County officials to get raises, despite outcry

UPDATE: At least one County employee has contacted Parker Live to say that the salary information in the circulated document mentioned in this article is incorrect. Animal Control department head Michael Ramos told us his salary was never the ‘Estimated FY2019’ number in that document, and his raise was 1 percent, not 22 percent as the document claims. As noted in our original article below, Parker Live has not confirmed or verified any of the information in that document; we merely reported that these were the numbers being circulated in an email sent by La Paz County Assessor Anna Camacho.

(Reportedly, the data in the email came from the Arizona Association of Counties Salary and Benefit Survey, to which La Paz County Human Resources sends the salary information each year.)

ORIGINAL STORY: The La Paz County Board of Supervisors opted not to intervene in a decision of its top tier staff to give raises to some County officials over angry objections in a public meeting Monday.

Minor frustrated

District 2 Supervisor Duce Minor questioned the raises, saying the Board had not approved them, and that he was made aware of them by members of the public who were concerned.

“I sit on the Board of Supervisors, I am here every day, I knew nothing about these raises until I heard it through the grapevine,” Minor told the boardroom. “When I heard it through the grapevine, I started looking into it. And I got a list of department head salaries and was able to see some of the raises; I call them proposed, I was later told no, they’ve been done. And then I was told that they were baked into the budget. And again, as somebody who thinks that transparency is important in anything, but particularly in La Paz County government with our track record, I take that very seriously.”

Minor said that the budget he voted on did not include mention of the raises, and that the only document he saw was a proposal to give raises which he was asked his opinion about but made no decision on. (Minor voted against approving the budget due to what he said was a lack of information presented.)

Camacho rallies critics

It was clear Monday that Minor was not the only person frustrated with the situation. County Assessor Anna Camacho was another vocal critic, rallying supporters in a widely-distributed email sent last Friday, urging people to attend the Monday meeting.

“Department heads that are under the direct authority of the County administrator are receiving raises, not based on qualifications, experience, merit or what the position pays across the state, but rather, to bring them up to some arbitrary level,” she wrote.

Camacho attached a document claiming to set out what every County department head is paid and showing proposed increases for some of the officials’ salaries. The document shows increases for County Administrator Ron Drake, the highest-paid County official at $130,000 per year, along with raises for the department heads of Animal Control, Community Development, Public Defender, Elections, Fiduciary, Finance, Health, Human Resources, Parks, Probation and Public Works.

Click the image to see a larger version.

If accurate, the largest increases were to Animal Control (22.58 percent), Parks (21.43 percent) and Elections (21.17 percent). Parker Live has not reviewed the numbers independently or confirmed that these were the final raises put into action. (Note: Reportedly, the data in the email came from the Arizona Association of Counties Salary and Benefit Survey, to which La Paz County Human Resources sends the salary information each year.)

Minor told the meeting that he wanted a transparent process.

“My understanding would be that we would adopt a budget and that there’s money in the budget and the department heads, or, in this case, the County Administrator or Director, is going to come to the Board and propose all those increases so that we have the opportunity to see them and approve them, or not, and that the public again could have transparency,” he said. “I take the position that there are no increases at this point because the Board has not approved any increases at this point. I now need to be told why I’m wrong, if I am, because I don’t think I’m wrong but there’s an argument apparently being made that this is how we’ve always done it.”

Dooley sides with staff

Ryan Dooley, the Chief Deputy County Attorney assigned to give the Supervisors legal and procedural advice, said he believes the raises were proper if they were part of the budget process approved by the Supervisors as it has been practiced in previous years, whether or not the actual budget documents broke it down specifically.

“The only problem is if somebody gets money above and beyond what was contemplated,” he said. “And so, I am concerned a little bit that the Board, if what you are saying is that you weren’t aware of certain increases, then there’s what has been done and there’s what is the best practice, and the best practice would be to have a separate document that specifically lists out who those people are.”

Dooley said that although the handbook does give the authority to approve raises to the Board of Supervisors, there is not a specific process for doing so.

