Harold Smith pleads guilty to attempting to molest his grandchild, to get lifetime probation

Harold Smith, a Parker man who was charged almost 4 years ago with crimes relating to sexually abusing his grandchild, has accepted a plea agreement from the state prosecutor. He will be given lifetime probation with sex offender conditions, lifetime registration as a sex offender and no jail up front.

Smith, 73, was initially offered a plea deal back in 2019 that involved significant prison time. But the case has gone through the court system at a snail’s pace, and Smith’s poor health, victim input and other factors may have made the administration of justice more complicated.

Smith was initially arrested after the victim told her therapist about the abuse, which had allegedly happened when she was between 9 and 15 years old. Her therapist encouraged her to tell others about it and she told her dad Micah, who called the Arizona Department of Public Safety, setting off a chain reaction within the family. At first it seemed that the family were united in their revulsion at the allegations.

But Micah told Parker Live that since then, some things have changed.

“The plea agreement is not justice,” he said. “I believe that the victim is being manipulated. I spoke with her and she said she had been visiting the defendant at his residence. She also informed me that she had contacted the County Attorney and asked for a lighter sentence.”

Smith pled guilty to Attempted Molestation of a Child, a Dangerous Crime Against Children and Attempted Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, a Dangerous Crime Against Children. He will serve lifetime probation and be registered as a sex offender. If he violates probation, Smith could be sentenced to prison for between 5 and 30 years.

County Attorney Tony Rogers said he can’t speak publicly about the specifics of what went into the plea.

“Many factors are considered in determining whether to offer a plea agreement in a case, and the terms of any such agreement,” he told Parker Live. “The facts and circumstances of each case, including evidence of guilt against a defendant, evidence which may support a mitigated sentence, and victim input are just a few of the factors that are considered. Out of respect for all individuals involved, to maintain the integrity of the criminal justice process, and in accordance with State Bar of Arizona Rules of Professional Responsibility Ethical Rule 3.6, our office does not comment regarding the basis for a resolution in a specific case.”

Rogers said his office continues to take its responsibility to crime victims and the greater community very seriously.

Smith’s sentencing was due to be held this Friday, but has now been rescheduled for a date to be determined.

Parker Live’s original story on Harold Smith can be found HERE.


  1. I can think of a much stiffer sentence. What is wrong with our justice system? This little more than a slap on the wrist.

  2. He will do it again. Then what another slap on the wrist? The justice system is weak unless you do something like drive on your phone or roll a stop sign. Then you are in cuffs on the ground.

  3. Wow, the system is so corrupt it’s not even funny anymore but they wanna throw the book at innocent ppl!

  4. So the grandchild suffers for life & he gets off with probation.
    No justice here.
    Who was the judge?

  5. His own grandchild … flabbergasted horrible human Harold!

  6. Wow, this is not acceptable period!!

  7. Disgusting. This country has FAILED CHILDREN for decades and it keeps getting worse.

  8. The grandchild gets the life sentence and he gets a slap on the wrist. No justice so wrong.

  9. When a human turns into an animal and a predator they need to be put down…. period

  10. Mr. Tony Rogers your office goes after low level offenders with vigor prosecuting miniscule violations over and over like a married couple who gets into a verbal argument, but for a child molestor there is no jail and you do not have the courtesy to explain to the people who vote for you and live in your territory why you did that hiding behind lawyer rules that do not apply.

  11. He needs a dirt nap 👉 🤯

  12. That’s sounds like Parker they let them off all the time

  13. No jail time are you kidding me? You get more for a marijuana charge now a days. Why aren’t we protecting our children?!

  14. Such bs. White privileges continues

  15. Lifetime probation, NO jail time! Letting him go free so he can molest, AGAIN! WTH is wrong with the judge and jury! Why even waste the time and money to take him to court! smdh

  16. Prayers for the grandchild who will continue to need love and support 🙏

  17. Is it lifetime double secret probation like Animal House with 0.00 jail?

  18. An expose on why child predators are allowed to walk free in this county needs to be made. From beginning to end, this pedophile has had his hand held by the system. It’s possible this child predator isn’t working alone.

