Parker Treasure Hunt: December


The Parker Treasure Hunt is back! Clues will go out on KLPZ 1380am’s morning show every day, and then on this page (below) one day later. You’re looking for an item, hidden within Parker city limits, which has Lane’s logo on it. You can bring it to Lane’s and trade it for $200 if you find it. Good luck!


12/2 – It is here, it could be there, drive by and give it a stare.

12/5 – Could it be, yes it might, wonder why it looks so right.

12/6 – You can drive, you can walk, you can sit a spell and just talk.

12/7 – Tell me this, I wonder why, there is nothing close that you can buy.

12/8 – Why must you worry, haven’t seen the place? Close by is a building where you can find grace.

12/9 – Look all around town, look high and low, I love it at night, it has a nice glow.

12/12 – I once hear a sound, it was quite clear, a song it was, I can be found hiding quite near.

12/13 – Did you see the place before its new look? You won’t find me hiding inside a book.

12/14 – 200 dollars? Tell me it’s so, soon it will have new things that grow.

12/15 – If you need to get married, this might be the place, it has a fun venue you could never replace.

12/16 – I am hiding just under the ground, keep looking and looking and walking around.

12/19 – Do you like this place? We have worked here a lot. I once had lunch here, it was 12 on 21

And there’s a winner! “Linda and Russell” found the prize marker buried in the sand at the swing set at Pop Harvey Park. Thanks for playing, everyone! More in January.


  1. Exhausted Hunter...

    Does Lane check to see if it is still in its spot? I think someone found it and didnt know what it was….

  2. We’ve been assured the marker is still there! Just checked with Lane.

  3. Angela Nez

    Ohhhh I know where it is!

  4. Did you find it Angela Nez?

  5. Angela Nez

    Nope I don’t want to go out there – it’s not my hood lol

  6. Angela Nez

    Someone probably call the cops…

  7. Hello, I saw this online. I think you should focus on Pop Harvey Park. I live in Boston, MA and unfortunately Google Earth doesn’t have recent imagery for the park. It is just showing the older, pre-renovation park. But I think maybe you walk around and kick around some of the sand and maybe the medallion is just slightly buried in the sand. Good Luck! I wish I could go searching.

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