Parker Valley murder being investigated by FBI and CRIT

Cynthia Williams’s body was found last week in a canal near Poston, AZ. Now her brother and the cops are appealing for information about her killers


“We last heard from her on Monday last week. She texted us wanting a ride. She was upriver at the Circle K,” said Raymond. “Then she said she had gotten another ride, but she never showed up for it. Wednesday they pulled a body out of the canal by Poston. I reported her missing Wednesday night and on Thursday the FBI called and wanted to talk to me.”

Raymond Meza is the brother of Cynthia Williams, whose body was reportedly found on a remote section of the agricultural valley’s main irrigation canal not far from Poston, AZ last Wednesday morning. He says his sister had already been missing when he got the call, and he was hoping they would tell him good news.

“I got kind of scared. They called me and told me, is there a place we can meet you?” he told Parker Live. “Can you tell me where your mother is? I wanted them to tell me it wasn’t my sister.”

But the news wasn’t good. Raymond had tattooed Cynthia some years beforehand, and asked about the tattoo as a way to tell it wasn’t her. Again the officer asked to see him in person, and he knew what he was going to hear.

“They went to my mom’s house to tell her, and I raced over there to try to prepare her but when I got there, I could already hear her crying from the street.”

“We ask our community to rise up together”

CRIT Police Chief William Ponce said the entire community was rocked by the incident, and said that while he could not share many details about the case at this time, he was appealing for information from the public.

“We ask our community to rise up together and put this person behind bars,” Ponce said. “We’re a tight-knit community, so please come forward if you have any information. You can call our dispatch which is (928) 669-1277 and ask for the tips line, they’ll put you directly through.”

Ponce said there have been rumors that Cynthia was not the only victim, and that those rumors are false.

“We’ve checked throughout our county, Mohave, Riverside and San Bernardino to confirm this, because there’s a lot of speculation out there that there were other murders and that is false,” he said. “We were even given names at certain points in the investigation. We followed up on those leads, we located the individuals and they were all okay.”


For his part, Raymond hasn’t stopped searching for information since he found out about his sister’s death.

“We raised $5000 of our own money for a reward, we printed flyers and put them all the way from upriver down to Poston, we did everything we could to get information,” he said. “Every single place that I went to, people voice outrage about it and people from the streets tell me she was a good person, she didn’t hurt anybody and they want to find out who did this.”

Raymond said CRIT is now putting up a combined reward of $10,000.

“The community is reaching out to me. They just want to catch whoever did this,” he said.

FBI Agent Elliot White and CRIT Investigator Eric Schneider are the principal investigators in the case.


  1. Julie Maddox

    I am sorry for the family’s loss, God Bless and I hope they get this creep(s) that did this!!

  2. David Page Sr.

    Oh so now the FBI wants to get involved. Where were they when my nephew got murdered? I personally hope her family catches the culprit & handles it themselves.

  3. Norma Davis

    So sad to know that this crap is going on in parker like really

  4. Merial Scott

    Im sorry you feel that way. The way this young woman passed is very sad I wouldnt want ANYONE else to pass this way.

  5. David Page Sr.

    Merial Scott I too am sorry for what happened to this young lady. My issue is where does this all stop? The law enforcement here seems to pick & choose who they want to help. Nothing personally directed to this young lady. Sorry if I came across that way.

  6. I agree with Mr. Page! When I heard about Evander’s murderer only getting a year I was shocked. I feel for this family but if history is any indication the most her killer will get is a year.

  7. Kayla Amaro-Martinez

    I am so sorry for her families loss, she was a nice woman she was my neighbor a few years ago before I moved, I would give her rides to the casino here and there!! ???? But I absolutely do agree with you David Page Sr.!!!! ????????????

  8. Jim Hamilton

    So sad! I hope they catch whoever is responsible!! RIP

  9. Nancy Reed

    What is. Happening in our little community

  10. Crystal White

    Prayers for all involved

  11. Raymond Meza

    I’m sorry David Page Sr. About your loss….we were scared she was gonna get swept under the rug also..we her family started putting together the first 5000 as a reward. ..then the tribes offered to pay it…then chief Prince donated the other half…but we her family printed our own flyers..posted our own post..we reached out to tv stations and radio stations…I know your frustrated. .and I’m sorry about your loss…if there anything we can do to help you…we’re here…

  12. Corey Lynn Nash

    Prayers to her family! I hope if any one knows anything they report it… Let’s not let this young woman’s murderer remain on the streets..

  13. DaySi DS

    Prayers to those two young ladies that were in this tragedy.. ????????????????. Prayers to their families. Where is justice?!!!? Our community means nothing???????? where was the justice after my cousin got murdered ??! Lord help us????before caos happens.

  14. David Page Sr.

    I mourn with you on your loss. Thank you for understanding. I pray for peace in your family. I hope justice prevails for your family.

