Q: It seems like a very long time since we had rain. Do you have records?
A: We do! And you’re right; it’s been a long time. The last time the National Weather Service recorded any measurable rain in Parker, AZ was March 8th, 2010. That’s over 5 months without any precipitation, and it includes monsoon season!
The year started out unusually wet, with 2.16 inches of rain by the end of January. We added 62 one-hundredths of an inch on March 8th, bringing the year total-to-date to 2.78 inches.
I wonder if I am the only person on Earth to win RAIN in a radio contest? August 25, 2009 — it was the only rain I had last summer.
Thank you, KLPZ’s You Call It Fridays!
I hate no storms….I do like them sometimes…