Nine people have been arrested in a “roundup” of suspected drug dealers this week in the areas of the Parker Strip and the north part of Parker valley.
According to the La Paz County Sheriff’s Office, on November 18th, 2014, the Narcotics Task Force made the arrests in the roundup which consisted of officers/agents from the La Paz County Sheriff’s Office, Colorado River Indian Tribes, the U.S. Border Patrol and the Parker Police Department.
The arrests come as part of a series of drug-related investigations across the County. During these investigations, undercover detectives and confidential informants have been purchasing methamphetamine, heroin and other drugs from several alleged dealers. After making multiple purchases from each target, the Task Force presents the cases to the local judge who issues a warrant for the suspect’s arrest.
“This specific round up is closing out a series of investigations that cover the unincorporated area of the Parker Strip and the Parker Valley within the CRIT Jurisdiction,” a Sheriff’s Office press release said.
The arrests included Patricia Standley, Thomas King, Wendy Tatum, Sandra Hoover, Eric Smith and Sheryl Thomas from the Upriver region of the Parker Strip (north of Parker, AZ); and Brian Eberle, Jessica Davis and Victoria Escorza from the north part of the Parker valley. The investigation associated with Eric Smith was conducted in 2013 with the assistance of the Parker Police Department.
There have been a lot of questions in the past asking why it takes so long for the Task Force to arrest drug dealers for the alleged offenses,” said Sheriff’s Lt. Curt Bagby. “What the citizens need to understand is the dangers associated with these types of investigations. When an informant is deployed into a residence to purchase some type of contraband, there are two things we take into consideration. The first is we need to establish that they are a drug dealer and that this isn’t a one-time offense. This is done by purchasing the drug multiple times. The second issue we have is if we send an informant into a residence or business to buy the drug and we immediately arrest the suspect, it will identify who the informant is and not only put them in danger but it may affect their ability to continue to assist the Task Force with other cases.”
The La Paz County Task Force would like to remind everyone to make a difference in your neighborhoods and call in suspicious activity. You can call the La Paz County Central Dispatch (928) 669-2281, or the Task Force at 928-669-9645. You can also go to and send an anonymous message describing your concerns or observations.
Editor’s note: Parker Live always likes to remind the public that all of these people are to be considered innocent of any crime unless and until they are proven guilty in a court of law.
Yay! Keep up the great work!
Someone better call Saul
Crazy it use to b same case different name on it. But its another case same names. Lmao. Good job task force
Looks like the Brady Bunch dressed in orange! Lol.. Good Job!
All hacohii
They don’t look like Snowbirds…..They look like Jailbirds!!!
Well, that escalated…
Aren’t they a hot looking bunch, Not!
I have just one word.. DIRTBAGS!!!
Don’t recognize any of them, thank goodness.
Well lets put these people on our list to stay awayfrom
Yay, so glad all the local law enforcement has come together to focus on this terrible problem!
That way of life; sadly the ending is death, jail, poverty, and so sad when children are involved. All them adults pictured, some of them must be parents. We nd to pray for their children.
I recognize 2 guy far right and girl bottom left they are or were a couple
Hey aunt Vickie I wonder if any of these are loris friends?? Think I should call and ask her lol
those pics look like they are from a dating website
Now if they send them away and not let them back out for giving up names
Scum of the Earth!
Ditto Rhea!!!!!!!!!
No not Parker
which dating site Kirk? ??
I felt sorry for one of those people. Complaining about life, and how hard it is. But if you have money to buy drugs then you reap what you sow
Well now the paid informants and the ones they allow to sell are gonna show back up ,so be aware if you haven’t seen one you know in awhile and all of a sudden she/he are back dealing be very careful ,they are always right back to business until the next round up , getting ready for the next wave of people they sell to ,so they sell for them and then they stop just before the round up and guess what your busted !!!
It’s disgusting how easily these people get offered to RAT a person out and not get FULLY punished for their own crime. Do your dirt DO YOUR OWN DAMN TIME!!! and yet they walk around with no shame. Sickening!!
thank god im sober…
Y’all sit there and talk make fun of people that are going through a hard time don’t even know their story nor do you care to but you’re so quick to judge when a lot of them with the war for this country or a lot of them were abused people don’t just pick up drugs and start using them things happen but you’d rather sit and judge just like the world rather pass you by than take a second look to see what’s really hurting the person so instead of saying it’s a bad problem and calling people dirt bags and all the crappy things you said could be one of your kids how would you like people talking like that if it was your daughter your son your dad your mom I know we all have choices but some make the wrong ones instead of poking fun figure out a solution try to help these people that are going through a terrible addiction