Vaccine rollout extends to age 75 and older, 1000 available

The La Paz County COVID-19 vaccine rollout is extending to those age 75 and older, with appointment dates for 1000 vaccines on January 27th and January 28th.

500 vaccines will be available at the Quartzsite clinic on January 27th from 9am until 1pm, and another 500 vaccines available at the Parker clinic on January 28th from 3:30pm until 6:30pm. The Quartzsite location is the QIA Building at 235 East Ironwood Street, and the Parker location is Parker High School Alumni Hall.

Photo ID, insurance card and a mask are required, though insurance is not needed to receive the vaccination.

Appointments are required and lines are open on Thursday, January 21st and Friday, January 22nd.

La Paz County is currently in Phase 1B.

For more information about the vaccine rollout in La Paz County, go HERE.


  1. Is this for local residents first or snow birds included

  2. Tried calling the number all day and it doesn’t work!!

  3. Eduardo Calderón I heard it was first come first serve. Tried calling the number for Parker and it doesn’t work!

  4. yummY vAccineEZ

  5. Disappointed with lack of availability to all of LaPaz Co. Why so few vaccines for Covid19. This is a high 65 and over county.

  6. Not enough Covid19 vaccines for LaPaz Co. Very disappointing. What are our elected officials doing about this?

  7. There is not enough supply of vaccine anywhere. I am 80 years old and still waiting for availability in the most infected county in Washington State.

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