  19. Watch your kids this type of behavior doesn’t change

  20. Rogers can’t even call victims back more less take them seriously.

  21. That’s disgusting how could the judge agree to that?

  22. Harold Smith.. AKA…”Smity” Needs to be thrown in prison for the rest of his life. Then he can be some-“bun”-ys honey and knows how it feels to be raped! Give me a break with he’s in poor health? He’s been seen in other cites just fine walking around going to dinner /shopping without a cane or wheelchair. Which he portrays he can’t walk when he comes into court. It’s also a coincidence that his wife worked at the sheriffs office years ago and knows workers at the court house in Parker. So I believe conflict of interest & he got off with a slap on the wrist. I feel for this grandchild the nightmares and the suffering she is still going through & will go through the rest of her life. She should get some type of restitution even though nothing will ever amount for what he did. And who knows who else he did this to also? Are there other cousins or neighbor kids? But now he’s back on the streets! I pray for healing for Micah and the rest of the family that are involved with this sick disgusting Monster. Our justice system is a joke.

  23. Guys it says he excepted a plea agreement from the state prosecutor. The state prosecutor put a plea on the table and he excepted it. I’ll just leave that open for discussion.

  24. Rogers needs to be removed. To not prosecute a drunk driver who hits a family of three and flees the scene, and now slapping a pedo on the hand for ruining a child’s life.. Shame on you..

  25. Let’s hope he get’s to live next to the prosecutor, maybe he’ll think twice about those B.S. offers.

  26. This is disgusting 🤮

  27. More & more it seems like they let these horrors happen…


  28. Cut his pecker off too

  29. His victim contacted the court asking for a lighter sentence for him! 🤯

  30. He has years of working for the county as does another family member, the court protect their families.

  31. Shame on you!! Hope you’re haunted by this!🤬

  32. This makes me sick! This guy needs to take a long walk out in the desert and think about what he has done. And not come back!

  33. David Page Sr. i’m not even surprised david smh parker jurisdiction is trash i can’t believe the judge actually let this slide.

  34. Tina Leivas not saying I agree or disagree but the plea agreements are agreements put together between the prosecutor and the defense not a judge and jury.

  35. Kyndra Mareesa Aguirre true, however, it is up to the judge to immediately accept or reject the terms of the agreement, or they may defer their decision until after the presentence report.

  36. Such an injustice not only to the victim but our entire family. Judge Quickle, prosecutor Rachel Shackleford and county attorney Tony Rogers have allowed this case to drag out for over 3 years. The abuse on the victim started at age 8 and no doubt will continue for a lifetime. The abuse ranged from rape to having images/photos.

    This case started with 21 FELONIES and now it’s down to 2 ATTEMPTED charges. All the while the county attorney has more evidence to add charges but chose not to.

    After all this time, jury trial was set to start last week and go through this week. The victim has been going to my dad’s/mom’s house for some time now. They’re obviously STILL manipulating the victim!! No one in their right mind would visit their abuser. My mom and dad manipulated the victim so much that she did in fact contact the county attorneys office and asked for ANOTHER plea agreement to be offered.

    Which brings us to where we are now. Because Smith has no previous convictions it’s VERY likely he will only receive probation.

    These are your elected officials La Paz County. Officials that will give a child rapist probation! Smith has been out of jail during this entire process! Sex offenders do not rehabilitate. I truly believe that, they hone their disgusting skills and get better at hiding their sick lifestyles. Wonder how many other victims are out there? Wonder why the county attorney has been SO lenient with a child rapist?

  37. How can we protect our children if he is free!

  38. Horrible just horrible!!

  39. Hungry predator that can’t stop.His own blood!!!!! Animal’s don’t do this shit.At 6 yrs I found out.Bastard’s and Bitches in control of our law.Nothing for the child or the parents.

  40. Just remember who to vote for for county attorney

  41. Durand Martin well that is such an intelligent response too. Wait the the county attorney is BLACK!!!! Now your facts. Our county attorney is weak. And the victim is white and the dad is white. So how is this white privilege again???? Asking for the victim

  42. A PLEA AGREEMENT ?!? At 73 you’re saying “lifetime” as if it means anything. This man is 73 and his justice should be sitting in a fucking cell. Has he been sitting in jail for 4yrs ?!?! Pfff doubt it. #DOBETTER

  43. What!!??
    And what about that poor grandchild??? They have a lifetime of problems ahead of them. God help our grandkids!! And any future generations This world is going down the toilet . Glad i am not raising kids today

  44. Lifetime probation my ass, he needs to be in prison, general population for the rest of his life!

  45. Sounds like a Gascon deal wth is wrong with prison!!!! This is such a CA deal unbelievable

  46. If a man molests his grandchild in the woods and no one is there to hear it did he molest his grandchild?

  47. Scott Dunlap no one asked

  48. David Page Sr. The grandchild asked for a lighter sentence if you read the article. I can’t believe that either. As a victim of SA myself I’d say ha*g the bastard.

