Darla Tilley OUT at Senior Center after dust-up at Town Hall

Darla Tilley is no longer running the Parker Senior Center after a dust-up at Town Hall led to her resignation “under duress.” Town Manager Lori Wedemeyer says there were valid complaints against Tilley, but Councilman Randy Hartless says Tilley was doing “an incredible job” and thinks it’s Wedemeyer who should be fired.

Tilley’s last day at the Senior Center, which is operated by the Town of Parker, where Tilley was an employee, was last Monday. She told Parker Live she wrote her resignation letter under duress.

“I’ve been a hard-working, dedicated employee for 21 years,” she said. “I never had a single write-up or verbal warning, no disciplinary actions in all that time. I defended someone else from what I saw as bad treatment from [Town Hall] and from that point on, that animosity was directed at me.”

In a letter addressed to Wedemeyer and the Town Council on April 9th, Tilley wrote, “I am doing this under duress. My plan was to retire when I turned 65. At this time, I am not financially prepared or medically prepared to retire.”

She went on to say that at a meeting on April 7th, Wedemeyer had called her into her office and informed her that there had been complaints that Tilley had “bullied people.” After asking Wedemeyer to give her details, Tilley says she wasn’t given anything specific, but was asked for her “exit plan” and later forced to resign.

She told Parker Live that she feels the demand for her resignation was nothing more than retaliation from people at Town Hall who didn’t like her, rather than any specific allegations about her work or her conduct in her job.

“These complaints were never substantiated. There was no investigation. And it’s important that people realize, everything is wonderful at the Senior Center. In fact, my staff is very, very upset and horrified at this. Everyone decided to quit along with me, to walk out, and I told them I know they’re trying to be loyal but they wouldn’t be doing me any favors by abandoning all our clients who really need our services.”

Wedemeyer confirmed that Tilley had not had any formal disciplinary actions “as that term is used in employment”, meaning that there is no record of her being suspended, demoted or terminated at any previous time. But she said that there is “no truth whatsoever” to Tilley’s claim of retaliation.

“In order to protect the privacy of other Town employees, I am not able to provide additional information on the bullying complaints other than to say that the complaints are not limited to just one employee,” Wedemeyer told Parker Live. “Thank you for reaching out. I am trying to be as honest and open as I can be in this situation.”

Tilley said that the complaints are dubious in origin.

“If there was a complaint, it wasn’t handled properly,” she said. “This is a pattern. And I know there haven’t been any complaints about the operations of the Senior Center, which was my job.”

Councilman Randy Hartless defended Tilley, saying, “Darla is a valuable part of the community and she does an amazing job with our elderly population at the Senior Center. Yes, she has her faults – like we all do – but they are far outweighed by her dedication and service to this community.”

He went on to say, “Although it has been clear to me for many months that Darla Tilley was being heavily scrutinized, I had no idea the level of micromanagement that was happening. Frankly, I find it unprofessional and unacceptable. However, I am only one of seven council members.”

Hartless said he believes the real issue lies with the Human Resources Department, which is currently handled by Wedemeyer herself in addition to her main duties as Town Manager.

“If an employee has a problem with Lori Wedemeyer, they have to go to… Lori Wedemeyer,” Hartless said. “So it’s easy to see where the problem lies. The council thought we addressed this issue in February when we decided that we wanted to hire an outside Human Resources person, but apparently we were ignored and another employee at the Town of Parker is being trained in HR.”

Wedemeyer told Parker Live she is satisfied with the system in place to deal with Human Resources issues.

“It is not uncommon for a Town our size to have the structure that it does, and I have full confidence that, with rare exception, it is an efficient structure that satisfies the needs of the Town, its employees, and the citizens who pay for the Town’s services,” she said.

Hartless said he thinks it is “in the best interest of the Town” to fire Wedemeyer as Town Manager.

“Too many things are wrong at the Town regarding the Council / Town Manager relationship and it’s time the Council address the root of the problem – the Town Manager,” he said. “I’m certain that idea is completely objectionable to the Council members that are really running this Town through Lori Wedemeyer, because firing her means putting the Council / Town Manager relationship back where it should be: the Town Manager answering to the seven duly-elected Council members equitably and impartially. Since I don’t believe there are enough votes among the Council to remove the Town Manager, I would urge the voters to take matters into their own hands. Use your constitutional right to vote out or otherwise remove the Town Council members who are allowing this broken system to continue.”

