Things are changing quickly. State, national and global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic are coming at us fast, and people are being asked to stay at home except for necessary reasons. Yesterday, we published a widely-shared op-ed on why people should not be congregating in the Parker area or treating it as a vacation, but rather heading home and following …
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OP-ED: A pandemic isn’t the time for a Parker vacation
Friends, you don’t need me to tell you that we’re having an unprecedented moment in our world. Nobody alive today has seen anything like the crisis we are experiencing across the globe. You know the old saying, ‘Follow the money’? The reaction of every market on earth to the coronavirus pandemic tells us a lot about how serious it is; …
Read More »Superior Court to remain open but minimize in-person interaction
The La Paz County Superior Court is going to remain open to the public but will implement measures to minimize in-person interactions in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Clerk’s office will not be accepting cash for court-related payments, but rather money orders and credit card payments. No new passport applications will be processed and renewals may be …
Read More »County declares emergency
The La Paz County Board of Supervisors adopted a proclamation declaring a state of emergency in the County. According to the County, the declaration has nothing to do with a finding of a COVID-19 case in La Paz County, but will allow the County to request additional resources and potential mutual aid from other political sub-divisions and entities. The declaration …
Read More »Most Parker stores are out of paper supplies and wipes, restocks do happen
According to data from the La Paz County Health Department, most Parker area stores are currently out of paper supplies and wipes, but restocks do happen regularly. Other items are restocked too, but not at a level that keeps up with demand. Walmart does not limit the number of toilet paper items or wipes people can buy, and is partially …
Read More »County enters solar agreement after BLM purchase announcement
La Paz County, in partnership with a world-renowned solar development firm, announced today an Economic Development Agreement for 4,000 acres of land as a solar energy site that will produce up to 850 megawatts of energy. “This major success is the culmination of over four years of effort by the County,” a press release said. “This effort would not have …
Read More »DL Wilson to retire as Supervisor, leaves seat open in election
La Paz County District 1 Supervisor D.L. Wilson will retire after his term is up at the end of the year, he told the Board Monday. The announcement leaves his seat open in this year’s election. Wilson had previously ‘pulled papers’ in the election, indicating his intention to run again. But in Monday’s announcement, he told the Board he is …
Read More »Tribes implements employee work travel ban, declares emergency
UPDATE: The Tribal Council declared an emergency with regard coronavirus in addition to the other things announced this week. — The Colorado River Indian Tribes has implemented a nonessential travel ban for employees in an effort to prevent the spread of coronavirus. An employee travel ban is now in effect, with a directive issued on March 11th to all tribal …
Read More »La Paz County has been offered BLM land for solar development
La Paz County announced today that the Bureau of Land Management has provided an “Offer of Conveyance” for the County to purchase 5,889 acres of BLM land for solar development. Upon acceptance of the offer and payment at fair market value the County will receive a patent to the property located near Interstate 10 and Hovatter Road. Calling it a “major …
Read More »COLUMN: The declutter is worth the mutter
Have you ever thought about doing something for years? You saw the need and felt a certain amount of urgency to do it, yet somehow still kept putting it off? If your answer is yes then I’ve got some bad news for you – you are like me! Frightening, I know. But in the last month or so I actually …
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