Detours & Downpours Mid-Summer Storm Gives Motorists Best Detour Ever Showers and thunderstorms dumped 6.7 inches of rain in the drought-stricken region of Desert Center Sunday, July 19th. The storm produced 1.5 inches of rain an hour resulting in flash flooding that lead to the collapse of the Tex Wash bridge in the eastbound lane of Interstate 10. Detours were …
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Veterans needs being addressed like never before
The needs of military veterans are being addressed in La Paz County in unprecedented ways this year, including the formation of a special court for qualifying veterans who get in trouble with the legal system and new efforts in offering health care to veterans in Parker. There are an estimated 3,500 veterans living in La Paz County at any given …
Read More »Woman dies in custody in Parker
An woman has died in jail in Parker, according to a statement by La Paz County Sheriff’s Office. On Saturday morning (July 25th, 2015) an officer performing routine security checks at the La Paz County Detention Facility found Beverly Pool, 54, unresponsive in her cell. She was later pronounced deceased by emergency responders. Pool, a resident of Parker, AZ, had …
Read More »To The Editor: Who is blocking desert trails?
Here’s an email from a mountain biker. “For the last few winters I’ve been biking on the trails around the Mineral Mine Road — just past where Shea Road turns into the Bill Williams Highway. This is a popular area with ATVs and motorcycles, although it is not part of the main off-road area. It is all a long way …
Read More »Arizona DPS to get a new look. What do you think?
The Arizona state police agency, the Department of Public Safety, is to get a re-branding with new colors, according to the Arizona Capitol Times. Officers with the department are no longer being called ‘officers’ either and will now be referred to as ‘troopers’. DPS will be getting 90 new vehicles soon, so it was a good time to update the …
Read More »Water Grab?
Here on the Parker Strip, we’re Arizonans and we’re Californians. The river we call home straddles the state line joining these two great states. Our diverse community lives on both sides of the river and holds many connections to the metropolitan areas on either side of us: to Los Angeles, Orange County, the Inland Empire and San Diego to our …
Read More »I-10 closure: here’s what you need to know
UPDATE 2: I-10 is to be reopened on Friday, according to Caltrans, using the westbound lanes for two-way traffic. This will provide one lane in each direction while construction work continues on the bridge on the eastbound lanes. UPDATE: Traffic in Parker has become heavy and slow due to the detour, but relief is coming. CA-177 has been reopened, which …
Read More »Parker weather: Storm rolls in
UPDATE 3:48pm – Highway 72 near Bouse, AZ is reportedly already closed after flash flooding across the desert. One to two inches of rain are possible this weekend as more moisture moves into the Parker area and across the region. Clear skies in Parker gave way to dramatic cloud cover by early Friday afternoon, with wind picking up along the …
Read More »Viewfinder: FLOG 2015
KLPZ’s annual FLOG tournament, aka Baseball Golf, took place Saturday morning at Emerald Canyon Golf Course. The wacky 9-hole scramble is in its 15th year, and brought the usual hilarity, costumes, competition and insanity. Each July the tournament offers players the chance to swing baseball bats at a golf course, and to use them like pool cues on the greens. …
Read More »Viewfinder: Why bring one when you can…
…well, stack ’em?
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