaining, and insightful. A perfect blend for the rearing of young minds, but I didn’t take it seriously. Instead, I took it upon myself to learn the profanity-based words and expressions of that beautiful language and commit those to memory instead of beautiful sentences like, “Su belleza rivaliza con la de un recién florecido se levantó en el primer día de la primavera“, or other basic communication found within one of the world’s most beautiful languages. Should I ever be in Mexico and find myself in need of a library I may also in the process insult the individual when asking for “las direcciones a la biblioteca y su madre es muy gordo“.
I know, so confusing. If only I had applied myself a little more perhaps I could be a more valuable asset to not only my company, but also my community. It wasn’t “just an elective”. It was a perfect opportunity to develop a skill that would enhance my earning potential and ability to communicate in a world that has become and continues to be more diverse on both social and professional levels.
Kids, I should’ve paid more atencíon.
Joshua Horatio Randall Kravitz Savino