Man struck by vessel on Parker Strip flown to hospital in Goodyear

UPDATED with info from GoFundMe

A man was struck by a vessel on the Parker Strip Saturday. He sustained major injuries and was flown to hospital in Goodyear, AZ.

On Saturday, September 5th, 2020 at approximately 5:15 pm, deputies from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department’s Colorado River Station Marine Enforcement Unit responded to a boating collision near the River Lodge Resort on the Colorado River north of Parker.

The investigation revealed that a 19 year-old man from Cottonwood, AZ was riding on a tube along with a female rider when they both fell off. As their vessel circled to pick them up, an unknown vessel traveling south struck the man. The vessel continued south and did not stop for the victim after the collision. Buckskin Fire personnel rendered first aid to the man, who was found along the shoreline with members of his family.

He suffered major upper body injuries and was transported to a nearby landing zone and flown to a trauma center in Goodyear, AZ. According to a GoFundMe page set up after the incident, the propeller hit the man 3 times.

“The prop hit him 3 times in his left arm severing his artery and nerves in three places and breaking the bones in all three places,” the post says. “The prop also hit his head causing a 4 to 5 inch cut along his upper forehead. The doctors are working hard at saving his left arm and hand!”

Investigators are asking for the public’s assistance in identifying the unknown vessel that struck the victim. Anyone with information regarding this investigation is urged to contact Deputy Brian Weck at the Colorado River Station Marine Enforcement Unit. Callers wishing to remain anonymous are urged to call the We-tip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME (27463) or you may leave information on the We-Tip Hotline at

The GoFundMe page can be found HERE.


  1. Hope that young man is ok

  2. Terrible. Hope everything is ok.

  3. Sure hope it’s minor & he’s OK.

    Hope it’s not related to the boat parade. Don’t want to give anyone a reason to object to any other parades in the future.

  4. Pat Foster
    wasnt the parade yesterday?
    This accident happened around 3,:30 today

  5. this happened on SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The PARADE was today, SUNDAY. NOT RELATED ! and he lost an arm

  6. Prayers for the young man and his family.

  7. Ron Aker Matilda Martin Aker ????

  8. Krystal DiCandilo we seen all the rescue boats. ???????????????????????? prayers for the young man & his family.

  9. Pat, this happened Sarurday about 3:30.

  10. Hope they find the other boater responsible!!!

  11. Anna Trujillo-Turman he was from Cottonwood

  12. Wow I can’t believe the other boat didn’t stop!

  13. David Michael Luna thNk you omg please share. He has been in surgery since yesterday. Major prayers needed

  14. David Michael Luna ita heart breaking. He’s such a nice kid

  15. Justin Kaze if you weren’t there dont spreD rumors he hasnt lost his arm yet. He almost lost his life!!

  16. Vivian Wilson no he hasnt

  17. Justin Kaze he has not lost his arm yet. Please stop with rumors our family doesn’t need it. Prayers is what we need

  18. Annette Ogle thanks for the update

  19. He has a long road but they had trouble stopping the bleeding it sliced a main artery. Hes in need for some really strong prayers.

  20. I hope someone has a heart and come forth or turn someone in

  21. This is my brother in law I witnessed this happen from a few feet away. If you see this boat it’s a magic deck boat the nose of the boat and the back of the boat is tan the middle of the boat has a design and the colors are blue black and white and then it has a black Bimini top that covers the whole top of the boat

  22. Maybe they didn’t know. It obvious happened at the propeller under the water line.

  23. These accidents always occur on big weekends. I do not understand that the load falls onto the back of Arizona. I have been involved and owned property in Parker since 1971, so I have always paid attention to what happens in Parker. I think that something must be done to control the strip. My property taxes are through the roof to take care of the clowns on this river.

  24. He is doing alright thanks you guys and plz don’t spread anything you don’t know

  25. Annette Ogle sending prayers do we know if he is local

  26. Word is you have it misleading Information upon his arm, the fellow young man is a very close friend of mine. He is arm is still attached and he doing good. Keep him in your prayers! We are setting up a GoFund Me page for those who are wanting to donate. I’ll send the link below when it’s all set up.

  27. If you hit a wave the wrong way your prop will feel it and with a bright ass yellow boat in the water with a flag up they didn’t slow down they almost hit Carrie Ann. Not slowing down for any boater stopped in the water is wrong no matter the circumstance

  28. Justin Kaze if you didn’t see my comment they saw everyone on that boat looked back even the driver he saw what he didn’t and he took off

  29. Sherry Lynn do u know about where it happened

  30. Justin Kaze river lodge I was in the boat towing him

  31. Jackie Loft-Kummerle it was around 5 pm

  32. Annette, this River has gotten so crazy. My prayers to your friend.

  33. We were on the shoreline with a sinking boat and thought the helicopters were there for us at first.. prayers to this young man and the family.

