CRIT Chairman calls for unity against coronavirus, says casino will not reopen May 1st

Chairman of the Colorado River Indian Tribes, Dennis Patch, called for unity against the coronavirus Wednesday, saying that CRIT’s order comes in “parallel” with the state of Arizona order, and that entities are more effective when they work together.

In addition, BlueWater Resort & Casino will not reopen on May 1st, contrary to reports, according to Patch.

Patch’s comments come after public statements by the Town of Parker and the CRIT Attorney General taking issue over which stay-at-home orders apply within Town limits, and to whom.

“Doing the right thing is never easy,” Patch said, “and that is especially true as we all work together to halt the spread of coronavirus.”

He described CRIT’s April 1st resolution closing the reservation to recreational activities and closing essential services as being “in an abundance of caution for the health and safety of Tribal members and to assist the worldwide effort to slow the growth of this pandemic.”

Patch said the efforts are working.

“These decisions didn’t come easily but they were made because the only way to defeat the coronavirus is to stand united against it. Our protocols parallel those implemented by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey. When looking at restrictions on this scale, it is important to realize that we are only as strong as our weakest link. When protocols are insufficient and enforcement is weak, everyone suffers.”

Media reports last week quoted BlueWater’s website, saying that the casino had implemented a new cleaning regimen and would reopen to the public on May 1st.

But the CRIT Tribal Council said this week that it is not the time for reopening.

“The Bluewater Resort & Casino will not reopen on May 1,” says a statement from CRIT. “No reopening will take place without a CRIT Tribal Council action, and that action has not been taken. As we all continue to work together, our number one concern during this time continues to be maintaining the health of our community. Thank you.”

Patch thanked all who worked with the Tribal Council to ensure safety.

“We are more effective when we fight this pandemic together, that includes Tribal, town, state, and federal leaders. We may all be social distancing. But we are all standing together.”


  1. Why dont they have the tribal Council meeting get this over with and open the river

  2. So glad to see the tribes taking this seriously ❤ I miss boating, but happy to make some small sacrifices to protect my community!

  3. The tribes should close down borders. Too many people coming in as if this is vacation time. If you’re not a resident of Parker or CRIT Reservation, stay out until it’s all over.

  4. I miss going there but keep them closed for everyone s safety

  5. Jamie Beaudoin no the reason is crit holds the lease in big river and has implemented closure of the river and desert

  6. Michael Towles yes they do but they also lease that land to private entities that are complying with the current California restrictions … no matter our opinion or opposition to such restrictions

  7. Current CA restrictions do not apply to big river that is considered indian territory. Big river is under crit closures Same argument can be made by the town of parker and crit. Unfortunately crit and their rules and jurisdiction supersede all state law.

  8. Great news
    Keep it locked up.

  9. Thank you for choosing life over money. All the politicians would learn from your example!

  10. MICHAELTOWLES… you research… take an IQ test and get your information accurate about the Tribes and Big River…The Tribes govern their own land.. …OMG….its comical….come on out….have some beers and drive your boat while drinking very very heavily…..pack your boat…. do group hugs….dont comply with any..CA or AZ…The Tribes restrictions………..have…….btw..Why dont they have a meeting and just “get over this? Your hilarious,,,,,FYI….The Tribes DID have a meeting…..Their casino and hotel remains closed…uneducated…people amusing…..

  11. Because that’s irresponsible

  12. Dena Lux put down the vodka you swerving all over the place. Here is a lesson folks dont drink and facebook you end up looking like a idiot like our friend Dena.

  13. Open up! Only 5 cases in la paz county.. ..we the people know what to do…and you the tribe did a great job keeping it low from cleaning and disinfecting gam8ng areas…san Bernardino county open lakes today you can open casino too baby steps…

  14. So is the water still shutdown or just the casino? It doesn’t specify.

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