“Right now at the Board of Supervisors, we don’t necessarily have a written policy and procedural manual as to how the Board is going to operate. Absent that, we then drop down to what has been the practice of the Board. And, if we’re going to deviate from that practice, we can’t do it capriciously or arbitrarily, which means we can’t do it on a whim and we can’t just do it so that nobody knows what the heck is going on.”

He argued that because the budget contained numbers for each department overall which factored the raises in, the Board did not need to approve each raise specifically.

“The County Attorney’s position is that as the budget was approved with those numbers, that those are approved salary increases. If the Board takes a different position, then we can address that and possible legal issues one way or another about people’s salary increases.”

In her email, Camacho said the increases are “arbitrary” and not justified if the County is genuinely strapped for cash.

“We were told that the only reason the employees were being given a 1 percent increase was to offset the increase in medical deductions, so that they wouldn’t actually experience a LOSS in wages,” Camacho wrote. “We were also told that the reason they weren’t going to receive more substantial raises is because the county can’t afford it. If the county can’t financially justify allowing the employees to even net a 1% increase, how is it that the county can afford significant increases for the department heads? We are either financially strapped or we are not. We can either afford raises or we can’t.”

Camacho included a link purporting to show that the department heads were already being paid comparably to their counterparts across the state of Arizona.

Minor disputes with Drake

Minor then got into a tense exchange with Drake, who is the head of the administrative staff which approved the raises. Drake said he was on vacation when the raises were discussed with the Supervisors individually by Finance Director Terry Krukemyer.

“I wasn’t here, it was my understanding that Terry presented to you all of the salary adjustments that were occurring in Public Works and the Sheriff’s Office and showed you documents and Excel spreadsheets of the proposed increases,” he responded. “So it’s hard to sit here and hear that no-one saw this or any Board member says they weren’t aware of it and they had no idea. Anyone who says that we didn’t know about the proposals, that’s just untrue.”

Minor responded.

“To be clear, I have this document from Terry that deals with proposed increases and open positions, it has no references to the overall budget of any department,” he said. “Then I gave Terry my thoughts. No reference to the final budget. When we got to the final budget, the thing that we finally approved, separate from this document, there was no reference to this. And again, one of the largest increases is not on this piece of paper that we were sent.”

Wilson and Irwin weigh in

District 1 Supervisor D.L. Wilson and District 3 Supervisor Holly Irwin said they too wanted a better process based on standardized employee evaluations, something Minor said he was frustrated not to have in place despite giving instructions to staff to implement them.

Irwin said she had numerous meetings on the budget that included talk about raises.

“I did have the same document you did,” she said to Minor. “I did receive the spreadsheet, was asked to give my opinion.”

D.L. said he did too. Minor responded that he never heard what their opinions were, and never had a chance to review the raises as a Board.

Camacho asked to speak, and spoke angrily at the podium.

“The Administrator decides that all of his department heads get those raises,” she said. “Well when I give a raise, I have to show merit. You guys make me run through the wringer, you make me show certification, I have to approve my staff getting a raise. Then you guys have to do the same. Why is it different? Why are there two rules here? What’s going on?”

No intervention

In the end, Minor made a motion to put the raises on hold, and to bring them to the Board for formal discussion and potential approval. After several seconds of silence, he said, “Not hearing a second, the motion will die for lack of a second.”

Audible gasps were heard from the meeting, including, “Wow”, “Oh my God” and, “This is crazy.”

The Board proceeded to its next agenda item.


  1. to me it just seems to be like lori Weedimier runs the town and County due to the uncompitince that is in both places and I am sure drake has many Gift cards too i think THe people shud be imbarrassd by the gross ways of leeders in parker Arizona

