A second person in La Paz County has died with complications of COVID-19

A second individual who tested positive for COVID-19 has died in La Paz County, according to authorities.

The person who died was over the age of 80 and had direct, household contact with the previously announced fatal case in the County, according to the La Paz County Health Department on Monday. The person had been hospitalized and had underlying health conditions.

The case highlights much about what has been learned so far about the coronavirus: that it is primarily, though not exclusively, a risk to those with weakened immune systems, especially the elderly, and those with existing health conditions.

As Arizona begins to look at reopening society and letting non-essential businesses reopen to the public, authorities are considering how to do so in a way that prioritizes the health of those at the highest risk. Some have said that there may be a need for those over a certain age to continue to stay home as much as possible, or for continued social distancing to happen as much as possible while the economy reopens.

Data released Monday morning by the Arizona Department of Health Services did not include the new fatality in La Paz County, but said that Arizona’s total identified cases is at 6,716, the majority of which so far are in urban areas. The total number of deaths in the state stands at 275, excluding the new fatality in La Paz County.

Governor Doug Ducey is expected to make an announcement this week on whether the statewide stay-at-home order will be renewed after it expires on Thursday.

The state announced Thursday that anyone who thinks they could be infected can now get tested.


  1. Thanks for giving more information! Praying for their family

  2. So did he die OF it or WITH it? There is a difference. And the public needs to have true and clear info.
    May he rest in peace and condolences for his family.

  3. So sad!! Prayers for the family & friends ????????

  4. Tana Waller Lesmeister he had it and he died. There is no real need to distinguish exactly how he died. The statistics have shown us that people who have underlying health conditions are more likely to have difficulties with the virus than those who are not.

  5. Katherine Wheatley yes, it does make difference between dying with it or dying because of it. That’s how the death total numbers are being skewed.

  6. Katherine I just think that the public has the right to know because people are scared and unsure. The statistics will change if the cause of death is accurate. He had an underlying health condition that was maybe the cause of his death and maybe the corona virus was a complication resulting in his death. I have a sister-in-law who has it and also has underlying health issues and wants it to be clear that is she passes, that her cause of death was due to her diabetes and COPD and NOT corona virus. So the stats of other related causes of death are not going to be correct either. It needs to be clear.

  7. Kathi Jean Andrews yes exactly.

  8. Kathi Jean Andrews what I’m trying to say this person was not your average healthy person, elderly or not. That makes a person more prone to being sicker and or fatal from the side effects of the virus. Whatever the official cause of death is is probably not specific to one thing, and may even say complications of Corona virus. There are factors in all of it. This person may have got a different illness at some point that might have done the same, but it’s the complications of the disease that are taking lives. Protect yourself so that others can be protected. My thoughts are with this family.

  9. Tana Waller Lesmeister Pennsylvania is just one state going back over coronavirus death certificates and readjusting their covid deaths downwards. It can be a contributor but is not necessarily the cause of death.

  10. We had a person out here in Cali commit suicide. Because he had tested positive for the coronavirus, they attributed his death to the Coronavirus. They are really skewing the numbers for some reason.

  11. Rhemydog Pincher I don’t believe that. Was it someone you knew personally?

  12. No I didn’t know him. Out here the local paper will go into more detail about people that are dying from the coronavirus and if they have any underlying conditions. Mostly their underlying condition is too many birthdays. I just thought it was ridiculous that they added this man’s suicidal death to the local coronavirus death numbers. There is a very interesting video floating around from two doctors in Kern County and they basically said the same thing – they’re being pressured to put coronavirus as the cause of death even though people are dying from smoking for 30 years. ????‍♀️

  13. Thank you “PARKER LIVE” for ALL of the facts

  14. A husband and wife died after becoming infected with COVID-19. They were dearly loved by their family and friends. Of course most people of 80 years+ have underlying health conditions. But COVID-19 took them both within a short time. Details of their personal health conditions are no one’s business and private. COVID-19 affects the body in unique ways. Without this disease hitting them both…who knows…they could have had full and active lives into their 100s. We will never know. All I know is they will not be visiting me at the Quartzsite Chamber when we reopen and my heart is on the ground.

  15. Tana Waller Lesmeister he died of corona virus. His underlying health conditions complicated his ability to recover versus a “healthy” person’s ability to recover.

  16. Rhemydog Pincher because the hospitals are getting kick backs for each death that is contributed to the virus…easily fact checked…check it out!! Sorry for this family’s loss…

  17. There’s no great conspiracy here. The individuals caught coronavirus, their immune systems could not handle it because of age and other pre-existing conditions, and they died, so we’re reporting it as a COVID-related death.

  18. Tana Waller Lesmeister I wonder though, the person has these problems yet was living a decent good quality life, right? So the person would live however long with those ailments, possibly many years. Then the person gets the virus and dies. How can one say the virus didn’t kill the person? At least in a big way? I understand if no underlying conditions. Just wondering.

    Prayers for your sister and your family.

  19. For perspective, Arizona Dept of Heath Services reported 320 La Paz County deaths in 2017 and 317 deaths in 2018. At this rate, about 101 people have died in La Paz County this year regardless of Covid 19.

  20. Jenny N. Mills it just makes me think and wonder is all. This is all a new way of handling a virus that we have never experienced before. Hopefully will not have to shut the world down again for the next virus that comes around. Prayers to all who have contracted it.

  21. They will be missed, a great loving couple

  22. Over 80 with underlying health issues according to La Paz Co Health Dept.

  23. Tana Waller Lesmeister They probably had underlying problems to begin with

  24. Roseann Denise Bennett Hurt they sure are $13k for diagnosed and $39k for death per person approx figures

  25. Tanya Fasanella I have heard that from many sources.

  26. Tanya Fasanella I figure…for a cold…sad

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