
Always be questioning

Quite a few years ago I remember hearing someone talk about how they trained sales people and using the expression “ABC – Always Be Closing.” Thanks to the internet I just found out this expression was used in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, a movie I haven’t seen. Well this month I want to share something a bit different with …

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Top 10 Ways to Master the Parker Tube Float

The 2015 Parker Tube Float is just around the corner. It’s a giant, annual floating party on the river south of Lake Havasu, and is now in its 38th year! Here are Parker Live’s top ten tips for mastering the event and getting the most out of it. 1. Decide whether you feel like winning or just floating. The Tube …

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In response to the messages about Gonzales

Over the weekend, I was contacted by several of the family members of Alexander Ezekial Gonzales, who was the subject of a news article on this website Friday announcing his 11 year prison sentence for child abuse. The family have since asked me repeatedly, in multiple ways via multiple channels, to take the article down. This has taken the form …

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Angsty about tax

Okay so I had this idea for the May column but then I had to pay my taxes on April 15th and everything changed. This isn’t going to be a rant about too much taxation – I have opinions about that of course. Who doesn’t? But that’s not what this column is about. Besides, if you want read the various …

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Spring into Summer

The Parker Strip is heating up!   Temps are definitely heating up, but Life has never been cooler on the Parker Strip. Some may ask how we can top an amazing winter where we saw extremely mild temperatures all season long…minus some unexpected light snowfall around New Year. Summer seems to always begin a little earlier for Parker than rest …

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Freedom (Part 2)

Last month I wrote a little bit about how important freedom is to us as a nation and as individuals. It’s critical, fragile and easily lost, as history shows us over and over again. I know a lot of people who choose to live here because of the freedom this area provides and that’s something many of us truly cherish. …

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Freedom (Part 1)

I suppose I ought to save this for July 4th or some other patriotic holiday, but it’s been on my mind a lot lately, so I wanted to share it with you now. As a first for this column I’m going to make this the first of two parts since I have a lot to say on this subject. I’ve …

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Desert, Dust, & Horsepower

  What a wonderful weekend of wild off-road racing! If I’m being completely honest it was a very intense week full of preparations, planning, and execution of community events. One of these events was the 6th Annual Parker Downtown Experience. Over the past six years this event has quickly grown to be one of the largest, most highly attended functions …

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Why good relationships take work

The other day I heard someone quote from Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet The Crisis, published on December 23rd, 1776. You know, the one that starts, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” That’s the part we always hear quoted and usually that’s about all we hear from it, other than the line about “summer soldiers.” But it turns out …

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Spending time, the limited resource, wisely

Well it’s January which means another year is beginning. Another year? Sheesh – I was just getting used to the last one! I hate to sound so clichéd but where on earth does the time go? I know as you age, your experience of time changes. I’ve experienced that myself and have plenty of testimony from friends to back that …

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