  2. Scott Dunlap

    Wow and our deputies get shit. Nice going la Paz

  3. Scott Dunlap

    Wow and our deputies get shit. Nice going la Paz

  4. Scott Dunlap

    Wow and our deputies get shit. Nice going la Paz

  5. Scott Dunlap

    Wow and our deputies get shit. Nice going la Paz

  6. Scott Dunlap

    Wow and our deputies get shit. Nice going la Paz

  7. Scott Dunlap

    Wow and our deputies get shit. Nice going la Paz

  8. Anthony John Moody Nelson

    Isn’t the county in a financial bind already?…

  9. Anthony John Moody Nelson

    Isn’t the county in a financial bind already?…

  10. Anthony John Moody Nelson

    Isn’t the county in a financial bind already?…

  11. Anthony John Moody Nelson

    Isn’t the county in a financial bind already?…

  12. Anthony John Moody Nelson

    Isn’t the county in a financial bind already?…

  13. Anthony John Moody Nelson

    Isn’t the county in a financial bind already?…

  14. Amanda Marie

    All I saw in this meeting was Mr.Minor working for his district. By pushing him to the wayside I hope Drake and the other 2 realize they’re hurting the people in District 2 and all of us other county residents. This meeting was shameful and I’ll remember it come election time.

  15. Amanda Marie

    All I saw in this meeting was Mr.Minor working for his district. By pushing him to the wayside I hope Drake and the other 2 realize they’re hurting the people in District 2 and all of us other county residents. This meeting was shameful and I’ll remember it come election time.

  16. Amanda Marie

    All I saw in this meeting was Mr.Minor working for his district. By pushing him to the wayside I hope Drake and the other 2 realize they’re hurting the people in District 2 and all of us other county residents. This meeting was shameful and I’ll remember it come election time.

  17. Amanda Marie

    All I saw in this meeting was Mr.Minor working for his district. By pushing him to the wayside I hope Drake and the other 2 realize they’re hurting the people in District 2 and all of us other county residents. This meeting was shameful and I’ll remember it come election time.

  18. Amanda Marie

    All I saw in this meeting was Mr.Minor working for his district. By pushing him to the wayside I hope Drake and the other 2 realize they’re hurting the people in District 2 and all of us other county residents. This meeting was shameful and I’ll remember it come election time.

  19. Amanda Marie

    All I saw in this meeting was Mr.Minor working for his district. By pushing him to the wayside I hope Drake and the other 2 realize they’re hurting the people in District 2 and all of us other county residents. This meeting was shameful and I’ll remember it come election time.

  20. Judith Enrico

    Same crap that got La Paz into hot water (Not too long ago) so once again the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. What about all the layoffs of the employees, who I might add do a lot of work for the county. They get squat and the desk jockeys get all the money. Lets keep it at the top and complain we can’t get good employees. This is total BULLS*IT.

  21. Judith Enrico

    Same crap that got La Paz into hot water (Not too long ago) so once again the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. What about all the layoffs of the employees, who I might add do a lot of work for the county. They get squat and the desk jockeys get all the money. Lets keep it at the top and complain we can’t get good employees. This is total BULLS*IT.

  22. Judith Enrico

    Same crap that got La Paz into hot water (Not too long ago) so once again the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. What about all the layoffs of the employees, who I might add do a lot of work for the county. They get squat and the desk jockeys get all the money. Lets keep it at the top and complain we can’t get good employees. This is total BULLS*IT.

  23. Judith Enrico

    Same crap that got La Paz into hot water (Not too long ago) so once again the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. What about all the layoffs of the employees, who I might add do a lot of work for the county. They get squat and the desk jockeys get all the money. Lets keep it at the top and complain we can’t get good employees. This is total BULLS*IT.

  24. Judith Enrico

    Same crap that got La Paz into hot water (Not too long ago) so once again the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. What about all the layoffs of the employees, who I might add do a lot of work for the county. They get squat and the desk jockeys get all the money. Lets keep it at the top and complain we can’t get good employees. This is total BULLS*IT.

  25. Judith Enrico

    Same crap that got La Paz into hot water (Not too long ago) so once again the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. What about all the layoffs of the employees, who I might add do a lot of work for the county. They get squat and the desk jockeys get all the money. Lets keep it at the top and complain we can’t get good employees. This is total BULLS*IT.

