During a Josh Savino’s The Little Bit More Show last week, Josh announced he might have a problem. He wondered if he is addicted to the Internet and especially Facebook. Josh said he found himself checking Facebook during movies, conversations and even while he was driving. Okay, he was stopped at a red light, but still! Josh may have touched …
Read More »Columns
Wally Torres
My wife and I were in the garage the other night looking for something when we heard a high-pitched and very distressed meow from what was obviously a kitten. Either that or a very distressed adult cat with a high-pitched voice. No, this was definitely a kitten. So we start tearing the garage apart to try and find the kitty …
Read More »Does La Paz County need a farmer’s market?
by Katie Turnbow Guest Op-Ed DISCLAIMER: This post totally represents the ramblings in my mind and in no way reflects my very awesome employer. The county health department (for whom I work) is embarking on a project that will look at what the health needs of the county are and how we, as a community, can help create a healthier …
Read More »4th of July: On America’s Greatness
Happy 4th of July! The premiere episode of Aaron Sorkin’s new drama series The Newsroom (HBO) opens with a real bang. It does so by sacrificing a sacred cow held by many Americans: the belief that the United States is ‘the greatest country in the world’. This idea is so commonplace as to be ubiquitous. It isn’t enough for most …
Read More »Limericks
Josh threw down a challenge last Friday for me to write some limericks. This website being mostly G-rated, I tried to keep these clean. Enjoy! There once were two lads on the air And one of them went to the fair He rode all the rides And tossed his insides So much for his nice pizza fare. There once was …
Read More »The cure for jet lag
After being home in Ireland for a couple of weeks, I flew into LAX on Friday and drove to Parker, ending 20 straight hours of traveling. The trip usually takes it out of me, and requires a few days recovery time. But I’ve discovered the cure for jet lag: the Parker Tube Float! Following the 20-hour marathon across the skies …
Read More »Automotive Adventures
I won a gift certificate from KLPZ’s You Call it Friday contest for a free four-wheel alignment from Bradley Chevrolet in Parker. My Sable eats tires and I knew it needed an alignment. I called and made an appointment and limped the Sable 30 miles to Parker. I surrendered the Sable at the service desk and was banished to the …
Read More »The Importance of Hookups
Camping season in Quartzsite ends April 15th. The BLM closes their lands and it is time for RVers to move along. I had no idea where to go next so I pointed my rig north and followed all the red, white and blue license plates to Idaho. I learned there are primitive forest and desert areas that allow dry camping, …
Read More »Odd business practices
During my RV travels I landed at a small resort town near a big lake. An odd town, home-town hick-ish but with big-city chain retail stores. Everybody wore swim suits — everywhere. I visited an electronics store seeking batteries for my radio. Scantily-clad, tattooed people stood around chatting. I wandered every aisle and came up empty. I went to the …
Read More »Music
Music means a lot to me. Maybe too much — I have to have it at all times! If a song catches my ear I will remember forever where and when I first heard it. When I landed in Quartzsite as a boondocking RVer — no electricity; no television — I bought a little radio that pulled in two FM …
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