Sheriff’s Explorers go to work in Salome

On October 16th, 2011, the La Paz County Sheriff’s Explorer Post #516 participated in its first “Taking Back Our Community” Event. With the help of Sheriff’s Deputies, the Explorers worked to clean up and paint over gang graffiti which has recently surfaced in Salome. The Explorers sent a clear message that the community belongs to its residents, not the gangs which are surfacing in the Salome/Wenden Area.

Law Enforcement Exploring is a career-oriented program that gives high school students the opportunity to explore a career in law enforcement by working with local law enforcement agencies. The La Paz County Explorer Post #516 was founded in July of 2011 and is available to students of Salome High School. The program focuses on community service, integrity, and professionalism. It was founded to provide educational and career opportunities which would be otherwise unavailable to the youth in the rural areas of La Paz County.

The La Paz County Sheriff’s Explorers are funded 100% by community donations, and the Deputies and Community Members who work with the program volunteer their time. If you have any questions or wish to make a donation, inquire at the Sheriff’s Office Administration at 1109 Arizona Ave in Parker, or contact Deputy Robert Brady at or Deputy Anthony Nelson at .


  1. Fortunately for the bangers they didn’t do it in chalk, otherwise Herr Gilbert would’ve caged ’em by now! (And we wouldn’t have indoctrinated all of the young police state lovers minds. Google Hitler Youth!)

  2. i applaud the sheriff’s department explorers for their commitment to a safer community. It’s too bad that the district supervisor doesn’t feel the same way! Those buildings have been there for decades, housing primarily migrant workers from mexico. Since the border issues have finally come to the surface, those buildings have been vacated. Not to mention the rotten living conditions there. How come the property owner isn’t cleaning up the property??? Why is it left to the kids??? Why isn’t the district supervisor enforcing building codes and forcing the property owner to either demolish or restore that garbage to reasonable conditions??? Again, failure on the part of the board, but I’m not surprised! She is more concerned with her husband keeping his “park ranger” position at $55,000 plus dollars a year. After all, Cibola property isn’t cheap!

  3. OK, I get you now. You are going to run against Holly. Good luck with that. Remember, all government is violence/force!!!

  4. Without government, anarchy and chaos run amuck, leading to death and destruction, which is an historical fact! Human beings are unable to live peacefully and successfully without being governed by a higher power. The problem lies with what kind of government the people are subject to. Most governing entities, like La Paz County for example, are greedy and self serving, with little concern for the majority, focusing primarily on special interests and striving for re-election. They soon forget that it was “we the people” that elected them to begin with. And no, I am not going to run for Holly’s position, though someone responsible certainly needs to!

  5. I don’t buy the anarchy argument. It’s not a historical fact at all. All one has to do is look at all of the wars of the 20th Century to see that it was government that was behind all of the death and destruction. ( I think something like 200 Million people were killed by governments in the 20th century alone) I’ve travelled a fair amount and wherever there was extremely limited government, people took care of themselves. And wherever there was very visible government the people were bullied, over-taxed and over-regulated and stifled at every turn. Name one thing the government does that is not done by force, or threat of violence. If we are ever going to get our freedoms back in this country we need to cut government by 90% or more. I’m governed by a higher power but it’s certainly not someone who won the beauty contest, I mean an election.

    Ron Paul 2012
    Freedom In YOUR Lifetime!

  6. The Explorers have done a great job cleaning up these buildings, hats of to them and Deputy Brady for all his hard work he has put into these young men/women.
    I agree with the fact the BOS should of taken this job on themselves. Michael, Chief Gilbert has nothing to do with Salome which is the location this all took place. Please keep you antics about him on the right story lines!

  7. wildoneofryou, you live your life and I’ll live mine. I know I’m controversial, and I rub you the wrong way, but all I have ever really tried to do here was wake people up to the disasters of government, and try and have fun along the way too. If that’s too much for you, don’t read my stuff. Go away.

    And remember to Google Hitler Youth, indoctrinating the youth to the police state will end in disaster. There are other ways of getting the kids involved. Nothing against the Sheriff’s deputies personally, but professionally their job is to secure our liberties, not paint walls.

