To The Editor: Cool Texaco sign stolen right off the side of this house

“We had someone steel our Texaco sign off our house in Big River, I have a picture to post, would love to make sure this thief is found, would you be willing to post on Parker Live?”

-Cool Sign Stolen


Damn skippy. Who’s going to find this cool sign and help the owner get it back? San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office Needles Station can be reached at or by calling (760) 326-9200.

(And if it can’t be found, Texaco should send another one. Hey, that’s free advertising right there. And so is this post, come to think of it…)



  1. Thank you so much!! Its the point, I want to embarass whoever took this off our home!!

  2. This should be a federal offense ! Stealing a Iconic Texaco symbol ! I am a Texaco person myself ! Get them !

  3. cameras next time, this item is probably long gone now

  4. Nah probably just some drunk tweakers lol

  5. So sad that people have to steal what they want!!!!

  6. You have got to be kidding me!!!! Such crap. Hope you find them

  7. So wrong that ignorant people take things that don’t belong to them and trespass in a beautiful community where everyone wants to know their property is safe in God’s country.

  8. The thefts will continue as long as the meth problem continues. You do meth, you steal. It’s really that simple! Recognize the symptoms of meth abuse and deal with it, law enforcement are historians, it’s up to YOU to take care of the problem

  9. damn thats bold , sure make ya feel harmed and to think that someone is that close to ya and ya dont even know it. scary hopr ya find out who and get it back

  10. Most likely taken by a #909er.

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