Supervisor DL Wilson reverses course, decides to run as write-in candidate

La Paz County District 1 Supervisor DL Wilson, who had earlier decided not to run for re-election and will not be on the ballot in November, has reversed course and decided to run for his seat as a write-in candidate.

The only candidate actually on the general election ballot is David Plunkett, a well-known local realtor. Wilson, who was first elected in 2012 and has served almost 2 terms as Supervisor for District 1, initially ‘pulled papers’ intending to run for a third term. But back in March, he announced his intention to retire instead, leaving Plunkett as the only candidate in the race.

Now, in an unusual move, Wilson says he has changed his mind.

“Things have really changed since June when I initially decided not to seek re-election,” Wilson said. “The introduction of federal legislation last Friday which would enable to the County to purchase additional BLM land for solar development presents an opportunity that was unforeseen. That is in addition to the issues from the COVID-19 pandemic which will affect County operations and finances for the foreseeable future. While I felt change was in the best interest of myself and the County last June, these, for better or worse, are not the changes I contemplated.”

Wilson was part of advocating for the La Paz County Land Conveyance Act, for which he testified in a Congressional committee (video here). The legislation made it possible for La Paz County to buy federal land to be used for solar projects that will address the County’s chronic revenue problem due to its large percentage of public land.

“After careful consideration and at the urging of numerous people, family and friends and with much thought and prayer, I will seek re-election to District One La Paz County Supervisor,” Wilson said.

It is uncommon for incumbents to run as write-in candidates for their own seat. Last October, a U.S. Representative in rural Virginia ran as a write-in for the seat he already held, because he did not file some necessary paperwork in time.

Wilson easily carried the election in 2012, taking 38 percent of the vote against Mesena Gilbert (27%) and Bobby Page (27%). He did it again in 2016, taking 54 percent of the vote against Mesena Gilbert (46%).

But this time, even though Wilson has decided to run, he will not be on the ballot. Votes for Plunkett will be possible with a simple check mark, while votes for Wilson will only be possible by writing, ‘D.L. Wilson’ under District 1 Supervisor.


  1. reeMarKAble

  2. Time to enjoy life. DL embrace your family now and let go

  3. Waste of time DL most wont write in a name.

  4. I have to agree wirh Roxanne! Time to relax and enjoy your family.

  5. Plunkett has stated that he ran for supervisor because no one else wanted the job. Now that DL wants to continue his good work for the county , maybe Plunkett will bow out, or resign after he is elected. No way will a write in candidate ever win the election. Also duce and Plunkett want to team up and vote together. Seems DL was his own man when he voted. Wasnt straid my duce

  6. Meester Camerita…you SEem BIG bRain

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