    1 Marine VS 30 Cops below. (too bad we didn’t have a few good men like this on QPD!!!)

    If this had happened in Quartzsite, Gilbert and his thugs would’ve jailed this bro….

  8. First of all YOU DON’T GET TO TELL ME TO GO AWAY! How did you like that? Cuz that’s just how you treat others who disagree with you. You pretty much rub everyone the wrong way Michael you think by saying all your blah blah blah blah crap about every little thing Gilbert does is going to wake people up? Your talking is putting us to sleep, Gilbert will leave someday sure not soon enough and you’ll be saying your blah blah blah blah at the next chief down there as you will our next Sheriff.

    This explorer group is very good for the teens, keeps them off the streets selling or smoking dope, something the parents can’t seem to teach them. the police state is in your mind because you choose to see it that way, not all cops are like Gilbert. And for your information smarty pants, the police only enforce the laws that the government makes. So wouldn’t this be a government state not a police state.

  9. HAHA I love jerking the establishment’s chain! All I did (for the first time ever) is do to you what everyone who violently opposes new ideas around here has done to me, and you hit it hook, line and sinker! Tee Hee.

    Putting you to sleep??? Don’t you have to be awake first for that to happen?

    Justify your police state love all you want. But if I am able to wake up just one person on this blog to the idea of freedom and liberty, I’ll feel like I have been successful. If you never wake up, it’s your problem, not mine!

    Here, I dare you to watch this and see for yourself what happens to people who try to change the system. They run up against people like you. Eventually you’ll see the light, or you won’t!!!

    P.S. If police only enforce the laws government makes, then how do you explain all of Gilbert’s illegal arrests???

  10. I’m aware of his stupidness, the world wasn’t made in one day, Gilbert will be out of a job and like I said you won’t like the next police chief nor the next elected sheriff because you Mikey don’t like cops at all well thats your problem, I know all about what has gone on in QTZ all about your and Jennifers arrest I never said they should of happened.

  11. How do you know what I’m going to like in the future? Are you God, or do you just play Him on this blog? You know NOTHING about me. I like cops, not BAD COPS like Dilbert. (Patterson and Fabby are also on my shit list! You got a problem with that too?)

  12. I don’t Glbert or his brown nosers either, so you mean to tell me if a good cop pulled you over and gave you a speeding ticket you would ok with that? I watched the link you posted, What Mike was doing is great to bad we all don’t build homes like that. Sure he made mistakes which he learned from. One guy told him he could do things then this guy died and someone else took his place and said no you can’t, did he have any kind of written agreement stating he had any kind of approval to build the way he was building? As I said I liked his way of thinking and the homes he built were just awesome, things have to be done the right way. I know our government is messed up and yes there are some bad cops in this world. My point on this blog is simple Gilbert has nothing to do with Salome, so why Mike, why do you have to drop his name on every single blog you write on? You think of him that much? Would it kill you to just drop his name on the blogs that are only related to his stupidness?

  13. I’ve gotten speeding tickets in the past, why would I get mad at the cop when it was my foot that did it?

    But when a cop writes you a ticket for a few miles over, or it’s an obvious speed trap, or the cop is lying, and I’ve had a few of those, those I bitch about and try to fight ’em. Does this make me unAmerican too???

    Fact is, I don’t write about Gilbert every single time I post. And I’m not going to drop it until justice is served. And I’m not going to slow down because “the world wasn’t made in one day”. Gilberts thuggish behavior didn’t start when I rolled into town either. I hate to break it to you here but Gilbert’s stupidity (we prefer to call it criminality) is rarely reported, so it’s up to the people to do whatever is necessary to shine the bright lights of truth wherever they can be shown. That’s how you effect change. Never once has a change been made by just sitting down and shutting up like you and so many others demand, it just doesn’t work.

    Would you have arrested that Marine in 1 Marine VS 30 cops link I showed you above? I’ve been arrested for much much less AT TOWN HALL, the place ALL Americans are supposed to have a voice, just not in this nazi cop town.

    So no matter how much you don’t want to hear about this, or other government insanity, I’m going to continue to speak out because it’s the right thing to do.

    If you were on the receiving end of this criminality, maybe you wouldn’t be so apathetic about the police state.