In her letter, Tilley said she is proud of the work she has accomplished and the programs she built.

“I live in a great community with some of the most amazing, giving and talented people. I am thankful and blessed to have had such an incredible staff and the most dedicated volunteers that shared in my vision for the Senior Center. I wish the Parker Senior Center and the Town of Parker the very best in the future.”

Parker Senior Center feeds dozens of senior citizens every week at its location in Parker and by delivery, provides transportation to Lake Havasu City weekly, provides Medicare assistance and other programs.


  1. Darla has done a GREAT job for seniors and the community. Lori is the one that should go.

  2. Darla has done a GREAT job for seniors and the community. Lori is the one that should go.

  3. Sadly another good person is forced out. Seriously?

  4. Sadly another good person is forced out. Seriously?

  5. I think Randy Hartless is quite correct in voicing hos opinion. Darla has done wonders for our senior center

  6. I totally believe her. They are out for anyone that doesn’t do as they see fit….

  7. I totally believe her. They are out for anyone that doesn’t do as they see fit….

  8. HUGE LOSS FOR THE TOWN OF PARKER!!! Darla has dedicated 21 years of excellent leadership at the senior center and has done so much for our seniors! Very disappointing and upsetting that this happened to such a HUGE ASSET TO OUR COMMUNITY!

  9. HUGE LOSS FOR THE TOWN OF PARKER!!! Darla has dedicated 21 years of excellent leadership at the senior center and has done so much for our seniors! Very disappointing and upsetting that this happened to such a HUGE ASSET TO OUR COMMUNITY!

  10. Darla has been an integral part of our community. She has made a positive impact for not only the senior center and the town , but for the entire county. Darla is an amazing Administrator.
    She is respectful and thoughtful to anyone who walked into the senior center. This is not how we treat people who have committed their life for over 20 years for the benefit of our community. An investigation needs to be done.

  11. think the focus should be Lori …

  12. think the focus should be Lori …

  13. Nina Williams Chumley

    Randy what can we do to help?

  14. Nina Williams Chumley

    Randy what can we do to help?

  15. Nina Williams Chumley talk to your elected officials at the town!

  16. Nina Williams Chumley talk to your elected officials at the town!

  17. Nina Williams Chumley

    Who are the elected officials now, it’s hard to keep track? Thanks

  18. Nina Williams Chumley

    Who are the elected officials now, it’s hard to keep track? Thanks

  19. Teresa Tozer

    This is what happens when you give one person too much control. The town should have learned from the county’s mistakes. An investigation needs to be done. Maybe they could go to lunch on one of those “gift cards”! Darla does not deserve to be treated like this. The Town needs to speak up!!!

  20. Teresa Tozer

    This is what happens when you give one person too much control. The town should have learned from the county’s mistakes. An investigation needs to be done. Maybe they could go to lunch on one of those “gift cards”! Darla does not deserve to be treated like this. The Town needs to speak up!!!

  21. “Wedemeyer told Parker Live she is satisfied with the system in place to deal with Human Resources issues”….. of course she is.. huh… She’s HR.????

  22. “Wedemeyer told Parker Live she is satisfied with the system in place to deal with Human Resources issues”….. of course she is.. huh… She’s HR.????

  23. The Town just lost one of the most dedicated and hardest working employee they have.???? Darla has worked her butt off to make the senior center suc a success . She would go out of her way to help anyone and everyone. You do not throw away a valuable 21 year employee!!!

  24. The Town just lost one of the most dedicated and hardest working employee they have.???? Darla has worked her butt off to make the senior center suc a success . She would go out of her way to help anyone and everyone. You do not throw away a valuable 21 year employee!!!

  25. Nina Williams Chumley asking everyone to show up at Town Council meeting Tuesday. Need to send a message to them.

  26. Nina Williams Chumley asking everyone to show up at Town Council meeting Tuesday. Need to send a message to them.

  27. This is extremely wrong and upsetting, Darla is an integral part of the community. I hope this can be rectified. Lori, you are in the wrong and you know it, how about we air her dirty laundry for all to know. Fight fire with fire. Lori should have been forced out years ago, you are running this town into the ground. I’ll see you Tuesday, if we want to make a difference, let’s all make sure we show our support at the next council meeting Tuesday!

