As you may or may not have heard, John Boehner announced that he would resign as Speaker of the House at the end of October and it was speculated that Kevin McCarthy was favored to take over the position. However, McCarthy announced that he was not going to seek the position, throwing the mainstream media into a frenzy of speculation …
Read More »We The People
National debt, historically speaking
Our country began in debt. In 1776, the most important task facing the Founders was to win the Revolutionary War. If they had lost, the leaders would have been executed for treason. As Benjamin Franklin said “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately,” As we have all seen over the past decade, wars cost money, …
Read More »The American Dream in the Land of Labor
Though the Founding Fathers never called their vision for our country “the American Dream”, the idea stems from the Declaration of Independence and is embodied in the phrase “all men are created equal” with the right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” When they spoke of Liberty, they didn’t mean just religious or political liberty, they also meant …
Read More »The Electoral College explained
On November 6th when you cast your vote for President and Vice President, you will not actually be voting for the person listed as the candidate for that office, you will be voting for the list of ‘electors’ for that office. In Arizona the list consists of 11 names. The 11 electors who win the Arizona vote will be given …
Read More »Today’s election is not a primary
Today is Arizona’s Presidential Preference Election (called the PPE by election officials). This is NOT the primary election. The primary election will take place on August 28th and will be open to ALL properly registered voters. The election being held today is a preference election and is strictly for Republicans and Green Party voters. The purpose of this election is …
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