    P.S. Above you said “things have to be done the right way”. So the government, if they pass a law, it’s automatically the right way? I think MOST laws are bad and are only in place to protect a specific special interest. Take mandatory insurance laws. Americans were sold that load of crap under the pretense that if EVERYONE had insurance, costs would go down or stay low, how’s that worked out for you? Insurance companies wrote those laws, what could possibly go wrong with that??? Who do you think wrote the law for Romneycare, I mean Obamacare???????? If they passed a law that said all jews must wear the Star Of David, good idea?

    Vote Ron Paul 2012
    Real Freedom In Your Lifetime!

  14. Follow-up to 1 Marine VS 30 Cops

    We need more Americans like this to stand up and be heard!

  15. Speaking of a real American…

  16. Walk the line song.

    Any Johnny Cash fans here? He’d approve of this…

  17. BEST SIGN EVER at the 2:03 mark of the Johnny song above. It directly applies to this county

  18. The 1:23 mark sums it up. A close second place, maybe tied for first, best sign ever!

  19. I can not believe how you can take what these kids did and turn it into such political garbage that includes everyone on here. These are young men and women who have pride in there community who wanted to take a stand against these people who think they can come to our town and spread there garbage. I am a very proud parent to one of the kids who by his choice gave up 4 hours of his time to do this.
    This has nothing to do with the BOS. I believe no one even asked her about it because some of us wanted to get rid of it ASAP. As to the owners they were told by the county several years ago to clean up the place and to board up all windows and doors and he did comply with the county. They also provided the kids with all the supplies to do this. This is called community service people, these kids are not forced to be a Explorer they choose to be one, those kids were not forced to go paint they choose to. This is people turning something good into something that they can use to benefit there political actions shame on you. This is our youth of Salome trying to do what they feel is right. Remember this is a Salome not Quartzsite so keep keep your garbage in your own back yard.

  20. Does community service mean you have to join the Police State? Sounds like Hitler Youth to me. The Hitler Youth thought they were doing the right things by the community as well.

    You like your tax dollars going to pay police to paint for you? Personally, I like to see this as this distracts them from the more important things like writing speeding tickets. Were you there painting as well?

    If these kids are altruistic, as you claim, why did they need to team up with Law Enforcement? Does everything require teaming up with “the man” nowadays.

    And fwiw, when I was a kid in High School I had two classmates that worshipped the cops, most of their life they wanted to be a cop. I thought it was weird. But after high school it became obvious. They both beat their wife, they sold and took drugs, they had sex with teenagers from High School (Hasn’t this happened in Salome already?) And about 15 years into their career they were fired because the citizens stood up to them.

    Lord Acton had it correct when he said “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”

    If I had teenage kids I’d teach them a trade or something, anything other than police state love.

    Wake up mom! How do you think you got gangs in the first place?

  21. ##### please no insults. -J

  22. ######

    So, did you paint over the graffiti with your kid, or did you just send them to the indoctrinator’s and hoped for the best?

  23. “A habit of thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right” – Thomas Paine

  24. Mike- I have to agree with salomefrogmom on this. ‘Hitler Youth’? Really?! Not everything plays into creating a ‘police state’. You should pick your battles. There was nothing sinister about this whatsoever and the kids should be congratulated for helping clean up their community.

    Thanks to the Sheriff’s Department for adding this press release.

  25. Yes, John. Hitler Youth. I don’t have anything against the kids doing this, and I don’t have anything against the cops either. I just think everyone’s priorities are misplaced. If mom wanted to teach her kid to be altruistic and be a good citizen, then they should’ve coordinated it with a few other parents and did it themselves. Why does everyone go to the government to get things done nowadays?

    How do you think we got this police state and gangs in Salome to begin with? Parents need to start parenting and stop depending on people with fancy uniforms and titles to teach their kids right and wrong.

    Fascism and the police state happened because people didn’t fight the little battles, when they had a chance, and now we have a monster of a big government problem and probably no chance of avoiding a collapse of our way of life. My fear is that now we have 2 or 3 generations who believe government is there to help you, and when times get tough(er) they will beg the ones who created the problem to help them. And what will come after that will be worse!