  26. Michael Wayne Dalton

    You got to remember Gene Fisher screwed it for everybody with the Yakima deal for years and years to come thank you gene Fisher

  27. Adam Sevada

    No offense. But you can get paid more catching dogs than you do criminals. Terrible.

  28. Adam Sevada

    No offense. But you can get paid more catching dogs than you do criminals. Terrible.

  29. Adam Sevada

    No offense. But you can get paid more catching dogs than you do criminals. Terrible.

  30. Adam Sevada

    No offense. But you can get paid more catching dogs than you do criminals. Terrible.

  31. Adam Sevada

    No offense. But you can get paid more catching dogs than you do criminals. Terrible.

  32. Adam Sevada

    No offense. But you can get paid more catching dogs than you do criminals. Terrible.

  33. Lucky Lacey

    and parker az median household income is $ 43,271

  34. Jim Wooddell

    Who the fuk in their right mind gives a 22% raise to someone???

  35. Jim Wooddell

    Who the fuk in their right mind gives a 22% raise to someone???

  36. Jim Wooddell

    Who the fuk in their right mind gives a 22% raise to someone???

  37. Jim Wooddell

    Who the fuk in their right mind gives a 22% raise to someone???

  38. Jim Wooddell

    Who the fuk in their right mind gives a 22% raise to someone???

  39. Jim Wooddell

    Who the fuk in their right mind gives a 22% raise to someone???

  40. Matthew Lentz

    A while city has to pay for this ignorance. Well done. The fact that no one seconded his request is crap. Enjoy them higher taxes. You know who to vote out when that day comes.

  41. Matthew Lentz

    A whole city has to pay for this ignorance. Well done. The fact that no one seconded his request is crap. Enjoy them higher taxes. You know who to vote out when that day comes.

  42. Matthew Lentz

    A whole city has to pay for this ignorance. Well done. The fact that no one seconded his request is crap. Enjoy them higher taxes. You know who to vote out when that day comes.

  43. Matthew Lentz

    A whole city has to pay for this ignorance. Well done. The fact that no one seconded his request is crap. Enjoy them higher taxes. You know who to vote out when that day comes.

  44. Matthew Lentz

    A whole city has to pay for this ignorance. Well done. The fact that no one seconded his request is crap. Enjoy them higher taxes. You know who to vote out when that day comes.

  45. Launa Wilson

    Wow ! Look at wages of police officers

  46. Launa Wilson

    Wow ! Look at wages of police officers

  47. Launa Wilson

    Wow ! Look at wages of police officers

  48. Launa Wilson

    Wow ! Look at wages of police officers

  49. Launa Wilson

    Wow ! Look at wages of police officers

  50. Launa Wilson

    Wow ! Look at wages of police officers

  51. Same old three ring circus just a new ringmaster named Drake. I really thought when the old ringmaster Field left I thought we might finally turn a corner and set this County in the right direction. I really would like to see in the future when we look for another County Administrator we make sure that this one will committ by contract to move to La Paz County and we give 6 month performance evaluations to determine if they are worth keeping. Two Supervisors (Irwin and Wilson) gave Ron Drake a contract extension and raise based on nothing. Now he pays off the Department heads for loyalty with your tax dollars through the 2020 Election.
    Please Vote to make the changes we need! Gary Zak 2020

  52. When duce ran he thought he had a agreement with Wilson to stop this crap. But Wilson renewed Wilson is only considered about himself. Dosent surprise me at all. So glad I sold my commercial property a nd took my money to havasu. Wake up voters

  53. Carolyn Glenn

    The deputies deserve these raises far more than the people who received them. One more time politics overtakes the will of the people. Thank you Duce for trying. Vote the other 2 out NOW. Recall time. People in these districts get on board. Make these people accountable for these actions.

  54. Carolyn Glenn

    The deputies deserve these raises far more than the people who received them. One more time politics overtakes the will of the people. Thank you Duce for trying. Vote the other 2 out NOW. Recall time. People in these districts get on board. Make these people accountable for these actions.

  55. Carolyn Glenn

    The deputies deserve these raises far more than the people who received them. One more time politics overtakes the will of the people. Thank you Duce for trying. Vote the other 2 out NOW. Recall time. People in these districts get on board. Make these people accountable for these actions.

