Parker Livecast #28: One Year Anniversary / Labor Day edition


Recorded live at Roadrunner Floating Dock Bar on a beautiful evening this week, the one-year anniversary edition of the Parker Livecast is a lively conversation ahead of Labor Day, always a fun weekend on the river.

John Wright, Josh Savino and Joaquin Vences sit around a table on the ‘finger’ dock at Roadrunner, talking about some of the things that happened since the last episode of the Livecast, including the ‘sunk boat stolen’, ‘the case of Idiot Rock’, the Bean Pot Hill fire and more. The episode ends when John jumps in the river and floats away.


Here’s a full index of the show’s contents:

0:00 – ‘Why Parker?’ montage
0:45 – Does Josh have gout?
2:35 – Fire on Bean Pot Hill started by kids
4:00 – A boat leaves the dock in silence
5:20 – Josh calls a nearby girl “beautiful”
7:21 – How Bean Pot Hill got its name
8:00 – Boat sunk right at this spot, later stolen
11:15 – A moral about getting things insured
14:15 – Enjoying the outdoor ambience at the river
14:55 – Rain, drought and “Snoqualmie Falls”
16:40 – Giving credit to Suddenlink where it’s due
17:48 – Bob Garland and Idiot Rock – the latest
21:50 – Monsoons haven’t been as potent this year
22:25 – Roadrunner, our great sponsors and Labor Day
24:48 – Dove hunting season just started
26:55 – Is that girl over there single?
27:40 – Some events coming up soon
28:15 – Film commemorating the CRIT reservation
30:30 – John jumps in the river

Find this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and your favorite podcast apps (just open your app, search ‘Parker Livecast’ and subscribe for free to get every episode on your device automatically). Please share with your friends who know Parker, AZ! Thank you for listening.


  1. Great LiveCast!!! Was hoping to hear about Josh’s life saving event on the river. That was an excitring morning at Bass Point!!

  2. True! He became a hero for a moment!

  3. Y’all be careful out there this weekend!!! I was jumped ( assaulted) last weekend by a group of illegal aliens, approximately 10 to 15 of them on one person. So be aware of your surroundings, but have fun. MORE TO COME!!!

  4. Nothing’s changed in the past year

    Same ################## destroying the Liberty and Prosperity of this County,

    With nary a peep from local media


  5. Nice broadcast, good to hear John & Josh, it’s been a while fellas! Keep em comin!

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