    How was a documentary about Hitler Youth an insult John? If we don’t learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it. You did a disservice to your readers by deleting that documentary. ALL of those youth regretted what they did later in life. You just deleted a great learning experience.

    Not only can it happen here, IT ALREADY IS!!!

    Take the red pill John….

  26. Mike, I just think it’s insulting to the kids who did this and what they’re learning from it. This is a positive story. I think we may have to start an open thread somewhere where we can talk police state, cause this isn’t an example of it!

  27. It’s indoctrination John and we shouldn’t be teaching the kids like this. There are better ways.

  28. Thank you salomefrogmom, and John.
    I tried to tell him we were flat tired of his antics over Jeff and a police state. Michael contradicts himself, he claims he only dis-likes bad cops but bashes these hard workig explorer’s and Deputy Brady who is in charge of them and neither the teens or Deputy Brady have done a thing to him ever. Yes Mikey we all know how you hate Gilbert and his bad cops. I too don’t care for them and hope they will soon be gone. This story isn’t about them. BACK OFF! Give these teens the respect they deserve for doing such a good thing for their community.

  29. Buzz Off! I never said I had a beef with these cops, or the kids. Critical think much?

  30. Yes you do Michael did you not type this?

    “I just think everyone’s priorities are misplaced. If mom wanted to teach her kid to be altruistic and be a good citizen, then they should’ve coordinated it with a few other parents and did it themselves. Why does everyone go to the government to get things done nowadays?

    How do you think we got this police state and gangs in Salome to begin with? Parents need to start parenting and stop depending on people with fancy uniforms and titles to teach their kids right and wrong.

    Fascism and the police state happened because people didn’t fight the little battles, when they had a chance, and now we have a monster of a big government problem and probably no chance of avoiding a collapse of our way of life. My fear is that now we have 2 or 3 generations who believe government is there to help you, and when times get tough(er) they will beg the ones who created the problem to help them. And what will come after that will be worse!”

    “Does community service mean you have to join the Police State? Sounds like Hitler Youth to me. The Hitler Youth thought they were doing the right things by the community as well.

    You like your tax dollars going to pay police to paint for you? Personally, I like to see this as this distracts them from the more important things like writing speeding tickets. Were you there painting as well?

    If these kids are altruistic, as you claim, why did they need to team up with Law Enforcement? Does everything require teaming up with “the man” nowadays.”

  31. Yes, and your point is????

    My point is we shouldn’t run to the loving arms of the government to fix all our problems. (Because they are the reason for MOST of our problems) If that was my neighborhood, and I’ve done this before, I would’ve bought 5 gallons of paint and took my kid out there on a Saturday and done it together.

    Teaming up with cops or others with titles and uniforms teaches the kids that they should count on others to take care of their neighborhood, instead of themselves. And where were the parents?

    I suppose you like the DARE program too. This terrible program teaches kids that if they see MJ or any other illegal drugs in the house, to call the cops. This is wrong because the kids should talk to the parents. Do you know how many parents have kicked their bad habits because a kid cried to mom or dad to stop drinking or drugging?

    Once the cops are involved, because of all those wonderful laws you love, now you’ve got CPS involved. Then the courts get involved. Maybe the family will be split up and the kids put into foster care. Do you know the hell lots of kids go through in foster care? But the government schools bring in these DARE officers who tell the kids to call them instead of talking to their family and next thing you know the ENTIRE family is going through a legal nightmare.

    Again, I think it’s great these kids did take time to do this, it just would’ve been much better if the parents took the initiative and did it with their kids.

    Parenting not indoctrinating!

  32. How timely! This appeared in my in-box today…

  33. Good article, and Lew Rockwell is great. But – again – that has nothing to do with the above article! What about that open thread? If I were to post an open thread once in a while, would you use it instead of on threads like this?