  34. Sherry Lynn Black Bimini is a good give away. Lots of video for the Parade. Hopefully justice is served.

  35. Sherry Lynn I’m so sorry for your brother in law. We were across the river directly and seen everything happen also. This whole weekend it’s all we could think of. Our kids also witnessed this happen. I can’t believe how fast and close to the boat he got. We seen them waving the orange flag across the river they definitely had to have seen that orange flag.

  36. Amanda Lewis the boat was going towards my sister first and they moved over to the other side

  37. Amanda Lewis Doc Lewis was the one that came up to us and tried to chase him down

  38. Me and my family were there this weekend across the river from the accident. Prayers for this young man’s full recovery.

  39. Sherry Lynn ????????????for your brother in-law

  40. Sherry Lynn any update on him?? We’ve been thinking about him all weekend ????

  41. Becky Morris he’s awake right now talking to everyone

  42. Sherry Lynn I’m so glad to hear that! ????????

  43. Hi Sherry. My family watched this incident happen on the castle Rock Beach. We gave our description to the sheriffs that came to our marina,, which matches Docs, the boat was grey with orange and yellow. You may want to share an updated description of the boat on river whips.. people on there are looking for the blue and tan boat you mentioned.

  44. Joy Mckewen Steve Mckewen Natalie Anaya Jesus! Poor kid

  45. Here is the link to GoFund me Page his father has organized. if you are wanting to donate, anything helps and keep him in your prayers thank you!

  46. I was there this weekend and took a lot of pictures. Unfortunately, most of my pictures and footage were from Sunday during the parade. I didn’t have many from Saturday. Just a thought, since the driver and all the passengers refused to stop

  47. point continued. Since the driver didn’t stop, I seriously doubt that they hung around the following day for the parade. They probably pulled that baby out of the water right away. Anyone there this weekend should look at Saturday’s pictures.

  48. I truly hope that this person is found. Maybe one of the passengers will have a guilty conscience and report him. This is so very sad and I hope that he makes a full recovery. Prayers to him and his family.

  49. We were on the shore of River Lodge on West Beach. We had our 2 young children playing in the water and saw everything since it happened right in front of our campsite .. we saw your yellow boat take off from shore and then the 2 fly off the tube.. then we saw at least 3 boats get really close to him at once, then the 1 hit him. I can’t give a great description because it was so busy in the water and I was also watching my 2 babies while swimming but we saw it all happen. My husband rushed to the office and called 911 immediately after seeing you guys waving the orange flag coming into shore with him. We heard him as he got hit and I told my husband to go call 911.
    My heart is with Domanic and your family! I’m so grateful he survived that horrific accident and praying he can get feeling back into his hand and make a full recovery!

  50. Kelsey McKewen holy moly! This is why we yell at the jerks who ride in our wakes! Learn the rules or GET OFF THE WATER!

  51. Natalie Anaya right! An the assholes who tail is when we are wakeboarding! Poor kid. Hope they find that mf

  52. Stop perpetuating this shit.

  53. Derik are you kidding me someone lost their arm…My thoughts and prayers to this Family. This is exactly why I live here and my granddaughter will not go in the water at Parker Strip due to how fast boats are allowing to go up and down. Have personally seen boat going over 100mph, this is not the OCEAN……Its for family fun…

  54. I would like to see The Law install cameras at all of the main launch ramps on the Parker Strip. I realize that this is not a 100% solution for tracking down someone but, in this case, I think it would have worked. Additionally, if signs are posted on the ramps letting everyone know that they are on camera it would probably prevent some, but not all, ugly incidents that can happen on the ramps.

  55. Gregg I understand everyone wanting to identify a person who caused this issue. However there are enough cameras in life so there is not a need to have cameras at launch ramps. If law enforcement really wanted to track the offending person there are plenty on the entire strip. That being said, there are already clear pictures of the boat and owner on facebook. Law enforcement knows who the person is just cannot find him. As stated I understand, but we are all under watch too much already.

  56. Sad for the kid. Should take the boat from the person driving the tubers. Who tubes on Labor Day weekend on the strip at 3 in the afternoon. Asking for a problem

  57. A 4 to 5 inch cut on his forehead??? Looking at the picture I can’t see anything on his forehead. That being said, hope he’s ok.

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