  49. Dennis Robinson

    A couple years back Tony Rogers’ team successfully prosecuted a father (aka scumbag) responsible for killing his own daughter.

    Maybe cut him a little slack.

  50. There’s a reason my granddaughter asked for a lighter sentence and it’s definitely not for him! And she’s not being manipulated or seeing the defendant like her dad and Aunt Kassie have said. They have to remember that she was the victim and whatever decision she makes they should be supportive instead of ridiculing her.

  51. Because of his health he was basically given an opportunity..?! What a joke! I hope his health deteriorates fast and is gone sooner then later!

  52. Well if it were my grandchild or great grandchild, he would only have to register one time, and his probation would be really short

  53. amputate his appendage without morphine.

  54. It’s horrible my granddaughter had to go through this. And now to read these comments. Especially by her Aunt Kassie. There is a reason my granddaughter asked for this plea agreement. Whether I agreed with her decision or not, I stll supported her decision. SHE was the victim. Nobody else was that we’re aware of. She is not being manipulated by them and she is not visiting the defendant. She has been seeing her grandmother who is very ill. He is nowhere around. Unfortunately there’s only a handful that support my granddaughters decision but she really doesn’t care. She did what she did to help with her healing and move on. Until one knows the full story don’t be so quick to judge.

  55. The victim in a case does not make the decision, the victim only has input. The final decision rests with the elected county attorney (Tony Rogers) and no one else. Are we now going to say that whatever the victim wants the victim gets? If that is the case let’s abandon the system we have and open up the La Paz County peoples court where each case is given to panel of citizens who decide how a criminal case is resolved.

  56. Belinda Ray, your granddaughter, my niece is in fact being manipulated. She asked for ANOTHER plea agreement so my dad could be out of prison to take care of my dying mom. A mom who has denied all these charges even though she was told my my niece. What a guilt trip, to use my dying mom to keep his own butt out of prison. And you and my niece think Micah and I are the bad guys in this situation?!? Why because we do t forgive child rape and the hiding of it???

    You poll a group of people anywhere and ask if they would return to the suspects house where all these horrible things occurred and see what you find.

    I’m NOT ridiculing my niece whatsoever. Just stating the facts, she can’t see she’s being manipulated because of her love for my mother.

    Micah and I’ve been to almost ALL the court cases, which is more than I can say for anyone else.

  57. It seems to me that some of the people commenting are being very short-sighted with their decision making.
    More than 1 life was changed in the blink of an eye with the defendants choices. With this plea agreement it not only leaves this predator on the streets, it gives no closure. Mitigating circumstances should not decide this case. Me being father of the victim and son of the predator I know this case well.

  58. And the sentencing set for this afternoon has been rescheduled for August, why? No fricken clue

  59. Belinda, if your granddaughter isn’t being manipulated, then why are you speaking for her? Keep in mind victims often form trauma bonds with their abusers, so stop referring to her asking for leniency as the victim’s “choice”. As stated by “the professor” the victim doesn’t choose the outcome, so noone is blaming her anyhow. As a grandparent, you should set an example by calling out this child rapist and predator instead of calling out family members who are asking for justice. You might be trying to protect your granddaughter but encouraging her to visit a child predator’s accomplice is like leading her to a lion’s den. Make better choices.

  60. Kassie and Micah, she don’t need this type of s*$t right now, maybe if you reached out to her instead of her always reaching out to you and not making such horrible comments to her regarding to what happened to her she wouldn’t have written you off per say. The girl has in fact has got a good head on her shoulders. She is very smart and intelligent and wants to get past this and she is. Yes, I, myself did not agree with her but as her aunt she is my blood and I will support her decision I don’t care what ppl think. And if I had it my way …..fill in the blanks .. Surprised you didn’t do nothing to him Micah considering he harmed your child but then again both you and my sister are at fault somewhat for what happened in my opinion, you both are selfish and narcissist individuals. I said what I said. You can’t change a child’s love for their grandmother whether or not they claimed they didn’t know what was going on. She loves her grandmother and she can careless about him, he takes care of your mother and that’s it. And she knows both of them will be dealt with by the higher up. Most ppl may not agree with me and that’s fine, Im here to defend my niece and support her, just because I haven’t been to every court hearing regarding this doesn’t mean I haven’t followed it, and just because you have Kassie doesn’t make you a saint, you may not agree to her decisions but she has always needed the support system of family, going to court for every hearing don’t mean too much when really for any abuse victim it’s the emotional support that matters the most. Anyways I’ve said my peace in this.

