A police chase involving a stolen vehicle ended in the desert near Vidal Junction Monday afternoon.
The vehicle was reported stolen from a business upriver. La Paz County Sheriff’s Deputies recovered the vehicle and then the suspect reportedly fled when they tried to take him into custody. The chase took law enforcement through the town of Parker, where Parker Police Department assisted in the pursuit.
The chase continued across the bridge over the river into California and past Big River. Near Vidal Junction the suspect was reportedly pursued off-road for a mile or so before ditching the vehicle and jumping out on foot.
He was reportedly arrested and taken into custody by La Paz County Sheriff’s Department.
I wonder if they have a Texaco sign LOL Good Job nabbing those Losers!!
more excitement in Parker! love it!
Saw a bronze suburban fly out of the little market at Parker dam road and 62, ran the stop sign passed cars on the shoulder, then driving over the bridge passing everybody down the middle, who was that
What was the suspects name?
I would prefer other types of excitement for Parker. Fools like this put people’s lives at danger sending police on a chase through town. I wouldn’t consider that excitement…
That’s was my kids dad suburban that the loser stole!!!
I wonder if we are related. ???? lol Grandma Pat would always call and tell me when another relative made the paper. Lol
Made the little town news. Lol just glad you’re okay and the car is okay. ???? just another Tweaker off the streets.
I’m glad my cars okay also. What a pos
The road runner catches the coyote… Beep beep…
He wanted some beef jerky! Samantha Williams Pulido
Yeah a friend On FB was saying she seen this and was almost hit and it scared the life out of her! Crazy!