County officially receives title to solar property from BLM

La Paz County has officially received title to 5,939 acres of land from the Bureau of Land Management to further its economic development efforts.

The County approved an Economic Development Agreement with a company called 174 Power Global to use the site for solar energy that will produce up to 850 Megawatts of energy.

“Our vision is to attract new renewable solar development to this strategic location to diversify our local economy and create high paying jobs,” said La Paz County Chairwoman Holly Irwin. “Less than 6 percent of the land within La Paz County is in private ownership. This land conveyance will increase the tax base so our rural County can adequately meet the growing needs of our citizens.”

Representing the Colorado River Indian Tribes, Dennis Patch voiced his support for the project.

“The Colorado River Indian Tribes is proud to support this project and appreciates the partnership with La Paz County as it engages in meaningful economic development, while still protecting our sacred history ties to the region,” said Chairman Dennis Patch of the Colorado River Indian Tribes. “Now more than ever, western Arizona needs sustainable jobs, so it is my hope that we can work with the BLM to replicate this process and add additional land to our reservation and the County for even more economic development opportunities.”

The investment in the amount of $4,150,000 will bring significant economic opportunity for years to come, according to the County.

“This effort would not have been possible without the direct support of the Arizona Congressional delegation representing La Paz County, led by U.S. Representative Paul Gosar, Senator Krysten Sinema and Senator Martha McSally,” a statement by the County said.

Those federal representatives issued statements of their own about the project.

“Today is a great day for La Paz County,” said Representative Gosar. “Last year, I was thrilled to see my bill, the La Paz County Land Conveyance Act, included in the Lands Package and signed into law. The opportunity for the people of La Paz County created as a result of this land conveyance will bring new economic opportunity, high paying jobs and a brighter future for our state. It is my privilege to represent the people of La Paz County in Congress and I look forward to seeing it continue to grow and prosper.”

Senator Sinema praised the effort, saying, “We worked for years to get the La Paz County land transfer across the finish line, and I am thrilled to see the Bureau of Land Management follow through. This move will spur job creation in La Paz county and protect our public lands for future generations of Arizonans.”

Senator McSally also weighed in, saying, “In a county like La Paz with such a massive federal footprint, sometimes it takes a literal act of Congress to open up opportunities for economic development. I led the effort in the Senate to get the La Paz County Land Conveyance Act passed into law and when federal bureaucracy threatened to delay even further, I pressed BLM to keep their commitment to La Paz to complete the process efficiently and expeditiously. I applaud the hard work of the County Supervisors, BLM and all the stakeholders involved in this innovative economic development effort.”


  1. Would you please publish a map of the area affected as soon as possible.? Interested to know exactly where this is going to occur.

  2. Did you guys want that?

  3. But the local ranchers are being shut out and taken over by this with no answer from lapaz county we need to stand up about this problem

  4. There are no ranches or ranchers on that particular plot. If there were, it would have been part of a grazing lease. There were no leases encumbering that property.

  5. anytime government gets the magical title/lease, someones getting paid. Anytime a civilian is looking for 6Kin land, he gets the shaft, ie; government makes it to difficult to aquire…#corrupt

  6. also, why does the county need 6K acres for this project?

  7. At 9.3 square miles, this solar farm would rival the largest solar farms on earth. I don’t think so.

  8. I love the BLM. If it’s for recreational use it destroys wildlife and the environment. If it’s for solar? Well just go ahead and tear that shit up. Who cares about the environment or the wildlife. Talk about the most hypocritical of all government organizations, and that’s saying something.

  9. The land should never have been “BLM” should have passed to Arizona when we became a State. Feds should not be in states.

  10. 100% agree it’s all bulshit

  11. Haha. Like having enough space was the problem for them? Interested to see how this gets corrupted like everything else in that town

  12. There are corrals right in the middle of it. No ranches or ranchers??

  13. People keep saying there are ranches or ranchers there. I can’t post photo’s here, but aerial photos show NOTHING on this property. No corrals, no livestock, no water catchments or troughs, NOTHING. Plus, if there were active grazing leases, it could not have been sold. If there were NOT any grazing leases and livestock was present, the ranchers/owners would be stealing from us taxpayers by illegally grazing on Federal land without authorization.

    I have evidence there is NO activity on this plot. If someone has evidence to the contrary, please put it up.

  14. More corruption without any control by the residents of LaPaz. Ruining the Arizona Outback!!!

  15. Here we are. BLM refused to approve the lease to this private company on environmental grounds. BLM offered them other suitable locations it had established. So what happened? The county got with member Gosar to hijack the process by submitting a bill which would allow the county to buy this land, which passed and signed into law a couple of years ago. The county must pay for this land, which takes us back to Prop 401 where the voters approved to allow the county to spend millions without any specific purpose. The state constitution forbade the county from spending that money without voter approval. As I pointed out then, because there was no specific purpose, these monies could be used as a slush fund. It’s no coincidence that the amount of money is almost identical to the amount the county has to pay for the land. So what about the land itself? The county claimed that the land was needed to sell/lease to a private solar company after BLM denied their lease. The county claims it will increase jobs, etc in La Paz County. Folks, the land is 39 miles east of Quartzsite on I-10. There is nothing out there. There are no local companies which would build the solar farm nor support it’s function. Yes, it is possible that the tax base might increase IF the county does not offer a subsidy to the company (if it actually exists) to build on land the county was able to buy from the American people. This whole thing smelled from the beginning and the county took full advantage of the ignorance of the voters and electorate in general. This would have been stopped dead in its tracks.

  16. Where is this supposed to be located?

  17. Allen Nelson that is not true

  18. It’s ranch lease land

  19. There are corrals and it’s right in the middle of leased land

  20. The county should have been in contact with the local ranchers from the start of this but they must of overlooked it haha good old lapaz

  21. Star Soldiers BLM refused to approve the project and MacDonald said so in testimony before the Senate. It was La Paz County who got with member Gosar and he wrote the bill to snatch the land away from BLM and sell it to the county.

  22. Alan Nelson do you want a ride out to see it? The rancher has offered to show you.

  23. Kari Avila, that’s not necessary. and aerial photo of the entire plot with the “ranch” will suffice.

  24. 147 Power Global is an foreign owned company. An affiliate of the Hanwha Group. Does Green Energy get tax credits? Does La Paz County exempt any amount of assesed taxes on that property? Does La Paz County pay property taxes to themselves on property they own? Is La Paz County in the real estate leasing business? Is it a reasonable assumption that the profits from the energy produced will go offshore?

  25. I am wife of the rancher. This absolutely took part of the cattle ranch.

    Darla Weisser

  26. Currently the County and schools are not receiving any Taylor Grazing Fees, as BLM is not leasing any land, according to records.

  27. I believe it is south of I-10 between Hovatter Rd. and the Maricopa County line.

  28. Part of the ranch IS indeed on BLM lease. Some State lease.

  29. Lapaz has lots of lease cattle land you need to check ur info Jacque price

  30. My name is Ron Drake and I am the La Paz County Administrator. I’ve been in the center of all of this for three years. If any of you would like to talk to me about this project or anything La Paz County, please call the office and ask for me. I can be reached at 928-669-6115. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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