Supervisors terminate Administrator agreement

The La Paz County Board of Supervisors voted to terminate the agreement they had with the firm that provided Robert Smith as Interim County Administrator, citing the high costs and the necessity of filling the position on a permanent basis.

Supervisor Holly Irwin placed the item on Monday’s agenda, saying she “about fell off [her] chair” when she saw the checks going out from the County to the firm, Interim Public Management LLC, based in Fountain Hills, AZ.

“I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s received numerous complaints and concerns with the amount of money we’re handing out to this company,” Irwin said. “We’ve been talking about laying people off and furloughs and whatnot.”

Irwin went on to say she felt it was unfair to pay so much – a reported $20,000 per month – to retain the services of the company that supplied Smith when the County now had “several applications” for the permanent position at the County’s Human Resources Department.

Supervisors D.L. Wilson and Duce Minor agreed, saying they thought filling the position after a 30-day notice period would be appropriate.

Minor added that he didn’t think anybody should be surprised by the amount, as there was a full discussion of costs at the time the firm was hired, to which Irwin responded by saying, “I’m not surprised, but that was prior to talking about laying people off.”

Minor said it turns out to be the County’s own policies that are responsible for delays in Board actions regarding finances, and that that leads to fear of the unknown. He also said the amount of money being discussed on social media is not what Robert Smith personally gets paid, but is the cost paid to the firm itself, “who have a really good gig going.”

The administrative firm was hired after former County Administrator Dan Field resigned following the election of Duce Minor to the Board of Supervisors. Minor had been critical of Field’s performance in the job and had been drawing attention to financial problems at the County during the 2016 election.

It is not confirmed at this time whether Smith will be applying for the permanent position after the current arrangement with the company is terminated, or who else may be in the running.


  1. As long as it’s someone who knows how to balance a budget. And the boars stays on top of auditing.

  2. Holy crud, the folks responsible for the fiscal crisis fire the folks that identify the crisis and initiate the fix. Fire and brimstone next.

  3. now get rid of the golf pro

  4. Why is this article just now coming out? This information regarding the contract is public record. When the “interim” County Administrator was put into place you would think local news would have thought to seek out his contract and see what it entailed. I as a current county employee did just that when I found out we might possibly be furloughed or even let go. This “interim” County Administrator’s first idea to help out with our financial crunch was to immediately go to just that option…who can we get rid of. The point of this entire post, we can get rid of you Mr. Robert Smith. Yes, I know and understand that he is not making the almost $4,000 per week we are paying to the company he is contracted through. I really honestly do not care. That money is being spent regardless. We are also paying for his lodging as well as his mileage to and from his home….in Chino Valley. This information is included in the schedule “A” that everyone is to afraid to post. I applaud Supervisor Irwin for standing up and ending this utter nonsense. I just do not understand why this schedule “a” was never replied to. It was actually on parker area news for a couple days and for some reason disappeared. Why are you local news reporters not disclosing truth? Why are you waiting until it is Duce approved?

  5. Like I said, I am currently a La Paz County employee. I am proud to serve this County and all of us tax payers….because I actually live in this County. Who knows if I will have a job after this, but I am tired of the bullshit. I am tired of seeing Robert Smith in his suit and tie meeting with Duce behind closed doors. I am tired of people claiming transparency and then hiding facts. I am tired of personal agendas. We will never survive as a county with all the high school bullshit that is happening. We are adults. We are public servants. Let your vendetta go.

  6. There is some interesting insight into the former Chino Valley Administrator reportrd by the Chino Valley Review. The article does not depict an individual who possess the ethical capacity to carry this community into the unlimited future, but serves to show the type of corruption this individual is willing to hide and the lengths taken to avoid responsibility. Hopefully this link is shared.

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