  28. Nina Williams Chumley

    So it looks like we need to turn our attention to: Karen Bonds …Mayor Jerry Hooper….VM. David Lucas… Marion Shontz. Frank Savino. Rey DeLeon. We need an outside investigation.

  29. Nina Williams Chumley

    So it looks like we need to turn our attention to: Karen Bonds …Mayor Jerry Hooper….VM. David Lucas… Marion Shontz. Frank Savino. Rey DeLeon. We need an outside investigation.

  30. Teresa Tozer they don’t know how to do that last time there was one Wedemeyer got away with stealing money and look she still there

  31. Teresa Tozer they don’t know how to do that last time there was one Wedemeyer got away with stealing money and look she still there

  32. Lori should have been the focus a long time ago starting with all the gift cards. Give one person too much power and this is what happens. Not only the gift cards but using the town vehicle to pick up her kids from school. Personal use!!

  33. Lori should have been the focus a long time ago starting with all the gift cards. Give one person too much power and this is what happens. Not only the gift cards but using the town vehicle to pick up her kids from school. Personal use!!

  34. Randy J Hartless sent you a PM

  35. Randy J Hartless sent you a PM

  36. Danielle Cantrell Got it- thanks

  37. Danielle Cantrell Got it- thanks

  38. Nina Williams Chumley 6:00 pm

  39. Nina Williams Chumley 6:00 pm

  40. Nina Williams Chumley

    We’ll see you there. Get ready guys we need to show a force….

  41. Nina Williams Chumley

    We’ll see you there. Get ready guys we need to show a force….

  42. Ms. Wedemeyer has been cleared 3 separate times by the AG’s office in regards to the gift cards Ms. Tozer. Feel free to call them.

    As far as a dedicated employee, your correct. Darla was very dedicated. So dedicated that she received a $10k bonus from her “committee” *****

    Darla is wonderful to your face, but cross her or go against her wishes and she bullies and belittles you. It has been that way for years. She will use anything and everything against you. “Who needs enemies when you have friends like her” comes to mind.

    The allegations are real. Some just refuse to accept the fact that they are wrong. There are 2 sides to every story. Only is being bantered about to yet again bully and belittle those that stood up. Get your facts straight before you mouth off.

    [ **** No libel ]

  43. Nina Williams Chumley

    Okay, guys we need to come together and show a force at the Town Council meeting this Tuesday at 6:00. TELL ALL……..

  44. Nina Williams Chumley

    Okay, guys we need to come together and show a force at the Town Council meeting this Tuesday at 6:00. TELL ALL……..

  45. Okay, guys we need to come together and show a force at the Town Council meeting this Tuesday at 6:00. TELL ALL……..

  46. Darla is one of the hardest working women I have ever known! I cannot imagine her bullying anyone. The Town definitely made a huge mistake! And the council allowed it!
    All that work for all those seniors and our community! Love you Darla Tilly!

  47. I have never seen any person more dedicated to seniors and the poor than darla has been. she made sure that my mother was taken care when she was still alive and i have known many seniors that she has helped
    out over the years. she is truly one of a kind and anyone who knows her knows that her priority is with the seniors of parker. she may be demanding but that is a trait that all good leaders have. she had volunteers go
    over to my mothers house to fix her roof during a very hard rain storm to just to mention one thing. very sad day for parker.

  48. I think Lori has forgot she an employee too! Lori answer to the council and the council answer to the people of Parker! She has made some bad choice from CC purchases to dismissing long term employees. We the people want justice for Darla!!

  49. I think Lori has forgot she an employee too! Lori answer to the council and the council answer to the people of Parker! She has made some bad choice from CC purchases to dismissing long term employees. We the people want justice for Darla!! This sad situation happens when one person makes all the decisions, conflict of interest!! Now it’s her turn to be discipline for unjustified actions! (Ask her to resign)

  50. There are actually 3 sides to every story, “his”, “hers” and the truth. Any Mouse, or shall I call you Lori, funny how you are the only one who wants to talk negative about Darla. Let’s do a poll and see all the wonderful things they have to say about her after 21 years of dedicated service. Let’s see proof of your accusations. Because we can provide trails of proof of the ones against Lori.

  51. Katie Turnbow

    Holy cow! I remember Darla as a dedicated employee with a heart for what she did.

  52. Katie Turnbow

    Holy cow! I remember Darla as a dedicated employee with a heart for what she did.