  61. Listen Jules, I am not encouraging my granddaughter to visit the accomplice. She’s an adult and she would have went over there regardless of what I said. She has been estranged from her parents and aunt way before this plea agreement came about. I may not like that she’s visiting her grandmother, but as family she has no one else. What did you want me to do? Kick her to the curb? As a grandparent I have set an example by calling out the rapist. But I will not turn my back on her like everyone else has. As far as forming a trauma bond with her abuser, I don’t think so. She doesn’t visit the abuser. She sees her grandmother. Yes, the one who denies all the charges who will have to answer to a higher power when she dies. Victims choice? Like Kassie said, she did ask for another plea agreement. Didn’t have to be approved by the county attorney, but it was. It’s also unfortunate the State didn’t bring up the other charges against him. They could have at least addressed them but chose not to. Don’t know why and we may never know why.

  62. The bottom line is the fact that a child rapist is going to get off with probation. Probation for a lifetime of hurt for multiple lives.
    And let’s not forget the other nameless victims. What about their justice, where’s their support??? Certainly not given by the county attorneys office.

    Whatever the other issues are, obviously our family doesn’t agree on and that’s fine. We all don’t have to agree, I can have my opinion and no one has to like it.

    Heather Ray you’re totally entitled to your opinion as well. No one else has to like it, as long as you sleep well at that that’s really all that matters. But, I am at a loss for how I’ve said all these horrible things about my niece, when and where did I do that??? Certainly not in anything you’ve read here. And I’m at a loss as to how I written my niece off??

    Never said I was a saint, those are your words Heather Ray. Would’ve been nice to see other family members go to court more than twice but I’m sure there’s an excuse for that as well.
    Especially when you and your mom live here in Parker. Again, my opinion.

    Obviously Heather your interest in all this is solely our niece, which is fine, that’s all you can relate to. You have no idea what it is to walk in my shoes, so don’t even try. Support comes in many shapes and forms. Not just being present in court but giving statements in court. Let’s not forget phone calls to the county attorneys office, to the clerks office, to the attorney generals office in Phoenix, to the DPS Investigator who handled the case, as well as emails to most of those offices. I did support my niece and I was there for her until she didn’t want me there.

  63. County Attorney, Tony Rogers, agreed to a plea that included dropping 21 felony charges against an admitted child rapist. Considering the charges, this was likely not the only victim.

    In this case, the child rapist’s wife denied the abuse and supported the abuser when she had other options. In other words, she gaslighted (manipulated) the victim, and set an example that the child rapist is safe to be around. Gaslighting a victim (denying reality) is a form of manipulation and abuse. Why is that hard to understand?

    Nobody is suggesting the victim should be “dropped” by her family members. She should have the support of her family, regardless of why she asked for leniency. People are suggesting the state failed to take action in preventing further abuse, and it did. The state also failed to provide justice for the unnamed victims. This isn’t the known victim’s fault. It’s the state’s.

  64. I’d like to star off by thanking everyone in the comment section, awareness is key and we all should be aware of this situation. Now is a time that we as Americans should stand together against this injustice. Bringing light to a very dark situation we can all grow together and keep our children safe. My family that still matters will never rest on this subject. Thank you all for your time and if you need me, I’m not hard to find.

  65. hire Loraina Bobbitt…this absolutely revolting!!…

  66. Trinity Scott Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  67. Lisa Lucas Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  68. Lori Reese Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  69. Tammy Hiatt Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  70. Beverly L Bonney Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  71. Susie Angel Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  72. Linda Soyland Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  73. Donna Franklin Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  74. SharonandPat Moore Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  75. Stacy O’Brien Wahl Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  76. Ginny Clem Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  77. Trisha Andrade Good day, How are you and your family doing today, your post are wonderful, but we’re not friend on Facebook, I sent you a request but it didn’t go through, please send me a request or send me a message on messenger let’s be friends if you don’t mind.

  78. Sick SOB makes you wonder how many others victims
    In his past and now with such a BS offer there will be more. 😡🤬

  79. Hang Em no loss there

  80. That’s not going to help the kid/kids he’s already molested & will continue to molest. You think it was his First time at his A.G.E

  81. Just look into who his family is and if she… oops, I mean, they… might possibly have been employed by the county. Must be nice to be able to have a free get out of jail card.

  82. Should be jailed for life!

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