Parker schools will be open Thursday

Parker Unified School District says its schools will be open Thursday, even while a planned teacher walkout is expected to go ahead. There will be an early release.

“After careful consideration of the impact teacher walk-outs would have on our students and schools, Parker Unified School District has made the decision to remain open on Thursday, April 26,” reads a memo that will be sent home with students Tuesday. “The information we have at this time is that enough staff will be at our schools to safely supervise students.”

On Thursday, schools will be following the PUSD early release schedule, dismissing for the day at approximately 1:45 p.m.

“Our plan is to resume following our adopted school calendar on Friday, April 27. Just a reminder that Friday, April 27 is also an Early Release day.”

Speculation was high in the run-up to Thursday’s planned teacher walk-out, which is planned as a way to protest low education funding in the state of Arizona. Polls show there is strong support for Arizona Educators United’s #RedForEd movement, but it is balanced with districts’ needs to provide a minimum number of instructional days according to state law, and the needs of parents who rely on school schedules.

Every day until the walkout, Parker teachers are continuing to conduct “walk-ins” along with others statewide to show support for the movement.


  1. Wow… so there not participating in the walk out huh….

  2. Many Parker teachers may still participate, but the school district believes there will still be enough teachers and support staff to supervise students at school that day.

  3. As an alumnus of Blake, Wallace & Parker High School, I’m appalled that the teachers & board members in Parker are not standing up to support their student’s future.

  4. If the teachers walk out, I think the kids should walk out next year on the 100th day of school. Thats when the attendance reflects the funding of the schools. This works both ways. Guarantee if a few hundred kids don’t show up on the 100th day of school the teachers will think differently.

  5. It’s going to be an early release day

  6. Teacher Walk Out = We don’t get what we want so we are going to disrupt your children’s progress and your livelihoods for a day and make everyone suffer.

    So an early release on Thursday and then an early release on Friday!

  7. Is just one day people Just like the one day you didn’t make your kid go to school because u may be going on a vacation or something similar to that. They are doing this not just for them self but to be able to get more money to pay for some of the things they buy out of packet to educate our kids.

  8. Mr. Wooddell
    It is not like that.
    All the naysayers are saying “the kids, the kids!”. Everyday in AZ “the kids” are being hurt and shortchanged by a state govt that no longer supports education. If nothing is done now, the education situation in five years in this state will be truly abysmal! The choice is simple. Educators can walk out now in hopes of others gaining insight into the decaying state of education in this state, or, they will walk out to other states that actually support education, leaving an AZ educational system that will rank 49th or 50th on everybody’s list! And then you can say, “the kids, the kids”, because they truly will be hurt worse than they are now.
    IF “the kids” were so important to our elected officials, there would be no Red for Ed, no walk out. The only reason we are hearing “the kids, the kids” from elected officials, is because finally, people are fed up with the kool aid the State has been feeding them, and some have chosen to stand up against it, who really are for the kids!

  9. Every teacher should walk out to support each other for higher pay more school funding so the TEACHERS dont spend there own money! How much does Superintendant, Principal, Vice Principal from all the school here make?? Teachers take YOUR kids and assist in giving them an EDUCATION you don’t give and even life lessons that parents cant give or teach cause they’re to busy. What is the big deal in giving them higher pay maybe if you really think about is that MAYBE the teachers will have an incentive to not leave…Teachers come and go here like clock work. Here one year then gone the next. Support these Teachers!! ✊????

  10. Michael Bailey Every parent that has to take off work to accommodate this event.

  11. well now they don’t have to take off to take care of THEIR kids

  12. Lori Leitzke Lusk Is it not an early release day? Was that not the distributed message?

  13. Hey! There’s ole Jim wood dell back on the ole message board. He shut it down the other day when he was getting hammered by everybody. Lol he didn’t like the way the topic was going so he took his ball & went home. Jim you like to say your piece & then shut it down when it doesn’t go your way.
    Thought you didn’t want pot stirrers posting. Lol.
    Listen to the people. The message is pretty clear.

  14. I’m a grandparent I took my grandchildren shopping because parents work. I thought how fun ,then I looked at the list, it was all the stuff the school’s used to supply years ago,and this happens twice a year, Kleenex 8 boxes Lysol spray 6 large cans, glue sticks,2 large packages markers with a specific brand, scissors, coppy paper 2 pkg 500 sheets, writing paper 2 large packages, crayons good brand, toilet paper, this was coming from 1 child the list went on and figure 24 children in the room, oh but there’s some that cant afford it so to bad for my sons that will tote this bill. That is why schools need money, not just pay increase for teachers. Even if we give them a small increase, the school pay for all they use in a class room. Gov. Ducey we don’t need more hundred thousand dollar charter schools. That look like state buildings, the people that choose to send their children to Charter Schools should be paying for these buildings not our tax dollars, I’m sorry. Governor Ducey but your a real disappointed me. Dont promise for an increase fix whats wrong now, then later give another raise. RED4ED.

