Parker Livecast #29: Bernie The Skeleton 911 Call


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Listen here to the 911 call made to La Paz County Dispatch minutes after a snorkeler discovered “human remains” at the bottom of the Colorado River (aka Bernie The Fake Skeleton). That and more on this episode of the Parker Livecast!

We’re joined for this show by Bianca, aka “Bee”, a regular Parker visitor from the Netherlands. Also joining us are Josh Savino and Stephanie live from Oregon with tales of ‘Ninja Coon’, and Melissa Wright joining for a few minutes by phone. Listen here!


Here’s a full index of the show:

0:40 – Meeting Bee
4:32 – Bernie The Skeleton 911 call
12:15 – Bee tries to get to Goat Canyon Trestle
18:42 – Josh and Stephanie live from Tillamook, Oregon
21:05 – Tales of ‘Ninja Coon’
23:40 – “We just saw … a pooping coyote”
24:40 – Three stories of sliced turkey non-procurement
27:23 – CRIT film premiere Friday night at 7:30 pm
30:30 – How to say ‘klaploper’

Find this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and your favorite podcast apps (just open your app, search ‘Parker Livecast’ and subscribe for free to get every episode on your device automatically). Please share with your friends who know Parker, AZ! Thank you for listening.


  1. The skeleton is no longer there….. Sad…..

  2. This was just last week… so it seems they’re still there.

  3. I bet if that skeleton had a political sign against the establishment it would’ve been collected and trashed and the perps arrested and tried!

    And the people would nary a sigh!!
    Know your rights or you don’t have any!

    I gotta admit this is much better than that interview you did with deputy Dufus Lt. Whatshisname.

  4. The idiot that reported them has them on his balcony. He is hopeful to get media attention and a hefty offer from those who have money to burn. He really needs professional he to get over himself.

  5. Are you saying they’ve been moved? They aren’t still there? (Mike saw them a couple weeks ago so it would have to be since then)

  6. Its true, the SKELETONS HAVE BEEN MOVED! They are now sitting on the balcony of MARTY SHOLL. MARTY is the SNORKLER who found them and asked near by residents if he could use their phone to call 911. If you want to see the “now famous” pair of skeletons you can do that while boating near the old Badknocks area. They are sitting upon a concrete style balcony, before Badknocks if your going down river. And after Badknocks if your going up river. Again, the snorkelr who’s name was never reveled by the media, EVER. Is MARTY SHOLL. There Marty, how’s that?

  7. WOW. ALL my comments deleted? Really John??? Freedom of speech prevails!!!! Good for you!

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