  56. Carolyn Glenn

    The deputies deserve these raises far more than the people who received them. One more time politics overtakes the will of the people. Thank you Duce for trying. Vote the other 2 out NOW. Recall time. People in these districts get on board. Make these people accountable for these actions.

  57. Carolyn Glenn

    The deputies deserve these raises far more than the people who received them. One more time politics overtakes the will of the people. Thank you Duce for trying. Vote the other 2 out NOW. Recall time. People in these districts get on board. Make these people accountable for these actions.

  58. Carolyn Glenn

    The deputies deserve these raises far more than the people who received them. One more time politics overtakes the will of the people. Thank you Duce for trying. Vote the other 2 out NOW. Recall time. People in these districts get on board. Make these people accountable for these actions.

  59. Lisa Lucas

    Amanda Marie too Amanda

  60. Lisa Lucas

    Amanda Marie too Amanda

  61. Lisa Lucas

    Amanda Marie too Amanda

  62. Lisa Lucas

    Amanda Marie too Amanda

  63. Lisa Lucas

    Amanda Marie too Amanda

  64. Lisa Lucas

    Amanda Marie too Amanda

  65. Ron Bales

    Anthony John Moody Nelson no just the taxpayers

  66. Ron Bales

    Anthony John Moody Nelson no just the taxpayers

  67. Ron Bales

    Anthony John Moody Nelson no just the taxpayers

  68. Ron Bales

    Anthony John Moody Nelson no just the taxpayers

  69. Ron Bales

    Anthony John Moody Nelson no just the taxpayers

  70. Ron Bales

    Anthony John Moody Nelson no just the taxpayers

  71. Ron Bales

    Drake doesn’t give a shit!!!!

  72. Ron Bales

    Drake doesn’t give a shit!!!!

  73. Ron Bales

    Drake doesn’t give a shit!!!!

  74. Ron Bales

    Drake doesn’t give a shit!!!!

  75. Ron Bales

    Drake doesn’t give a shit!!!!

  76. Ron Bales

    The problem is we let outsiders in and they think this is maricopa county well it isn’t wake the fuck up assholes!!!

  77. Ron Bales

    The problem is we let outsiders in and they think this is maricopa county well it isn’t wake the fuck up assholes!!!

  78. Ron Bales

    The problem is we let outsiders in and they think this is maricopa county well it isn’t wake the fuck up assholes!!!

  79. Ron Bales

    The problem is we let outsiders in and they think this is maricopa county well it isn’t wake the fuck up assholes!!!

  80. Ron Bales

    The problem is we let outsiders in and they think this is maricopa county well it isn’t wake the fuck up assholes!!!

  81. What a slap in the face to these deputies who put their life on the line. Hell you can get laid alot more being bit by a dog than getting shot at. All those idiots who got big pay raises right fully dont deserve that big of a raise. How’s someone making $130,000 still need a raise….i think if u already make over a 100k, you shouldn’t get anymore raises

  82. Kevin Foote

    Garbage and completely unfair.

  83. Kevin Foote

    Garbage and completely unfair.

  84. Kevin Foote

    Garbage and completely unfair.

  85. Kevin Foote

    Garbage and completely unfair.

  86. Kevin Foote

    Garbage and completely unfair.

  87. Kevin Foote

    Garbage and completely unfair.

  88. Rita Hopple

    We were there and Duce Minor stated his concerns and the need for transparency. It was him against all the others in fact, Drake went as far as accusing Minor of not “telling the truth” which received audible gasps from the room which was packed. Anna Comacho passionately questioned the process and opaque manner in which these increases were implemented.

  89. Rita Hopple

    We were there and Duce Minor stated his concerns and the need for transparency. It was him against all the others in fact, Drake went as far as accusing Minor of not “telling the truth” which received audible gasps from the room which was packed. Anna Comacho passionately questioned the process and opaque manner in which these increases were implemented.