  15. Yeah they don’t need to take the whole day off just because their kid gets out an hour early

  16. The kids are already suffering with no Books and limited teaching supplies! Not all parents need to take the day off! Most parents treat school as day care. Most Parents don’t read to their kids everyday or make sure homework get done!

  17. So a parent is inconvenienced by having to be a parent over a cause that is important for the future of education for said chikdren?

  18. So Tim, who are you going to rob to do this?

  19. No Dave, but believe what ever you want. Yu like to say your mind and if someone disagrees you can not handle it.

  20. Who you going to rob to do this David?

  21. Charter schools , do away with the corporate tax breaks that they’ve been given. Prison systems. Tent city works just fine for me.
    Heck just give back what they took from the schools ten years ago. Sales tax to non taxed items.
    There you go Jim, took me five minutes to offer a start to a solution. What do you have for a solution? It’s ok to disagree with me that’s how problems are solved. Let’s hear it.

  22. Ugh….ours is both Friday and Thursday……but I have coverage for both days to home with my babies on those days…, ???? here is to a staycation at home….only there is still laundry ????

  23. He won’t offer anything he just likes to bully people

  24. I know the doing laundry I don’t like lol

  25. He said 20% raise over a few years , It was shot down.

  26. Damn damn! Marana school district I have on voice mail said that. What fricken fracking lackin…… Why. Learn the civics of the justice system to gain what you aspire…..I love teachers and their choice to help children
    …but the e population growth rate is so high they have to build new schools to do wheat the teachers are asking..23/1 percent in classrooms…’s for more money…text books can kiss my ass. Everything Is online..can be copied. Curriculum based for standard dumb as COMMONCORE. SHIT!!!!!!! UGGGGG RANT OVER

  27. David Page Sr. BTW Dave, I did not delete the post you assumed I did. You should get your facts straight before you publicly show your hate.
    You want a suggestion…here’s one: How about ALL people in the state begin to pay state taxes? That there is a great idea that has plagued Arizona for a long time. That would be a great start. I honestly do not know what the answer will be but I know money does not grow on trees. You are willing to take something away from others to serve someone else. I am not.
    As far as La Paz County and me LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE, the weekly wage of the people in La Paz is about $350 lower than the national average. It is $305 lower than Maricopa County. For many, just staying above poverty is a struggle. Every month that struggle is real just make ends meet. Teachers ARE NOT any different than anyone else around here in our area. I am sure we all want to make more money. No one in this County needs a tax increase. No one. I have listened to the people. Last summer, WE PEOPLE were donating water, of all things, to people that did not have water!!! Last summer, WE PEOPLE were donating air conditioners to people that were suffering.
    This one day walk out is pointless and is designed to disrupt and the fact the have to jug the kids around shows just how sick it is.
    The damage control on this is far worse than anything they are going to accomplish. Already, it has divided the people even more.

  28. Jim Wooddell sorry bud but there was no solution in all that rambling.

  29. David Page Sr. I am trying to explain to you that people are struggling and do not need further taxes.

    Note, now teachers who do not agree with the walk out are being noticed. Imagine that! You sure assume a lot.

  30. Well apparently he doesn’t like being called a bully because he banned me from Parker Area News. LOL When I tell people that (and I’ve told a bunch) they respond with…but he is! hahahah

  31. Mr. Woodell
    The State of AZ has already decided who it is going to rob, and it is us, the taxpayers. The $300 million tax cut to corporate businesses this past year for starters. That’s $300 million no longer available for anything. For our schools, for our law enforcement, for our fire protection, and all those other things the AZ State Constitution says our state SHALL provide for. Did you see any price decreases that helped with your personal finances from that tax cut? Or from any other State tax cut? Did Safeway or Walmart or McDonalds, etc, lower prices any in lieu of the tax cut?
    I find it interesting that our local school district, located in what is supposed to be the greatest country in the world, has had to reach out to third world countries to find educators to fill classrooms this year.
    Now before everybody jumps on that negatively, I do NOT doubt for a moment the ability, the professionalism, the dedication, their work ethic and knowledge these educators have. But WHY are we unable to find highly qualified, trained teachers here from our own country? Easy; pay, respect, and support from our state. Because, regardless of what the majority of our state elected officials say, it is NOT about the kids, it is about their own agenda’s, which, Mr. Woodell, do NOT include you and me.
    Jim, I know I am not going to convince you, and you are not going to convince me. However, I wish you a good day.

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