  15. Raymond Meza

    Thank you..and GOD BLESS

  16. Hello everyone,I myself is in no need trying to be a Robin Hood of some sort or someone trying to save the world but I myself as a child suffered,abused,deprived,and went hungry many ,many times growing up as a kid in the hands of my drug addict parents. Today I am responsible for for helping over 20+ family’s and do not recall the number of children I helped with school clothes,secretly paying utilitie bills and secretly talking to buisnesses to help the parents obtain jobs. I am very saddened by what happened to this poor girl,and regardless of what she’s done or the problems she had I believe we could as human beings change if given the oppertunity to unfortunately because of our ignorance,our lack of caring as a community and how we sit back and do nothing knowing that children are living in an environment surrounded by drugs. What happened to Cynthia Williams May she rest in peace,will keep happening to our loved ones if we do not stand up as a community and try and do whatever is necessary to help keep drugs out of our neighborhoods. We should be ashamed of ourselves for saying that we care that we are a community that allows dope houses to survive for so long that we get use to seeing addicts come and go hearing yelling and fighting the activity all hours of the night and the stolen items taken around our town. There is specific house here in town were I seen Cynthia about a month ago the only reason she caught my eye because she reminded me so much of my mother that I wanted to stop to pick her up buy her dinner and give her a warm clean safe bed to sleep in. But driving by this house and allowing Cythia to cross I noticed toys and iddiccations that children reside in the home I also noticed signs of drug abuse for all the gates to the house are broken. I continue to look into the matter myself and noticed that there are two family’s with children who live in the home aside of the child who lives with the owners daughter. My findings indicate that this home is we’re they store stolen items,”bagging up”the drugs to sell in smaller quanties and give safe haven to known drug dealers and wanted fugitives. The owner pays individuals to monitor the home from roof tops but yet as a tight nit community we do nothing nothing at all we even muffle the sounds of hungry crying children parents yelling fighting and go about our lives like nothing until something like this happens which we could of prevented if we only targeted the source first. If I were you Raymond,detectives I would start my investigation at ############## I’m pretty sure someone knows something since they seem to be the only tight nit community in Parker. I’m deepest condolences to you and your family Raymond and let this be a reminder to all parker residents that we must stand up and fight for children that we come together as one and push all known drug affiliates out of neighborhoods that we don’t turn a blind eye to those who suffer but as Christians help them over come there addiction for jail is what saved my moms life. It was the best thing to ever happen to her. Today I am a proud parent of four married due to my past the children across Arizona will not suffer anymore under my watch! They are our future if we aren’t there voice they will forever remain silent!

  17. Jennifer Marie

    Completely agree with you David! I hope they find who did this to her and they are brought to justice, real justice! Not just a slap on the hand cuz they’re considered of tribal descent. I went to school with her, may she rest in peace.

  18. My condolences to the family. I pray that you find who did this to her. It’s so sad that so much is happening in our little town, a place we call home. I have to agree with St. Michael, I can go on and on about different things happening in this town and nothing is done because someone drops the ball.

  19. This would be a good place to start. When something like this occurs in your life you expect to be judged for the person you are and not the charges handed down. You talk with a attorney you go through a process and at the end justices is given to what kind of person you’ve been up to that point in your life. In the case of Cindy I think it would of been a little jail some fines and a couple of years of close monitoring by the courts and your LIFE goes on as before. Cindy was a very sweet and kind woman with a impairment that society deems a treatable disease. Unfortunately the same society can make you feel like a second class citizen if you suffer from it. Since its usually an arrest that leads to help, it can go unnoticed for years. Cindy was not a criminal nor did she live a problem life. I truly believe she was used as a pawn in regards to the news article and the circumstances which led to her arrest. But what if she met the right criteria for someone to place her in a more unlawful situation than the one she was already in.This one ran by an individual who has sworn to uphold the same laws he breaks[or you break for him] makes up his own rules and process and gives out his own justice all outside of the courtroom.When he finds you your at your most vulnerable moment and he makes you promises[illegal] that he cant keep and he can make the whole bad experience disappear[illegal] before you ever see that day in court, If you decided then you’d rather play than pay you could sign a contract with the DA to better your situation. But in the case of Cindy with no criminal history it wouldn’t of never come to that. No this arrangement was made even before arraignment [illegal]She became a pawn in his games and since he sits at the top of the law enforcement food chain in La Paz County, he is never questioned on his way of thinking or doing. He also runs media form law enforcement that’s why most people found out about Cindy by seeing her face on a flyer last week. So check with the sheriff/taskforce and find out what they gave her as a sentence last year when the media was posted on her arrest. Maybe they put her in some risky situations with dangerous people.One thing I do know is they know something more than nothing about a lot of this tragic loss of Cindy. Don’t even bother checking the court records, the DA never got to look at this case….You see the only thing you can hope for when you run things your way[illegal]and not the way you’ve sworn as your duty to uphold[constitution] is that things DONT GO BAD FOR YOU…. For Cindy’s sake I prey for the truth. The good ole boy way of doing things has got to stop.

  20. Just be sure that if you do name names, your facts are laid out with it (rather than speculation and conspiracy theories). Otherwise it’s called slander or libel.

  21. Why are we not hearing about the others that have been murdered too? I’ve heard that there are 2 more. Why aren’t people being informed? What is happening to our small town? This is getting very scary. What if innocent, bystander is in the wrong place at the wrong time when these people are looking for there next target? What then?

  22. Kat did you read the article? Rumors about other murders are false, according to CRIT PD.

  23. This is such a sad story about a beautiful human being that lived here in Parker, whos young life has been stolen from her and her family. Lets keep our minds on what happened to her. tahdah cant be to far off on the possible killer here. I was in a local store two days ago and saw a flyer with Cyndys photo on it and said, “how sad” two other people in the store said to me that she had been busted a while back for a large amount of drugs but never charged for a crime other then an auto ins. violation. And that someone may have been afraid of getting busted for drugs if she had become an informant for the task force to get herself out of trouble. Has ANYONE looked into that possibility as to who might have done this?Lets find this peace of S##T! and bring them to justice.

  24. Maria G Flores

    Have you guys get any info on her murder she was also a friend to my brother he was realy sad to find out about her passing my condolences to the fam.

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