LISTEN: County officials speak on financial situation

Four officials from La Paz County sat down for over an hour Thursday with Parker Live‘s John Wright live on KLPZ 1380am’s morning show to talk about the financial situation at the County.

Recently elected Sheriff Bill Risen, recently promoted Sheriff’s Captain Curt Bagby, recently elected District 2 Supervisor Duce Minor and recently appointed Interim County Administrator Robert Smith spoke on the live segment about their collective optimism despite the stark fiscal position they find themselves in, and how they intend to go about addressing the situation by working together.

Listen above by pressing the play button. The segment can also be downloaded.


  1. Great job John. A real community service.

  2. Great job John. A real community service.

  3. Wedostupidright

    Propaganda. It’s the jails fault. It’s nobody’s fault we just have hard times every few years. Right. They are gonna furlough over 80 employees to meet the 25% Mark according to the handout at the last meeting. It’s just a bump in the road. I’m sure DL and Holly will fix it if they ever realize there is a bump in the road. Sad sad sad days ahead.

  4. I really liked hearing the optimism of the 4 men as they dealt with this tough situation. Thanks for the openness and transparancy i’ve never seen anything like it here in 20 years.

  5. Why did you guys not put the blame where it belongs, on old administrator and cronies. But good job otherwise

  6. Yes Duce the County employees are much happier. They don’t have the cloud of doom hanging over their heads in the Sheriff’s dept or Jail. They don’t have to walk on egg shells and morale is much better. There’s a commander that knows how to run the jail and a sheriff that comes to work and touches base with the whole department daily. They appreicate the fact that you Duce listen and if you can’t answer their questions you’ll research to find it. The board meetings should be at a better time so more employees can come and more tax payers can come after most working hours. Funny how Duce is the only supervisor to be on this broadcast. Guess the other two didn’t want to answer to their voters. It wasn’t the whole current board who brought all this to light Ms. Baker it was Duce Minor and our new administrator. The other two board members were sweeping it under the rug.

  7. Cheryl- Quick note in response: Duce was the only one of the supervisors invited this time (as the new guy on the Board). I’m certain that both DL and Holly would have come in too if asked, and we may we’ll have segments when they appear in the future. Thanks!

  8. Thanks John for clarifying the reason behind those who attended the broadcast. I know that the other two supervisors have worked tirelessly for years to try to combat the shortfalls of the former administration,, hopefully with a positive outlook and greater community outreach things can be turned around for the mood of all concerned.

  9. I can not speak for Hollly but I know my husband, D.L. For those of you that have your facts, you know D.L. does not sweep things under the rug and I resent people thinking that. D.L. does face problems head on and does not hide from responsibilities. D.,L. is an honest and educated man working hard to make our county a better place to live and work. Read what John Wright said…he was not invited to speak or attend. If you have a question or comment, please call D.L. and ask him, dont rely on untruths. His cell is 575-3068. Thank you. Kelly Wilson

  10. rachele a kelley

    their all corrupt anyone that approves of theft is corrupt, they approved stealing a licensed rv to be stolen and burned for a so called zoning violation, duce minor at the top of the list, and holly for being complicet,just because she doesnt like someone for being who they are. we will see you both in court trying to explain why? as usaul their actions will cost the county plenty.

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