  34. Thankyou John and wildoneforyou. Mr. Roth I will start by saying i am sorry for calling you a I####, but do not bring hitler into painting over some graffiti. Again the TAXPAYERS did not pay a penny the OWNER provided all the paint and supplies needed. If my son would of asked me to help I would have but this time of year I work 7 days a week. The people who did all of the graffiti are not locals it only appeared after the migrant workers moved in beside the buildings.
    Now as parents we have taken our son camping fishing and hunting since he was 6 months old, raced motorcycles since he was 7, been active in 4 – h since he was 9 played sports in school since he was 10, has been a cadet with the fire department for 3 years, and now a explorer, my son is drug and alcohol free. So call me a bad parent because I did not call other parents to go paint over the graffiti shame on me!!!
    You no my son read what you wrote before I did, he was not mad just thought it was kind of stupid for you to make the comments that you did.
    This will be the last you here from me on this topic cause I don’t have the time to waste on your madness. After I wrote the first one my son told me “mom I wouldn’t waste my time answering back because he is a person who lives to find the bad in everything he never looks for the good and he is one who will always have to have the last word.” The wisdom of a 16 year old, I should have took his advise! So go ahead and pick away and I will read and laugh cause what you write has no importance to me because I no I am a good parent and has raised a good son and he will continue to do the right thing for his community as a teen and into his adulthood.

  35. Yes, kids at 16 years old usually have it all figured out!!! I’d hang onto his every word if I was you.

    I’d like to see where I called you a bad parent. (Your spelling and grammar sucks but I don’t believe you are a bad parent. Congratulations on raising a fine young man)

    And did the friendly law enforcement fella work for free that day?

    John, the only open or ongoing thread I think you should post is on La Paz County corruption. Let people anonymously post things they see and their feelings about it. Let them freely talk about politicians, law enforcement, judges, lawyers, code enforcement, assesors office, etc., anyone connected with the police state system.

    Remember when you banned me and you told me it was because of the general concensus? That’s called Tyranny of The Majority, or Mob Rule. The worst thing you can do is to muzzle words. Especially because it annoys a few people. That’s one reason why La Paz County got into the mess it’s in, hence Parker Pioneer. After all, they are just words. If people are uncomfortable with them, they should look inward and ask why they evoke such an emotion in themselves.

    Until people wake up to the reality that we DO live in a police state (and police state doesn’t mean bad cops folks. Google, youtube or wikipedia Police State) we are going to have to have these discussions whether people want to hear them or not, because a police state will always GROW unless people do something about it. Don’t hate or try to box out the change agents, otherwise it’s going to be worse later!

    Last week a prominent local business person told me that she reads all of my stuff here. Which surprised me because I always thought she was “on the other side” or “riding the fence”, so I asked her what she thought about what I was doing here, and she said “I think you tell the truth and it scares people, it scares them to think that what they believe can possibly be wrong” I told her that YOU get a lot of flack because of me and you’ll probably ban me again, and her exact words were “that would be terrible.” But you’ll never hear it from her though. You mostly hear from those that hate uncomfortable truth’s.

    Hey mom, did your son see this?

  36. Deputy Anthony Nelson

    This was two weeks old by the time i read this far down the thread. But just in case anyone stumbles upon it, I wanted to clear something up. I won’t get into the politics, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just want the facts to be straight.

    You asked “And did the friendly law enforcement fella work for free that day?”

    Yes I did. As did Deputy Brady. Both of us were out there, on our day off, painting with them. We did NOT get paid for it. No hourly wage, no comp time, nothing. Putting this program together from scratch has taken many hours of work, both in public events like this and behind the scenes. All of it we have done for free, and will continue to do for free. We do it to give something back to our Community.

    All the funding for the program, 100% of it, is from voluntary community donations.

    The young men and women who we are proud to call our Explorers have a strong desire to make their communities better, and they are doing an outstanding job of it. Their hard work and dedication inspires me to work harder for my community, not as a peace officer, but also as a tax paying community resident. I am happy to give some of my time to help them, and will keep doing it as long as I am able to.

  37. Good for you. Thanks for answering the question. I guess I’m a little jaded because of the Larry Irwin, Rick Patterson and Jeff Gilberts of the world. As a lifelong volunteer I commend you. I am also happy to see you call yourself a peace officer. I hope you teach the youth the importance of honoring their Oath, if they ever decide upon a career which is now called Law Enforcement. Here in Quartzsite we don’t have peace officers and the Oath is just a formality to get the paycheck.

  38. Deputy Nelson, thanks for your efforts and the other volunteers… the kids will owe you.

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