John Wright

John is Editor of Parker Live. He is also the host of a daily afternoon radio show on KLPZ 1380am and a documentary filmmaker.

National debt, historically speaking

Our country began in debt. In 1776, the most important task facing the Founders was to win the Revolutionary War. If they had lost, the leaders would have been executed for treason. As Benjamin Franklin said “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately,” As we have all seen over the past decade, wars cost money, …

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Shutdown creates need for food for elderly: how you can help

Parker Senior Center is dealing with the potential loss of government funding for its Meals on Wheels service, which brings meals to needy senior citizens across La Paz County. A possible furlough of WACOG (the Western Arizona Council of Governments) is threatening to affect Meals on Wheels, according to Bill Risen, because 60 percent of the program’s funding comes from …

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Parker Live lives!

If I had a buck for every call, email, text message or comment where someone asked a variation of the question, “What’s up with Parker Live?”, I could buy my own comedian to follow me around and distract me with mirth from the horribleness of dealing with our hosting company over the past few days. On Friday, after several similar …

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Poor Old October

Everyone goes through times in their lives when things just don’t seem to work right at all. The situation goes from bad to worse and you can end up feeling pretty low. I wonder if that could be true of seasons and months as well? The other day I was wondering about how it would feel to be October and …

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To The Editor: Is this weekend’s Best in the Desert race still on?

From Pete R: “If the federal government shutdown remains through this weekend, how will it affect the BlueWater Desert Challenge off-road race? I heard they were already making plans to shut it down, which means this huge event may not be happening now?! Please tell us if this is true.” ——— Most desert races require permits for usage of federal …

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Strong wind advisory across Arizona

The Arizona Department of Transportation cautions drivers that strong winds and blowing dust could impact travel today on Arizona’s highways. The National Weather Service has issued wind and blowing dust advisories for much of the state, which are in effect in some areas beginning at 9 a.m. today. Travelers along Interstate 8, Interstate 10, State Route 347 and Interstate 40 …

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