Most cases of COVID-19 in County are now connected by a single workplace

CORRECTION: The La Paz County Health Department has corrected its previously issued information, saying that the cases discussed in this article linked by workplace contact are in the Quartzsite service district, rather than the McMullen Valley district as previously stated. The article below has been updated to reflect this correction.

In addition, there is one new case to add, bringing the total connected by this workplace to 14.


A majority of La Paz County’s confirmed cases of coronavirus are now connected via a single workplace in the Quartzsite service district, according to Health Department information.

As of April 29th, the total number of cases of COVID-19 confirmed in the County stands at 19, with 14 of them sharing a single workplace connection in the Quartzsite service district, according to available information. The infected people are working age, with 9 between the ages of 20 and 44, and another 5 within the ages of 45 and 64.

One of the individuals was hospitalized outside the county for treatment and another had household contact with the hospitalized person.

The La Paz County Health Department will not release the name of the business due to privacy concerns.

The remaining 5 cases in the County include 2 reportedly in the Parker area (location not from official data) and 3 others in Quartzsite affecting senior citizens. 2 of the senior citizens, over the age of 80, have died.

Additional tests in Quartzsite are pending.


  1. Great and accurate post, thank you!!!!

  2. So it actually encompasses four or five towns out there not just one small area

  3. Wow, not California visitors?!?

  4. dang not a good sign that they are already getting all confused over their caseload… ????????????

  5. Kathi Jean Andrews why would you say that? it hadda come from somewhere… this is just more of the spread

  6. Kathi Jean Andrews not yet. Let’s see in two weeks.

  7. no, they are all in Mohave Co

  8. Kathi Jean Andrews that’s what I was going to say lol

  9. Tonya Jordan Cervantes seems like so many people are blaming Californians for this virus. It came from China. We’ve all been exposed for months. It is beneath us to demonize our fellow Americans like this. I’ll probably get kicked off this group because I honestly question things without name calling or disrespect, yet my posts are being removed for ‘disrespect.’ No problem. I’m still an American and will practice freedom of speech with or without this Facebook site. Be blessed and stay healthy.

  10. Sounds like this is coming out of an egg farm or other business with a lot of people working together in one place.

  11. I am more concerned that they wont release the name of the business over privacy concerns. Everything else gets throw aside because of this virus but somehow privacy concerns of a business gets a pass? I wonder if they have made the other employees aware? If anyone can give me accurate information please send me a PM.

  12. They really need to let everyone know the name of the business. Either a little store or a restaurant ? or gas station. It should be shut down ?

  13. We need to know the business… im a Hospice nurse and have sick patients in Quartsite.. I frequent the gas stations… fast food and Dollar Store.. sure would like to know if I could be exposed so I dont spread it to my patients!!!

  14. Anthony John Moody Nelson me too!! We need to know the business!!

  15. Kathi Jean Andrews i don’t think anyone is blaming California for the virus…. some locals upset because people are packing our lake and rivers during a shutdown. I say live life as normal as possible. Said this from the beginning.. but not everyone agrees. And I totally agree on the Freedom of Speech statement.. people want your opinion then when you give it a fight starts!
    Stay safe ????

  16. Anthony John Moody Nelson It’s not an open to the public business.

  17. There is only one type of workplace in the described service area with the number of employees in the reported age group(s). It’s not the egg business, as they are in the Bouse area. Since it was previously misreported as the Salome/Wenden/McMullen Valley, you can rule out anything in the western part of the District (ie Ehrenberg) That leaves just one industry. You drive right by them and their housing on the way to Phoenix between Hwy 72 & I-10.

  18. Nancy Nichols it falls under ARS Title 39 public information. Also I got the notification at 930pm when you posted 6 hours prior. I have already discerned the place but it should be known from them not hearsay.

  19. It’s been publicized now. It’s the Saudi hay farm in Vicksburg.

  20. There are now 21 cases in La Paz County

  21. Not once did it mention the state . Media journalist sucks because this comes up on newsbreak all over the US . You know how many states have counties like or similar to this . Most sharing have no idea where this is . A lot of the misinformation is due to reporters copying from other sources changing county names .

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