Mock car accident Friday

Parker Police Department sent out the below message announcing a multi-agency mock fatality drill at Joe Bush Stadium this Friday, April 18th.


Within the next couple of months, high school prom, graduation as well as 8th grade promotions and Memorial Day will be upon us. These special occasions, rites of passage and the holiday weekend are usually marked by celebrations. Parker Police Department would like to remind our community as a whole the dangers of drinking and driving and the use of illegal drugs. As a community we need to invest time in our youth and educate them on the consequences of underage drinking, driving while intoxicated as well as the damage it does to our bodies. Investing time within our community is beneficial to all of us.

Friday April 18th, Parker PD will host a multi-agency mock fatality drill at Joe Bush Stadium. Parker PD Officers and Explorers along with Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) PD, La Paz Regional Hospital, Greg Bachman – Coordinator for Public Health & Emergency Response Program, American Medical Response, Careflight and Native Air, Parker and Buckskin Fire Departments, Parker Funeral Home, A Toe-Truck and the Parker High School Study Body and Staff will all be a part of this event. This event educates the students as well as all the participants on the long lasting effects of underage drinking and drunk driving. Following the drill, PHS Interact Club with give a brief awareness demonstration regarding driving safety, targeting texting and driving.

Being convicted of DUI related offenses can be either misdemeanor however some are felonies. If convicted of a felony you could lose certain rights, the right to vote, bear arms. Both misdemeanor and felony convictions carry heavy fines and jail time. You could lose your driver’s license in some cases and may be required to have an interlock device in your vehicle(s). Being arrested for certain DUI Laws also allows law enforcement to impound your vehicle for up to thirty days where you will be required to pay administrative fees (minimum $150.00) as well as towing & storage fees.

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