  90. Rita Hopple

    We were there and Duce Minor stated his concerns and the need for transparency. It was him against all the others in fact, Drake went as far as accusing Minor of not “telling the truth” which received audible gasps from the room which was packed. Anna Comacho passionately questioned the process and opaque manner in which these increases were implemented.

  91. Rita Hopple

    We were there and Duce Minor stated his concerns and the need for transparency. It was him against all the others in fact, Drake went as far as accusing Minor of not “telling the truth” which received audible gasps from the room which was packed. Anna Comacho passionately questioned the process and opaque manner in which these increases were implemented.

  92. Rita Hopple

    We were there and Duce Minor stated his concerns and the need for transparency. It was him against all the others in fact, Drake went as far as accusing Minor of not “telling the truth” which received audible gasps from the room which was packed. Anna Comacho passionately questioned the process and opaque manner in which these increases were implemented.

  93. Rita Hopple

    We were there and Duce Minor stated his concerns and the need for transparency. It was him against all the others in fact, Drake went as far as accusing Minor of not “telling the truth” which received audible gasps from the room which was packed. Anna Comacho passionately questioned the process and opaque manner in which these increases were implemented.

  94. La Paz county is a disgrace! You have all the lower level employees doing all the work and making the county run and look good but there are no raises for them. And if they question their salary they are reprimanded or told to be quiet. So…how about looking at their salaries to ensure they are comparable to the market. It amazes me that top leaders just do what has always been done instead of putting controls into place to prevent these type of situations. You have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure money is spent appropriately that is what the people of La Paz county expect from you. All leaders involved in this decision should be embarrassed! Come on people do what is in the best interest of the county not what is best just for you. Sounds like financial & operational audits are needed for this county. How about creating and implementing policies and procedures that ensure controls are adequately designed and operating effectively. It’s just a shame that after all these years there is not a process in place for how the board operates. Any pay increases or hiring of new employees should be justified, documented and approved especially during this time of financial struggle. Seriously, La Paz county needs to get their crap together.

  95. UNREAL. What a crooked way to give raise’s. Election time right around the corner and vote someone in who will put a boot up Drakes you know what. If I was any part of this process or a person who got raises I would give it back otherwise there is no way I would hold my head high while walking around town or County( Which they don’t go out in the county EVER!) They need to bury their chin in their chest and also cover their face with a baseball cap. Also the “BOARD” doesn’t have a procedural manual to deal whit this? How long the board been there on their high and mighty throne. Something smells FISHY in Denmark er LA PAZ county.

  96. Jeff Pryse

    Just go’s to prove that no one knows whose running the chicken coop but the WOLVES.

  97. Jeff Pryse

    Just go’s to prove that no one knows whose running the chicken coop but the WOLVES.

  98. Jeff Pryse

    Just go’s to prove that no one knows whose running the chicken coop but the WOLVES.

  99. Jeff Pryse

    Just go’s to prove that no one knows whose running the chicken coop but the WOLVES.

  100. Jeff Pryse

    Just go’s to prove that no one knows whose running the chicken coop but the WOLVES.

  101. Jeff Pryse

    Just go’s to prove that no one knows whose running the chicken coop but the WOLVES.

  102. Dave Judy

    What is happening in La Paz County? Wow! How irresponsible! Thank you Ana Camacho and Duce for keeping everyone in check…

  103. Dave Judy

    What is happening in La Paz County? Wow! How irresponsible! Thank you Ana Camacho and Duce for keeping everyone in check…

  104. Dave Judy

    What is happening in La Paz County? Wow! How irresponsible! Thank you Ana Camacho and Duce for keeping everyone in check…

  105. Dave Judy

    What is happening in La Paz County? Wow! How irresponsible! Thank you Ana Camacho and Duce for keeping everyone in check…

  106. Dave Judy

    What is happening in La Paz County? Wow! How irresponsible! Thank you Ana Camacho and Duce for keeping everyone in check…

  107. Dave Judy

    What is happening in La Paz County? Wow! How irresponsible! Thank you Ana Camacho and Duce for keeping everyone in check…

  108. SAD BUT SO TRUE!!!!

  109. anotherconfusedresident

    what is the rationale for setting a JP’s salary higher than a superior court judge who holds a law degree and passed the bar?

