Blame game over Yakima news

Yesterday’s article at Parker Live on the news of Yakima’s writ of attachment against public funds has provoked much reaction from the public.

At around lunchtime, the traffic to this site overloaded a remote server on which the site is hosted, and was shut down for over 90 minutes. This was resolved in cooperation with InMotion who beefed up the software running the server to deal with the extra traffic. The interest in this story came as no surprise to the many who are directly affected by the news.

Meanwhile, blame for the news was being transferred in the comments sections, much of it laid at the door of the current County Board of Supervisors, who are seen by many as not having been proactive enough in settling with Yakima.

Others blamed local media, including KLPZ, which runs Parker Live, for not being effective enough at keeping the Yakima issue a priority in the news. KLPZ’s Keith Learn took to the airwaves in response this morning, inviting listeners to call with their gripes in a satirical ‘Blame Game’. Listeners called one after another, blaming KLPZ for everything from the weather to power outages to the price of fuel.

This morning, employees of the County, Fire Districts, School Districts and other entities are waiting in anticipation of a meeting today about the financial situation. The meeting will take place at 1:30pm at the La Paz County Superior Court.


  1. I blame Keith for global cooling! It’s 22 in Bouse. The dang wind — also Keith’s fault! — knocked down my plant-blankies and my aloe vera crops froze. All Keith’s fault!
    John, thank you for the blog space.

  2. Does KLPZ do news or do they only do satire?

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