FLOG still on, but Tube Float cancelled

The Flog (Baseball Golf) tournament is still on, but the Parker Tube Float has been cancelled for 2020.

Flog (‘golf’ spelled backwards) takes place every July, and involves playing 9 holes of golf with baseball bats in fancy dress. The tournament will be held this year on Saturday, July 11th at Emerald Canyon Golf Course as planned. Some changes are being made by KLPZ in response to Governor Doug Ducey’s newest executive order, including the start time.

The ‘calcutta’ auction, normally held the night before the Flog event, has been cancelled. The new start time for Flog at the golf course is 6 a.m. on Saturday morning.

“People will need to be there at 6 a.m. or earlier,” said KLPZ’s Juanita Learn, who runs the event. “You’ll get your goodie bag then, and if you’d like to bet on your own team as you’d normally do at the calcutta, you can put in $100 as optional add-in money.”

The ‘best-dressed’ and ‘best team name’ will also be awarded before tee-off at the beginning of the event.

“It’s a weird year, but we’re going to do our part to enjoy the event and promote social distancing,” Juanita said. “It’s an outdoor event so that helps, and we encourage people to do their best to be safe and stop COVID-19. The golf course will have refreshments and you might want to bring a mask for wearing inside the clubhouse.”

Floggers can go practice at Emerald Canyon Golf Course driving range on July 8th at 5:30 p.m., where the special baseball bats will be available to practice with. July 8th is also the last date for those who need refunds for any reason. Call Juanita at (928) 669-9274 for any questions.

The Parker Tube Float, usually held in June and postponed this year until August, has now been cancelled, according to the Parker Regional Chamber of Commerce and Tourism which runs the event.

“We ask for your understanding and support. We miss you all and look forward to seeing you next year,” said the Chamber in a Facebook announcement.

Tubing and gatherings of over 50 people were explicitly mentioned in Ducey’s order, which has a tentative expiration date of July 29th but which many expect may be extended.

Some locals said they planned to refrain from asking for a refund for the Tube Float, since the event is the Chamber’s biggest annual fundraiser for its operating budget.


  1. Ryan Dickison

    Kristen Stadnick-Callahan that’s bad ass

  2. Peggy Code

    So much fun you need to sign up

  3. Debbie Gilbert

    That smells of corruption. The Owner must know some real powerful people. I see one radical Tube Float happening 8-1 if you pull that event off in the middle of July.

  4. Yes they know the right people

  5. Sammy Fernandez

    everybody must test but military

  6. Sammy Fernandez

    if your military you don’t have to test

  7. Sammy Fernandez

    close post office down to stop the spread

  8. Randy Hartless

    Hahaha “that smells of corruption.” GTFO of here with that silliness. Do you people even know what FLOG is?

  9. Sam A Camarata

    Sure flog is essential, profit goes to charities. Grandpa from Adam’s family plays every year .

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