  110. Another confused resident: I believe the state of Arizona pays another portion of the Superior Court Judge’s salary. So this would only be the County’s portion.

  111. Ambrose Buford: you’re either a moron or a nincompoop, or perhaps both. Lori Wedemeyer is the Town of Parker Manager. The Town of Parker and the County of La Paz are two separate government entities. Get a grip, man.

  112. Sire hartles you make mypoints. county bizness is like town bizness very poorly done and wiedmire is poor with TOwn and its like she is running County and she probably gave dRake her gift cards too I bet. I due like you because you speak you’re mind. Blessings

  113. I just moved back to Parker and really wanted to be at this meeting. It looks like there some really good people and some really bad people involved. People will get away with what they are allowed to get away with. I am concerned with the transparency and the lack of procedures. it makes me wonder what else needs to be looked at a bit closer. it seems that there should be a freeze on decisions like this if the top person is on vacation, unless is was done intentionally, if so, then they are the bad people.

  114. Ambrose – Man, I like your attitude! Sorry for the name calling. You seem like a cool dude.

  115. To me it sounds like fraud, and should be completely investigated. When the deputies can’t even get an 1% raise, and offices as such as elections gets a 21+% raise sounds like fraud to me.

  116. The Deputy County Attorney claims that the pay increases were legal. Maybe they were I am not a lawyer. Legal or not what about Erhics! I really don’t trust many folks running our County.

  117. Emmanuel Maldonado

    Cody Hucklebridge thats why the heavy equipment operators only get paid 14 bucks and hour lol

  118. Emmanuel Maldonado

    Cody Hucklebridge thats why the heavy equipment operators only get paid 14 bucks and hour lol

  119. Emmanuel Maldonado

    Cody Hucklebridge thats why the heavy equipment operators only get paid 14 bucks and hour lol

  120. Emmanuel Maldonado

    Cody Hucklebridge thats why the heavy equipment operators only get paid 14 bucks and hour lol

  121. Robert McCormick

    Pay still doesn’t look great, I don’t know how much work is involved in most of these jobs but I know some of those jobs are more work then they are worth imo.

    Why so much hatred? Don’t we all want to make more money? These are the highest level jobs for area? What do you guys think they should be paid ? And what does that pay end up after taxes ? Doesn’t look like a whole lot if that’s the gross income not bad for area but I know a bartender that makes more lol

  122. Robert McCormick

    Pay still doesn’t look great, I don’t know how much work is involved in most of these jobs but I know some of those jobs are more work then they are worth imo.

    Why so much hatred? Don’t we all want to make more money? These are the highest level jobs for area? What do you guys think they should be paid ? And what does that pay end up after taxes ? Doesn’t look like a whole lot if that’s the gross income not bad for area but I know a bartender that makes more lol

  123. Robert McCormick

    Pay still doesn’t look great, I don’t know how much work is involved in most of these jobs but I know some of those jobs are more work then they are worth imo.

    Why so much hatred? Don’t we all want to make more money? These are the highest level jobs for area? What do you guys think they should be paid ? And what does that pay end up after taxes ? Doesn’t look like a whole lot if that’s the gross income not bad for area but I know a bartender that makes more lol

  124. Robert McCormick

    Pay still doesn’t look great, I don’t know how much work is involved in most of these jobs but I know some of those jobs are more work then they are worth imo.

    Why so much hatred? Don’t we all want to make more money? These are the highest level jobs for area? What do you guys think they should be paid ? And what does that pay end up after taxes ? Doesn’t look like a whole lot if that’s the gross income not bad for area but I know a bartender that makes more lol

  125. Steve Madoneczky

    Back in 2012″ I ran against D.L Wilson for Dist 1 Sup, I stated in my campaign that this exact thing would happen, I’m just surprised it took this long….the fine people of Parker & La Paz County does not deserve this kind of leadership at all. Minor can play this “I didn’t know game..No one informed me CRAP” there’s NO WAY he didn’t know. I feel bad for the citizens of La Paz County…you all deserve better. REMEMBER ALL (3) SUPERVISORS IN 2020″ FOLKS!!!