  53. WeedMayor is BAd AND tHat TOwn is sufferIN GOD BlESs. By hER out WITh GIFT CaRDs

  54. Thank you Darla for you dedication and contribution to our community! You are appreciated by so many. Here’s a throw back video from the 2019 talent show. Darla makes her appearance at the end. https://www.facebook.com/connie.sourire/videos/10217979164605937/

  55. Thank you Darla for your service, dedication and contribution to our community! You are appreciated by so many. Here’s a throw back video of the Senior Center Staff performing at their 2019 talent show. Darla makes her appearance at the end. https://www.facebook.com/connie.sourire/videos/10217979164605937/

  56. Anonymous, you are correct. The truth will all come out. It always does..

    No one is doubting the good that Darla has done for the seniors.

    And whether anyone can believe it or not, it happened repeatedly.

  57. SaDly Weed MAYOR runS D shoW. God BLess Heartless and ziglER should BE Town MAnager

  58. Tilly how does feel when that red dot is on your back?
    Easy solution put wedemeyer on admin leave and hire an outside investigation, I pass her every morning on my commute to work, she is coming from Havasu to Parker. Alcadia should also be part of your Town clean up. What a joke and great laugh I had tonight

  59. She shouldn’t have resigned. Should have made them fire her then retain counsel to pursue options.

  60. She shouldn’t have resigned. Should have made them fire her then retain counsel to pursue options.

  61. Nina Williams Chumley same hogs, different trough.

  62. Nina Williams Chumley same hogs, different trough.

  63. I can’t believe the Town Council let this happen, or if they were even aware of it. But you would think the Town Administrator wanting to terminate a 21 year employee would have received some guidance by legal or the council.

    I don’t believe for a minute that Darla did any wrong doing.

    But if she had, doesn’t a 21 year employee deserve a written warning, some mentoring, maybe some much needed time off to regroup.

    I am interested to know if any efforts we’re made to rectify the situation.

    If you are having issues with the boss and the boss is HR what is the employee supposed to do?

    A lawsuit waiting to happen if you ask me.

  64. Vivian Hartless that is outrageous and ridiculous and the biggest conflict of interest i have EVER heard. Sounds an awful lot like the town operates just like the county.

  65. Vivian Hartless that is outrageous and ridiculous and the biggest conflict of interest i have EVER heard. Sounds an awful lot like the town operates just like the county.

  66. She’s double dipping can’t do to jobs at once definitely conflict of interest She’s should have been fired for all those gift cards no excuses!!!

  67. She’s double dipping can’t do to jobs at once definitely conflict of interest She’s should have been fired for all those gift cards no excuses!!!

  68. Vivian Hartless pretty big conflict of interest! Wearing all the hats! Ugh ????????‍♀️

  69. Vivian Hartless pretty big conflict of interest! Wearing all the hats! Ugh ????????‍♀️

  70. Connie Hoff thank you for posting this. This was our theme song! not only the staff but for all of our volunteers and all the people in this community!

  71. Connie Hoff thank you for posting this. This was our theme song! not only the staff but for all of our volunteers and all the people in this community!

  72. Wow.. this is definitely fb at its finest and one side of the story. Isnt it crazy how influential a storie can be but never forget there are always 2 sides to every story and you might just be wrong. But dont let that stop ya, parker live is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Right? ????

  73. Wow.. this is definitely fb at its finest and one side of the story. Isnt it crazy how influential a storie can be but never forget there are always 2 sides to every story and you might just be wrong. But dont let that stop ya, parker live is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Right? ????

  74. Small town CORRUPT government!!

  75. Small town CORRUPT government!!

  76. Allen May Well, I see Darla’s side, Lori’s side, and a pissed off councilperson’s side (me). What other side is there, Allen?

  77. Allen May Well, I see Darla’s side, Lori’s side, and a pissed off councilperson’s side (me). What other side is there, Allen?

  78. Concerned citzen

    Any mouse must be Lorie or one of her two minions, that made the complaint, funny the complaint came from Lorie’s office not the people Darla works with or the many volunteers she has worked with, why all of sudden from that office, sounds suspicious to me, should be investigated also why the town bills doesn’t get paid, it is embarrassing to the department heads when they are declined credit for the goods they need, that should be also investigated. If Lorie runs the town of Parker, what does the mayor and the town council do? What is the use of the election ? A person that has worked hard and has been dedicated as Darla has should have at least been able to face her accuser and tell her side of story, the sad part in this is the seniors of Lapaz county and the town of Parker

  79. That is the Biggest B.S. of all time, Please come back Darla, Laurie is the one that needs to go BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!

