Blake School lockdown: suspect in custody


1:45pm- Blake Primary School has been on lockdown for over 30 minutes now, according to reports. Parker Live is awaiting contact from law enforcement for an official statement, but here’s what we know so far: Officers with Parker Police Department are reportedly at Blake school looking for a male subject who was chased to the school grounds. The school was placed on lockdown while officers look for the subject. Sources say the search may take a while, so the lockdown may not be lifted right away, until police know the subject is no longer in the area.

2:00pm- PPD says the ground search is complete, with officers having gone through the school door-to-door. A police helicopter is due to launch shortly to search rooftops etc. and if the subject isn’t found, the lockdown will be lifted. Officers say the lockdown is out of precaution while police hunt a potentially violent suspect to ensure the school is safe.

2:20pm- Lockdown lifted.

2:46pm- Suspect in custody, according to LPCSO. Awaiting PPD statement.




  1. Thanks for letting us know

  2. Stay safe out there Tara Thompson Tiffany Dyer and the rest of u all!

  3. Scary. I hear the helicopter circling over us. ????

  4. Helo flying …. Anything new???

  5. Is anyone else extremely bothered by the fact that a felony suspect can simply get into our schools so easily?! COMPLETELY unacceptable and I hope there are actions taken, starting NOW to prevent such an incident in the future!

  6. I saw the chase from chevron, I saw them headed towards Blake I saw that police were everywhere, Thank you Law enforcement for keeping the parkers children safe.

  7. From the sounds of it police tried to stop it from happening. How do you think it could have been prevented? Being curious, not argumentative (text sounds so critical that’s why I clarify ☺)

  8. Um.. lock the gates??

  9. Law enforcement did a good job in wrapping the situation up quick in my opinion.

  10. That would be a fire hazard at the junior high. We do keep them latched and hard to unlock.

  11. Hi, Mrs. Lusk! This is something I’m going to bring up at the next school board meeting. I hope other concerned parents can voice their concerns as well.

  12. How can you prevent any bad guy from entering a school? Locked gates would for sure be a fire hazard. If there is a fire and no one is able to get out to unlock the gates fire departments can’t get in unless you provide them with keys and that would mean every fire engine would have to have keys in case one engine is on another call and the others have to roll to a locked gated school and don’t have keys. This is the reason Law enforcement has the capability to lock down schools with a quick phone call to the schools office for the protection of our children. Please bring this up in case there is a better answer then what is school policy already. Good luck

  13. Have you ever been to Head Start? Or any other facility with digital key pad? Without getting into too much detail, the locks are integrated with the fire alarm system

  14. They should Have an armed guard with at least a teaser and or certified to carry. Just a thought, every school should have one now a days.

  15. That’s why a lockdown was put in place.

  16. Can someone please explain to me the prevention aspect of a “lock down” like this? It’s my understanding that it’s a measure that’s taken after the fact I’m supporting.

  17. Dusty Wooddell Please know that Blake gates are locked at the bell at 8:05AM, with the exception of the front office gate. In the event of a lock down, staff is trained to lock the front gate as well. The suspect was believed to have hopped the fence, but it was never confirmed.

  18. Thank you

  19. I say everyone involved did a hell of a job keeping our kids safe! I have to share that my 1st grader came home pretty calm and complimenting that his teacher worked hard to keep them safe. He said mom I know she was scared but we were more scared.

  20. Here in Henderson, NV schools have a glass door that has a keypad. In order to gain entry you have to punch in a code. The entry is glass where the front desk personnel can see who wants in. Upon entry we also have to thumb print ourselves in order to get our kids released. Takes all of 15 seconds to do. As a grandparent I feel a lot safer with this type of entry. Some kids have been taken without permission due to a custodial issue. It also prevents anybody from taken a child, or harming an entire school full of kids and staff.

  21. Good job Parker PD

  22. Well, the lock down kept the dangerous person out of the school, so yeah, I think it was a success. Positivity goes a long way. I applaud the school and law enforcement for doing the right thing to protect the kids.

  23. And if a lock down was not the right thing to do, what would you suggest with the funds that the county has?

  24. I’ll be at the next school board meeting for anyone that’d like to discuss figuring it out together

  25. Was not happy to find out about this from a letter my child gave me AFTER the fact this was all done. I feel like parents should be notified about something like this sooner

  26. Jillian, I receive text messages anytime the schools go into lockdown in town. I’m pretty sure that they are in real time because I also get a text when the lockdown is lifted. You should ask office personnel at your kids school to see how to get on that list.

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