  126. Lettuce come to a Brotherhood peeple no more dickerin

  127. Jackie Austin

    Corruption at its ugliest! We the tax payers are TAXED OUT! Between the outrageous taxes for the AWC????and now this. Really you are slowly but surely creating the slow painful death of our community! Knock this shit off people! Play fair, don’t cheat your community! No raises period until we are out of debt! PERIOD!

  128. Jackie Austin

    Corruption at its ugliest! We the tax payers are TAXED OUT! Between the outrageous taxes for the AWC????and now this. Really you are slowly but surely creating the slow painful death of our community! Knock this shit off people! Play fair, don’t cheat your community! No raises period until we are out of debt! PERIOD!

  129. Jackie Austin

    Corruption at its ugliest! We the tax payers are TAXED OUT! Between the outrageous taxes for the AWC????and now this. Really you are slowly but surely creating the slow painful death of our community! Knock this shit off people! Play fair, don’t cheat your community! No raises period until we are out of debt! PERIOD!

  130. Jackie Austin

    Corruption at its ugliest! We the tax payers are TAXED OUT! Between the outrageous taxes for the AWC????and now this. Really you are slowly but surely creating the slow painful death of our community! Knock this shit off people! Play fair, don’t cheat your community! No raises period until we are out of debt! PERIOD!

  131. Danny Crayton

    Deputies and Sheriff first!

  132. Danny Crayton

    Deputies and Sheriff first!

  133. Danny Crayton

    Deputies and Sheriff first!

  134. Danny Crayton

    Deputies and Sheriff first!

  135. Carolyn Glenn

    Ron Bales hell no he gave himself a hefty raise in all of this.

  136. Carolyn Glenn

    Ron Bales hell no he gave himself a hefty raise in all of this.

  137. Carolyn Glenn

    Ron Bales hell no he gave himself a hefty raise in all of this.

  138. Carolyn Glenn

    Ron Bales hell no he gave himself a hefty raise in all of this.

  139. I have spent the last week reflecting on Monday, August 19th BOS meeting. I was so ashamed of DL Wilson and Holly Irwin, they have permitted the same old behavior to continue. Supporting raises when the County is struggling to stay afloat and the budget that was published in the paper recently left a lot to be desired. Is it a real budget or just numbers put together to satisfy legal requirements? Were is the money coming from and why are we giving out theses raises? If the money that’s necessary has been found, it would be better used hiring qualified people for vacant positions and increases for support staff that are barely making it. For example the Park Director, proposed raise $15,000, and many of the people working under him are barely making minimum wage.

    These types of action are what have got the County in the situation we’re in financially and they continue to occur, new players but the same old story, nothing has changed. Just new faces.

    It is well known that Ron Drake is planning to run for public office again in the future. It won’t be a position with the County I am pretty sure, the position he desired surely would be one higher up the latter. He doesn’t act like he has a vested interest the County, it appears to just be a stop over until he run for office. He needs to be replaced as well as two the Board Member as they appear to not be taking their jobs seriously – just collecting a paycheck.

    On Monday’s agenda item 20 was the following:

    Discussion and possible action regarding relating to the continued employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, salary, discipline, or resignation of the position of the County Administrator – Board of Supervisors. DL Wilson dismissed the item and the meeting was over. DL should be ashamed of himself, another example that he wasn’t working for the County’s residents.

  140. If the county wanted haapy times again It wood bring back mister Fields. Frields new how to make things work at times and now its just not hepining. maybe the money did run dry with fields but he was a jolly man and there was not this sadniss that is hepining now. Missus Irwin at the board was right that fields was the best thing for La Paz and she did not want him to leeve. ASlo his wife Katy was legel genius who defended poor people and the county is never the same without the fields. I plead for the Fields come back to save the county

  141. DL and holly, wtf

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