
Take a gander at the baggage train

We are neck deep in the holiday season and for a lot of people the stress is starting to take its toll. Isn’t it ironic (to quote another song) how human beings can somehow take a season designated as joyful, uplifting and meaningful and turn it into a debt-inducing, commercialized, stress-riddled, over-indulgent, month-long marathon? It says a lot about human …

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TOURISM TALK: Holidays & Happenings

Holidays and Happenings Take a quick look in your refrigerator and you’ll notice all the full Tupperware containers. This can mean only one thing; Thanksgiving is over. (Other signs include your house no longer resembling a parking lot and your sister’s kids are no longer spilling stuff on your couch.) Yes, Thanksgiving weekend is behind us, but its memories will …

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Engines and choppers and gunfire: a Parker Thanksgiving

A parade of big motor-bearing machines rumble along one behind another on a dirt road at sunset, a cloud of dust kicked up by giant tires with deep treads. On one side, a row of people are lined up gleefully shooting machine guns and pistols. On the other, a silver helicopter suddenly lunges over a ridge and down over the …

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November: The Holidays Begin

When you stop to think about it, we celebrate a lot of holidays in America. Just like everywhere else I guess. It seems that people have a deep-seated desire to stop and mark important dates or times and significant or meaningful events. As we enter November and December we are entering what most people call “the holiday season.” Not that …

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TOURISM TALK: #cooldown2014

#cooldown2014 Josh Savino- Tourism Coordinator-Parker Area Tourism Take a step outside right around sunset and you’ll immediately realize that the season has changed. Gone are the days of triple digit heat and 90+ degree nights. Yes, it is officially Fall and with that comes an entirely different breed of tourist: Winter Visitors. Winter Visitors flock to the desert southwest annually …

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On the Edge

One of the things I like to do to amuse myself is to listen carefully to how people talk. I enjoying hearing new catchphrases come into use and then watch them as they fade away. Some phrases are short-lived, like the long lost “tubular” of the 1980’s, but others seem to take on a life of their own. Occasionally, just …

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Summer is Over?


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The power of small changes

September marks the beginning of a seasonal change here on the river as we move into Fall. It used to be marked with school starting as well, but today we do that in August. It does begin a cool down, however long and slow it may be. Change is one of those topics that seem to show off our human foibles and a lot of …

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Rediscover the value of working for love

One of the things about Parker and the Parker Strip that doesn’t get talked about very often is the romance that goes on around here. By this I do not mean the romance of being under the open sky with the stars shining brightly and the coyotes yip, yip, yipping under a full moon. Instead I’m talking about romance in …

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12 reasons I love Parker, AZ

I was working in San Francisco last weekend. When I’m out of town and people ask what part of Arizona I live in, I usually say something like, “West side, a stone’s throw from California.” If they keep talking I add something like, “South of Lake Havasu”, assuming even that would be a stretch. But it’s amazing how many people …

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