  80. That is the Biggest B.S. of all time, Please come back Darla, Laurie is the one that needs to go BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!

  81. Randy J Hartless yes you do and thank you this is so Wrong I volunteered there for 12 years and the seniors are the ones under the bus,she helped them in every way wake up
    Lorie needs to read her job title on the job she is to do for the town, too too much power and the rest of the council needs to stop kissing her butt,thanks again Randy

  82. Randy J Hartless yes you do and thank you this is so Wrong I volunteered there for 12 years and the seniors are the ones under the bus,she helped them in every way wake up
    Lorie needs to read her job title on the job she is to do for the town, too too much power and the rest of the council needs to stop kissing her butt,thanks again Randy

  83. Queen Wedemeyer is in ecstasy when she wields the Valyrian steel blade against those who dare question her absolute power. Town workers shall bend the knee or else.

  84. Darla Tilley has my utmost respect for her accomplishments. She has worked very hard to make the Senior Center what it is today, a hub for the community.

  85. Darla Tilley has my utmost respect for her accomplishments. She has worked very hard to make the Senior Center what it is today, a hub for the community.

  86. “The Center is running smoothly and the existing staff is managing all of the affairs of the center without a hitch,” Wedemeyer said. This is from the Parker Pioneer. And it’s more bullshit. Unless you consider no longer allowing aerobics classes and no congregate meals served on Friday because all the volunteers quit “without a hitch.” Wedemeyer also said, “The Town is disappointed in the mischaracterizations in Darla’s resignation letter.” But what she really means is that SHE is disappointed. She has no idea how the “town” feels about it and she sure in the hell does not speak for ME.

  87. “The Center is running smoothly and the existing staff is managing all of the affairs of the center without a hitch,” Wedemeyer said. This is from the Parker Pioneer. And it’s more bullshit. Unless you consider no longer allowing aerobics classes and no congregate meals served on Friday because all the volunteers quit “without a hitch.” Wedemeyer also said, “The Town is disappointed in the mischaracterizations in Darla’s resignation letter.” But what she really means is that SHE is disappointed. She has no idea how the “town” feels about it and she sure in the hell does not speak for ME.

  88. Town manager at her finest, straight up lies. Wondering if she actually said that with a straight face.

    Oh and while I’m at it this is to Ms Mouse-aka Lori Beckett Wedemeyer or one of her minions. Gotta ask why three times she was exonerated??? Why not once if she was so innocent?? Why because she made a deal. Why don’t you share that with the public Ms Mouse?

  89. Town manager at her finest, straight up lies. Wondering if she actually said that with a straight face.

    Oh and while I’m at it this is to Ms Mouse-aka Lori Beckett Wedemeyer or one of her minions. Gotta ask why three times she was exonerated??? Why not once if she was so innocent?? Why because she made a deal. Why don’t you share that with the public Ms Mouse?

  90. Vivian Hartless what do you mean made a deal?

  91. Vivian Hartless what do you mean made a deal?

  92. Tammy Hiatt a deal was made to get her out of the 40,000 gift card fiasco. But my point was why did it take three times? If she was so innocent then once should’ve been enough. Just saying

  93. Tammy Hiatt a deal was made to get her out of the 40,000 gift card fiasco. But my point was why did it take three times? If she was so innocent then once should’ve been enough. Just saying

  94. Darla’s #1 focus has always been doing what is best for the senior citizens of this community. I have seen her true compassion and dedication to all the senior citizens in our community, her willingness to go over and above to make sure they are taken care of. For those of us that know Darla, we know helping the seniors in our community is her passion. I have seen the tears and heartache on Darla’s face when one of her seniors passes away. They are not just customers to her, they become her friends and family. She truly cares about everyone that walks though the doors of the senior center and gets meals delivered to their homes. It deeply saddens me to know she will no longer be there.

