Open to the public, a ‘Meet and Greet Your Candidates’ event will be held on Thursday, October 4th from 6-8:30 pm at the Town of Parker Senior Community Center located at 1115 12th Street in Parker. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and talk to candidates for office in the General Election this November. All candidates from all parties …
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Centurion World Wake Surf Championship returns to Parker
BlueWater Resort & Casino will host the Centurion World Wake Surf Championships September 27–29. The river in front of BlueWater will again be teaming with a competitive watersport. Scheduled to compete are 147 world’s best riders and the best view to watch these athletes is the River’s Edge Cantina at BlueWater’s Resort & Casinos beach. The Centurion World Wake Surfing …
Read More »County Attorney free-for-all, one week left
The fate of one of the County’s top elected positions will be in the hands of voters that choose to write in a candidate’s name on their ballots this November. The office of County Attorney will be vacated by Sam Vederman in December when he is appointed Judge of the La Paz County Superior Court by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. …
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What would you do with the Alewine property?
Reader question: What is the plan for the Alewine property on Riverside Drive? Is it going to be turned into something? Parker Live spoke with Jimmy Alewine this morning, asking him this common question. The property, which was razed after a series of fires, is on a prominent stretch of the main drag in Parker, AZ and so it’s not …
Read More »Roadmap for Quartzsite: Northern Ireland?
I lived in Northern Ireland from the time I was born until I was 24 years old. My hometown is Belfast, the epicenter of what came to be called The Troubles. Our local politics were the politics of conflict, with two sides who had come to hate each other. One side would try to constantly thwart the other, politically, legally, …
Read More »Laura Bruno takes helm of Quartzsite, vows to “right this ship”
A retired financial administrator whose job it was to rescue school districts and turn them around, a Northern Nevada resident Laura Bruno has been hired by the Town of Quartzsite Common Council as Interim Town Manager. Bruno held a roundtable meeting with the press and the community Friday at which she emphasized the need for patience but vowed to get …
Read More »Appeal from sewer board after fire
A fire at a water treatment plant north of Parker resulted in an unknown amount of damage and an appeal from the sewer board to conserve water. The cause of the fire, which broke out Thursday night at the Buckskin Sanitary District plant, is not currently known, according to a notice from the Board: “We are in the process of …
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Local man has “bad night”, fires shots in town
A local man was arrested after 2 a.m. on Tuesday morning for firing shots that hit two businesses on Joshua Avenue in the town of Parker. Nicholas Garlow, 29, was arrested by Parker P.D. after Officer Chrusciel heard a popping sound and an alarm go off and went to investigate. Garlow is reported to have told Chrusciel he “f***ed up” …
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