Town seeking contractors for water line replacement


The Town of Parker says it will be replacing approximately 1,200 feet of water lines in the town, and is seeking qualified contractors to do the work.

The Town has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant through the State of Arizona Department of Housing, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Responses to the Town’s Request for Qualifications (RFQ) must be received by September 3rd at 10am.

Full RFQ attached below.


The Town of Parker (the “Town”) is issuing this Request For Qualifications (this “RFQ”) seeking Statements of Qualifications (“SOQ”) from qualified, licensed firms (“Contractors”) uniquely qualified to provide professional services design and construction management. The Town has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant through the State of Arizona Department of Housing funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the purpose of replacing of approximately 1,200 feet of water line including appurtenances, appropriate connections to pipes along side streets and abandonment of old pipe along the designated route (the “Project”).

The successful bidder will be responsible for performing all project related necessary engineering services to develop all preliminary and final construction plans and specifications and bid documents, including but not limited to engineering, surveying, documentation of existing conditions, etc. Additionally, the Contractor will provide interim and final inspections in order to ensure construction according to specifications.

This Request for Qualifications is issued August 5, 2015. Parties interested in submitting a response to this RFQ will have until 10:00 AM Mountain Standard Time Thursday, September 3, 2015 at which time they will be publicly opened and read. SOQs will be accepted at Town Hall, 1314 11th Street, Parker Arizona.

The Town will conduct a pre-bid conference and site inspection on August 27, 2015 beginning at 10:00 a.m. Interested bidders should meet at Parker Town Hall, 1314 W. 11th Street, Parker Arizona, which is fully accessible. Individuals with special accessibility needs, may contact the Public Works Department, (928) 669-9265, or e-mail at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Information regarding this RFQ can be obtained from the Public Works Department at 1314 11th Street, or call (928) 669-9265.

The Town of Parker reserves the right to reject any or all SOQs and/or waive any defect in SOQs and to accept any SOQ which it shall deem to be in the best interest of the Town.


  1. I hope they choose better than whoever it was that did the “coating” on the streets in town. What an absolute joke that was. Sometimes the lowest bidder isn’t the best choice!

  2. True, lowest price doesn’t buy baby’s new shoes.

    With Alex Graft and Dan the Scam Field in charge, what could possibly to wrong?

    Has anyone noticed County Gubermint looks like Quartzsite used to?

    Nothing to see here folks, moooove along……..

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