  95. Darla’s #1 focus has always been doing what is best for the senior citizens of this community. I have seen her true compassion and dedication to all the senior citizens in our community, her willingness to go over and above to make sure they are taken care of. For those of us that know Darla, we know helping the seniors in our community is her passion. I have seen the tears and heartache on Darla’s face when one of her seniors passes away. They are not just customers to her, they become her friends and family. She truly cares about everyone that walks though the doors of the senior center and gets meals delivered to their homes. It deeply saddens me to know she will no longer be there.

  96. Harry Paratestis

    The real issue is the town council allowing Ms. Wedemeyer to do the things she does. At this point some town council members may actually believe the town council reports to Ms. Wedemeyer rather than Ms. Wedemeyer reporting to the town council. Most people do not realize how the town manager controls the flow of information each town council member receives due to open meeting laws and the like. It’s a system in which a town manager who hypothetically may not be transparent, and who hypothetically may favor certain town council members, and who hypothetically may provide town council members with select information, can thrive year and year even if there are obvious deficiencies within the town.

  97. Love you Darla❤️ I think you are awesome! You’ve always been a Class Act, hope justice is served

  98. Small town politics suck

  99. Small town politics suck

  100. I don’t know all the politics involved in the removing of Darla as Sr. Center director.
    I have attended many events at the Sr. Center where money was being raised for the “Meals on Wheels” program never realizing that in a few years I would be receiving these meals. I know the meals are funded by several programs but Darla wanted her seniors to have more. So each week my meals are delivered upriver, including fresh fruit and milk.
    Thank you Darla for what you have done for the seniors in LaPaz County.

  101. Vivian Hartless this Tuesday ?

  102. Vivian Hartless this Tuesday ?

  103. Linda Cox yes, tomorrow night

  104. Linda Cox yes, tomorrow night

  105. Parker is the new Quartzsite.

  106. Concerned Citizen

    Wow, wow, wow
    So let me get this straight. Darla has been with the town for 21 years. She has lead a staff, a slew of volunteers, thousands of people have been to the center to have lunch, she has thrown fundraisers galore where 200-300 hundred people attend and she has never had ONE complaint to the town. Now 2 people from Lori’s crew right out a complaint, Lori doesn’t even discuss who they are with Darla or give Darla the opportunity to to address her accusers? Then she is forced to resign or be fired. Oh lord, there is something completely wrong with that AFTER 21 YEARS!!!! Darla, my heart is breaking for you. Hang in there girl…

  107. This is BS!!! Darla is the most sweetest person you will ever meet. This is what our world has come to, when people don’t get there way they bully that person and then turn around and play the victim.

  108. This is BS!!! Darla is the most sweetest person you will ever meet. This is what our world has come to, when people don’t get there way they bully that person and then turn around and play the victim.

  109. Nina Williams Chumley

    Don’t forget to be at the Town Hall tonight the 20th at 6:00. Everyone needs to show up..

  110. Nina Williams Chumley

    Don’t forget to be at the Town Hall tonight the 20th at 6:00. Everyone needs to show up..

  111. Town Hall meeting tonight 20th at 6:00 be there……

  112. Aric M Stewart, P.E. - former Public Works Director

    To be clear, Lori bought $49,000 in gift cards using Town of Parker funds. I know because I brought the records to the AG office in 2018. [***] When I spoke to the special agent at the AGs office, it was explained that they would have to follow the money and it was very difficult to follow gift card expenditures. Was Lori cleared? No. There just wasn’t enough evidence to press charges.

    Randy Hartless has the right idea. Lori is the problem.

    Why would the Town of Parker citizens want to allow Lori to have a toxic effect on their community. Lori makes a 6 figure income, paid for my the community. Stand up Parker. Take charge now.

  113. concerned citzen

    WAKE UP PARKER!!!! Ms Wedemeyer’s ultimate goal is to get rid of the seniors program, since she succeeded getting rid of Ms Tilley she thinks it will be a breeze, she has never wanted the senior program, remember she has never supported it ( how many fund raiser has been to?) think about it.

  114. she is a bully! And she is rude to younger people that don’t frequent the center. I witness it first hand while working on the ac.And 21 years is Enough! Let someone else man the shop.And Lori…well she’s another Pelosie. Did I spell that right?

  115. what about the new court house? Every time I go by there, its …it looks abandoned. Just like the other location.what did someone need a new Chair? Or maybe it was a window seat. What is going on.the magistrate isn’t even there after 10 am. You want more ? I have more . I’ve lived here 40 years I’ve seen some crazy shit

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