New hotel, dining and retail planned for Alewine property


Parker is to get a Hampton Inn and Suites with dining and new retail, according to the plans for the Alewine property on Riverside Drive acquired by a hospitality property developer.

The plan for the property is in multiple phases, according to La Paz County Economic Development Corporation CEO Skip Becker and Parker Town Mayor Dan Beaver. Phase One is a 66-room Hampton Inn hotel by Hilton with dining. They say this phase will hire 20 permanent employees. The second phase will add retail to the property, with the potential of 30 to 50 more jobs. Further phases are still in the works. The total capital investment is projected to run between $10 – $15 million.

Becker and Beaver said the town and county will benefit from the permanent job positions created, the improvement to Riverside Drive and the many construction jobs that will be available while the project gets off the ground. They also cited future revenues from additional bed tax and sales tax.

The property sat dormant for years after the old furniture store on the corner closed, and was eventually demolished after a series of fires within the past couple of years. The purchase of the property by the Town of Parker was a move designed to allow them control of the sale to the right developer, which the Town Council feels they’ve accomplished with this development.

Economic Development board chair Roberta Hoffman said she is “thrilled” by “the selection of the Hampton Inn part of the Hilton hotel group. These people have been in the hotel business for a long time, and they don’t make many mistakes in the selection of the right hotel for the area.”

Becker added that there were serious talks with at least 4 different developers interested in the property. “We brought many ideas to the Town of Parker,” he said. He added that Parker holds a high interest for developers. “We solicited people through every avenue. … This process started in February of last year.”

Beaver said he is proud of the vision the council has had. “There’s so much work to do here in Parker,” he said, citing programs the Town would like to offer and other ways the Town would like to improve life for residents. “Without increasing our revenues those things become pretty hard. Today is a great day to live and work in the Town of Parker.”

While there is a target date for the project to begin, Becker said they would announce it when it is closer.

Watch the replay of the announcement on KLPZ 1380am here (on available devices):


  1. Brian Alan

    Dining will b great (y)

  2. Lillian Hunter

    That’s awesome, hospitality brings in alot of revenue

  3. Lillian Hunter

    Lisa Tsosie I’m sure they will be needing a sales or night auditor.

  4. Mark Valenzuela

    Parker needed more hotels. With the right retail in place, this will be a benefit to Parker.

  5. Steve Joor

    It’s about time. 🙂

  6. Al Lytle

    Lots of housekeeping jobs!

  7. Parker Live Updates

    On Riverside Drive south of Western Park.

  8. Sharon Butters

    Dont’ see Parker really needing another motel, restaurant or retail. With enough money behind it maybe it will survive. Will wait and see.

  9. Parker Live Updates

    It’s worth noting that the same things were said about a larger casino, a Walmart store, another supermarket, etc. All of them have worked out very well. As far as I know the numbers for this project establish a need. But like you say, we’ll wait and see!

  10. Marty Gaither

    I for one am glad that’s coming in everytime I try to get room at the casino or any of the other motels they’re booked up so maybe this will help a little.

  11. Lawny Reese-Caracci

    Im really happy for the very nice addition to parker. I personally feel it will bring more people to town and therfore shop, eat, and have fun. As long as we can keep them here. Most of us know what i mean about that without having to mention it. But hey, how about a shout out to us small mom and pop business’ s that have been contributing to the town for years. For ex: crossroads cafe, been here since 2003, have never been given as much attention as I’ve heard recently about this alewine property. Actually, no attention. We employ over 40 permanent full time jobs and bring in just to the town of parker $5,000 to $6,000 per month in sales tax revenue; not to include state and federal taxes. It would b nice to hear mention of where the aprox $67,000.00 a year the town of parker is receiving from crossroads has been spent. Been providing these over 40 permanent jobs now for 11years without recognition from the town. So, its nice to see you feel you deserve a shout out or pat on the back for your recent accomplishments, but “HELLO” we are all still in business and workin our butts off to contribute the success of Parker.

  12. This was ‘THE BIG SECRET” !! Give me a break !! most people had already guessed a hotel and restaurant of some sort !!

  13. Andy Neill

    Outstanding news – congrats to the Team whom delivered this one

  14. Jennifer Jones

    Hooray! More minimum wage jobs! At least it’s now public who bought the property, as it should have been when the deal was negotiated.

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