Sheriff Risen scores new patrol vehicles from his former agency

The Monterey Park Police Department has sold 3 patrol cars to the La Paz County Sheriff’s Department for just $200 a piece.

Risen worked for Monterey Park, just a few miles east of Los Angeles, for 30 years before retiring in the Parker area several years ago, and says the agency just happened to be rotating out their Crown Victoria model patrol vehicles, and hooked him up.

“They were taking care of one of their home boys,” Risen told Parker Live. “We knew that we were going to be needing some units shortly because they were upwards of 200,000 miles. We also knew the County couldn’t buy any new cars.”

According to Risen, the Department checked on the law enforcement listings for patrol vehicles, but found that as fast as they could be checked the units were being sold because other agencies are in a similar situation with aging vehicles and a need.

“I called up the agency I used to work for, and it just so happened that they were rotating about 5 units out of fleet,” he said. “They sold them to us for $200 a car.”

While the current Sheriff’s Department vehicles are aging rapidly due to the distances they must cover on the job, the Monterey Park vehicles are typically cycled out of rotation at around 80,000 miles, according to Risen.

“Our vehicles keep breaking down so it’s been very difficult to make sure we have enough patrol units to send out,” he said. “80,000 to 85,000 is considered almost brand new to us.”

In addition, because Monterey Park is transitioning away from Crown Victorias, the equipment stayed with the vehicles, including light bars, cages and sirens, which gives an even greater savings for the Sheriff’s Department.

The three vehicles arrived Tuesday and are already being outfitted with radios and getting ready to go.

La Paz County residents and visitors will notice a difference: the new vehicles are black and white, so will look a little different from the current Sheriff’s vehicles on patrol. Only the decal will change, reading ‘La Paz County Sheriff’.

“I’m not going to repaint them due to the expense,” Risen explained, “and what’s the matter with a black and white anyway?”


  1. It’s nice to have connections! Way to save the county money! Thank you!

  2. Good job sheriff and still conspicuous so that a resident who is in need can see them and flag them down

  3. Kudos to Monterey Park for getting this done. This should happen more often rather than auctioning serviceable police units into taxi fleets. Nice work Sheriff!

  4. So they were rotating five vehicles and we only bought three. Why not buy the other two if it was just $400 more? Great job Risen. We should have elected you county supervisor. god knows they aren’t good at their jobs.

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